Animal Rights Flashcards
Outline some Buddhist quotes and explain them
1) to not hurt other sentient beings (first precept)
2) right livelihood includes not having a job that exploits animals
3) putting oneself in the place of another, let no one kill nor cause another to kill (dhammapada)
4) in some of his many lifetimes the Buddha gave up his life to help animals
Outline the Christian attitudes to animal use
Christian believe that God gave humans dominion over the world and all in it. This gives them license to use it as they wish, bearing in mind that God, wants them to look after it (stewardship), and will expect it back in good conditions on judgment day. For many Christians, use of animals is acceptable if they have looked after well- humane treatment is key
Outline the Hindu attitude to animal use
Respect for all life is central to Hinduism. Al forms of life have the spare of the divine within them - Ultimate Reality, Brahman. Most Hindus are vegetarian and certain animals are considered very sacred in India, for example cows and monkeys. The law of karma guides people’s behaviour so hurting animals would go against that.
Outline and explain Hindu quotes on animal use
1) avoid harming other sentient beings or forms of life (ahimsa)
2) Hindu worship includes respect for all of nature and many deities are linked to specific animals. Eg shiva and the cobra
3) by avoiding any harm to animals or to nature, humans will come to be ready for eternal life (laws of Manu)
3) it is a dirt if the grihastha stage of life to feed animals
Issues with animals in transport and work
1) this is not their natural life - necessary training is often harsh
2) many beasts of burden are not fed it tested properly and suffer all their lives
Issues with animals in farming
1) animals are not cared properly as they are just products
2) animals are forced to breed and unnatural rates
3) nature versus profit - farming is a business
Issues with animals in sport
1) it’s cruel to force two animals to fight
2) even well kept animals can be slaughtered when they see no longer good enough to
3) the animals get injured
Issues with animals in bullfighting
1) it is cruel
2) the bull dies in great pain over a long time
3) even when a bull is spared, few survive their journey back to their ranch because of poor treatment of fight injuries
Arguments for animals experimentation
Utilitarian view - maximising the greater good for greatest number of people ( if it works)
1) furthers our medical knowledge
2) could save many lives
Issues on animal experimentation
1) it is cruel. Even scientists accept animals suffer - though for greater good
2) there are other alternatives such as using tissue cultures
3) animal genetics and human genetics are different and often reactions are not the Same ( eg the pill to stop morning sickness caused deformity in the baby)
For and against arguments for animals in zoos
1) many zoos are involved in programmes such as helping to re-establish endangered species
1) the animals are not in their natural environment
2) animals in all zoos are caged over night every night (often their most active time in the wild)
3) breeding programmes are very expensive
Define the term cloning and give an example
Cloning is when scientists make an exact replica of something by inserting its DNA into an embryo. This is then replanted in an animals womb to develop.
Most famous is Dolly the Sheep (scientists needed 277 attempts; she loved for six years)
Issues with genetic modification and cloning
1) killing 100s of animals in hope one will love
2) this is playing God, God is the only one with the power to create an destroy lives
3) cheaper to just stop killing endangered animals
Issues with the fur and ivory trades
1) we don’t need fur or Ivory
2) fur farms are very cruel
3) Ivory poaching has endangered whole species of elephant
Outline the Buddhist attitudes to animal use
Buddhism teaches compassion and non violence. Intention behind any act is important; if it is not compassionate, bad karma will result. Animals are part of the whole cycle of rebirth and have a future a as a human so must be respected.