Early Islam Recap Flashcards
What are the Sunni 6 articles of faith?
- The oneness of Allah
- Books of Allah
- Messengers of Allah
- Angels of Allah
- Predestination
- Life after death and the Day of Judgement
What is the word for predestination?
What is akhirah?
Belief in life after death
What are the 5 Shi’a principles of faith?
- The oneness of Allah
- Devine Justice
- Prophethood
- Imams
- Day of Resurrection
What is Usul ad-Din?
The principles of Shi’a faith
What do Sunnis and Shias share beliefs about?
The oneness of Allah
Prophethood and the Day of Judgement
What do Sunnis and Shias disagree about?
The leadership of faith (who succeeded Muhammad) and divine justice
What is the effect of the core Islam beliefs?
Through them they are able to understand all that Allah wants them to know about him, and on what they can rely
They also give Muslims a sense of their own place before Allah and in life, and an understanding of life after death
What is Al-Tawhid?
Oneness of Allah
What is Al-Adl?
Divine justice
What is Al-Nubuwah?
What is Al-Imamah?
What is Al-Maad?
Day of resurrection
What is Tawhid?
There is only one God, and he alone created and sustains the Earth
What are the effects of Tawhid on believers?
- Everything they have is by the will of Allah, so they are completely dependent on him
- Allah is their ultimate provider, so Muslims can be content with their lives
- Anything that happens to them in their lives is as a result of Allah’s will, therefore they should never have anything to fear
- They completely disagree with the Christian understanding of the Trinity, in seeing God as three persons rather than one
What is the name for the sin of placing something above Allah?
Shirk, and it is the greatest sin possible
What is a caliph?
A successor to Muhammad
What does Risalah mean?
Explain the Sunni Shia disagreement over the successor of Muhammad
Sunnis believe the successor of Muhammad was Abu Bakr, whereas Shias believe the successor of Muhammad was Ali
What does Al-Imamah include?
The Shia belief in the first twelve Imams chosen by Allah, beginning with Ali
What happened to the first 11 Imams
They were martyred
What happened to the twelfth Imam?
He is believed to be still living, but in occultation, waiting to reappear at a time chosen by Allah
In Sunni beliefs, how many caliphs were there before Ali?
3, Ali was the 4th
What are Imams?
Successors of Muhammad, in Shia tradition
What is the Shia belief towards divine justice?
Objective right and wrong
Humans are able to use reasoning and free will to decide and do what is right and wrong
Allah will judge you on your actions, the righteous will be sent to paradise and the wicked to hell
There is no such thing as predestination
What is the Sunni belief towards divine justice?
No objective right and wrong
Everything that happens is down to Allah’s will
Predestination exists
What is a prophet?
A messenger of Allah, who teaches, guides and trains people about Allah
Who was Adam?
First prophet
First creation of Allah
Made from clay by Allah
Given the ability to make choices and reason
Was disobedient so was removed from paradise
All humans are descendants of Adam (and Eve)
What did Ibrahim do?
Was willing to sacrifice his son (Ismail) for Allah
Built the Kaaba with Ismail
What did Ismail do?
Kicked foot and spring appeared saving him and his mother
Helped build Kaaba with Ibrahim (his father)
What did Musa do?
Allah told Musa’s mother to put him in the Nile, to save him from the Pharaoh
Found by Pharaoh’s wife, and eventually reunited with mother
Through Allah, freed the Israelites from Pharaoh control
Received the Tawrat and 10 commandments from Allah
What did Dawud do?
Killed Goliath
Eventually made King of Israelites
Received the Zabur
What did Isa do?
Performed miracles
Believed to have been taken into the presence of Allah, and will one day return on the Day of Resurrection at the end of the world and bring together true Muslims
Describe Laylat ul-Qadr
Meditating in cave when angel Jibrail appeared
Commanded Muhammad to read but he could not
After the 3rd command, he recited the lines like it was written on his heart
These were revealed to be the first lines of the Quran
What does Laylat ul-Qadr mean?
The Night of Power
What does Lailat ul Miraj mean?
The Night journey
Describe Lailat ul Miraj
He was awoken by an angel, and taken to Jerusalem on a flying horse
His heart was purified and filled with faith and wisdom
He was shown both heaven and hell
He met and spoke with previous prophets
He agreed with Musa that Muslims should pray 5 times a day
He was brought into the presence of Allah
He was returned and no time had passed
What was the Hijrah?
The emigration, in which Muhammad left Mecca and travelled to Yathrib
What do the battles of Muhammad show?
That sometimes it is necessary and right to fight for Islam
Give 3 books of Allah other than the Quran
The Tawrat
The Zabur
The Injil
Why is the Quran more important than the other books?
As the other books of Allah have been distorted with time, therefore no longer the true word of God, whereas the Quran is the true word of God, and were his words exactly
What do Sunni Muslims believe about the Quran?
It is eternal like Allah, and has always been around, though not in written form. They believe it cannot be changed or interpreted
What do Shia Muslims believe about the Quran?
It is not eternal, but rather was created by Allah. It can be added to and interpreted by Imams
What does the Sunna contain?
What Muhammad did
What does the Hadith contain?
What Muhammad said
What does Malaikah mean?
What is Nur?
Divine light
What are angels?
Created by Allah from Nur
Have no free will, only exist to carry out the will of Allah
Do not have physical needs
How Allah communicates with human messengers
Record all of what humans do and say, ready for the Day of Judgement
Give 3 angels
Who is Jibrail?
Chief angel
Brought Allah’s message to Muhammad and other prophets
Who is Izrail?
Angel of death
Responsible for ending each person’s death
Who is Israfil?
Angel of Last Judgement
Will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Resurrection
Who is Mikail?
Guardian of paradise
What is Sifat?
Allah’s foreknowledge of all things
Who are the Jabrites and what do they believe?
They believe that everything happens as a result of Allah’s will, and no matter what happens you should accept it as Allah’s will
Who are the Mutazilites and what do they believe?
They believe that human free will means predestination cannot exist. They believe that each person will be judged by Allah on the Day of Judgement, and get sent to heaven or hell dependent on their decisions in their life
What is Asharism and what does it believe?
They believe that free will and predestination co-exist.
They believe humans are able to make the decision between right and wrong, however your lifetime earnings, sex and whether you will enter paradise or heaven is predetermined
What is Barzakh?
The period of waiting between a person’s death and the Day of Judgement
Some believe the souls experience during Barzakh is down to the life the person has led
Others believe the soul will be given a temporary body during this time, which will be light or dark, reflecting the good or bad in their life- you will know your final judgement due to the temporary body you are given
What is the word for heaven/paradise?
What is the Day of Judgement?
Some Muslims believe Isa will bring together the true Muslims
Others believe Isa will lead a battle until only Islam remains
Others believe the twelfth hidden Imam will reappear
Allah will use his power to judge every Muslim, on whether they should go to heaven or hell. Those who are not Muslim will be sent directly to hell.
What is the word for Hell?
What is hell?
A place in which those sent their will be in constant pain and endure eternal suffering.
For sinful believers it is a place of purification, where they will be eventually released from
For non-believers it is a place of eternal suffering
What is martyrdom and what happens to martyrs?
Martyrdom is being killed in defence or struggle for your faith/Islam. Martyrs are sent directly to the presence of Allah
What is heaven?
A place in which those sent their will be in constant bliss and peace