Early Greek Theatre Flashcards
An organized group of performers who may either sing, dance and/or speak dialogue.
Broad scope of humorous plays. Earliest written in ancient Greece in the 5th century BCE; Included topical satire.
Choral songs and dances performed in honor of Dionysis at major theatre festivals in Athens (as well as other places).
Iambic meter
The patterns of poetic line made up of iambs. Iamb is a metrical foot of poetry with 2 syllables;stressed and unstressed. (ex. duh-Duh) An Iamb can be 2 words or2 syllables of one word.
Satyr Plays
Farce versions of Greek myth performed at ancient Athens’ major festival after several programs of tragedies.
A drama that is serious and sometimes included misfortunes and terrible mistakes. (No end on positive note) It housed 3 actors and a chorus of 12-15 men. 534 BCE 9 (earliest form developed).