Early Embryogenesis Flashcards
What is embryogenesis?
Embryogenesis is the development of the zygote up to the end of eight week of intra-uterine life
Early embryogenesis begins with the formation of ………………, and ends when …………….. is formed
Early embryogenesis begins with the formation of zygote and ends when the primitive streak forms
Implantation is completed by the end of the ……… week of development
Implantation is completed by the end of the second week of development
Blastocyst, partially embedded in the endometrial stroma on day ……..
Trophoblast in the embryonic pole differentiates into cytotrophoblast and syncytio-trophoblast on day ……..
The inner cell mass or embryoblast differentiates into hypoblast layer (small cuboidal cells) and epiblast layer (high columnar cells) on the ……….day
The two layers of the inner cell mass form a flat disc, hence the bilaminar germ disc on the ………. day
The amniotic cavity develops within the epiblast on the ……… day
The amnioblasts derived from the epiblast and epiblast form the wall of the amniotic cavity on day ………
Outline the developmental changes that occur on the 8th day of IUL
- Blastocyst, partially embedded in the endometrial stroma.
- Trophoblast in the embryonic pole differentiates into cytotrophoblast and syncytio-trophoblast.
- Inner cell mass or embryoblast differentiates into hypoblast layer (small cuboidal cells) and epiblast layer (high columnar cells).
- The two layers of the inner cell mass form a flat disc, hence the bilaminar germ disc
- Amniotic cavity develops within the epiblast.
- Amnioblasts derived from the epiblast and epiblast form the wall of the amniotic cavity.
the extraembryonic somatic mesoderm and the two trophoblast layers collectively form ……….
Chorionic plate
The ………….. later becomes the umbilical cord
connecting stalk
Growth of the bilaminar germ disc is relatively slow in comparison with the trophoblast, true or false
What is the size of the bilaminar germ disc during early embryogenesis?
The disc remains very small, 0.1 to 0.2mm, during the early embryogenesis
The blastocyst becomes more deeply embedded in the endometrium on day …….
…………… closes the defect at the implantation site.
Fibrin coagulum
Vacuoles appear in the syncytio-trophoblast layer at the embryonic pole on day ……
The vacuoles fuse to form large lacuna on day …….