Early Colonization (ch.1-3) Flashcards
Civilizations that appeared after the mysterious collapse of Almec. Swept the Valley of Mexico in the 1200s.
Christopher Columbus
Made a deal with Spain to find a way to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. Ended up finding the Americas.
Columbian Exchange
Starting with Columbus’ first voyage, it is the transfer of living things to other continents.
Indentured Servant
Usually from the lower English class, and agreed to a limited term of servitude on plantations.
Anne Hutchison
Got banished by the Puritan leaders because she taught people that they didn’t need the church or the minsters to interpret the bible.
Proprietary Colony
Colonies that are owned by someone
Joint Stock Company
Allowed several investors pool their money for support of a colony that would hopefully yield profit.
Believed God’s “inner light” burned in everyone.
Virginia Company’s three ships sailed inland to a peninsula, cliamed the land as theirs, and named it Jamestown after their king James.
Church members who wanted to “purify” the Church of England.
Cash Crop
Crop grown primarily for sale instead of the farmer’s own use.
Salutary Neglect
England relaxed its enforcement of most regulations in exchange for the continuing economis loyalty of the colonies.
A country’s ultimate goal was self-sufficiency and that all countries were in a competition to acquire the most gold and silver.
Navigation Acts
Laws that restricted colonial trade by saying everything had to be English
Triangular Trade
merchants carried rum and other goods from New England to Africa; in Africa they traded their merchandise for enslaved people, whom they transported to the West Indies and sold for sugar and molasses; these goods were then shipped to New England to be distilled into rum. Carried many traded goods, furs, fruit, and African people.
Middle Passage
The voyage that brought Africans to the West Indies and later to North America.
French and Indian War
Fourth great war between France and Britain for control of North America.
How did the first people arrive in the Americas?
Glaciers had frozen large amounts of the ocean creating a land bridge between Asia and Alaska, so people walked across there to get to the Americas.
What impact did the Columbian Exchange have on people’s living throughout the world?
It brought new plants and animals to them, allowing them to improve their way of living with a much more diverse economy. Still continues today.
Describe the role of religion in the lives of Puritans in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Political power was spread broadly, and they were able to vote for people in the General Court. Many puritans and non-puritans migrated to the city, and they brought with them self-government.
Why did Parliament pass the Navigation Acts?
To restrict colonial trade so that it was run by English people, and all goods were checked by England.
Factors that contributed to the witchcraft hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts.
Strict limitations on women’s roles, combined wih social tensions, the strained relations with the Native Americans, and religious fanaticism.
Differences in the development of the northern and southern colonial economies.
The South was very based off of agriculture and growing crops, while the North grew many crops, but had small farms because the ground wasnt fertile or had rocky soil.
Problems brought about for Britain by its vitory in the French and Indian War.
Great Britain and the colonies began to disagreee more and more about how the colonies should be taxed and governed.