early cold War Flashcards
5 methods the communists used to gain power over Eastern Europe
-taking over police and army
Banning other political parties
Murdering political opponents
First sharing power in coalition governments
Using intimidation tactics to force civilians to support the communist party
Which leading opponent of communism was murdered in Czech in 1948
Jan masaryk
When did Poland fall to communist dictatorship
When did Cz fall to communist dictatorship
When did Hungary fall to communist dictatorship
What is cominform?
Organization set up by Stalin to achieve political control of satellite states
When was Truman doctrine announced?
What event caused Truman to implement the distinct foreign policy change?
Greek civil war
What made the Marshall plan pass thru Congress?
Communist take over of cz
How much was the Marshall aid
$17 billion
How did Stalin describe the Marshall plan
Dollar imperialism
What is Comecon and when was it established
Organization set up by Stalin after Marshall plan to control economies of satélite states, 1949
When was trizonia formed
1946-48, finished with establishment of deutsh mark