Early Classic Period-Grout Flashcards
indiviual faith/reason and knowledge could solve social problems
cosmopolitan center of culture/ Metastasio was imperial poet/ Hasse composed to M’s libretti
Johann Hasse
(1699-1783) German great master of opera seria/ married Faustina Bordoni (1700-1781) majority of 80 operas use Metastasio librettos
Christoph Willibald von Gluck
1714-1787 Vienna local and Paris/ transformed da capo/ make overture an integral part of oopera/ reform liberties taken by singers/ lessen contrast between aria and recit. / influenced Cherubini Spontini Berlioz
Antonio Salieri
1750-1825 Italian
Florian Gassmann
1729-1774 Bohemian
Early Classic period
beginning around 1730/ mature styles of Haydn and Mozart/ 1720-1800/ noble simplicity;perfection of form; freedom from excesses of ornamentation and frill
early decades of the Classic period/architectural term; heavier more monumental
freer and more chordal music style; emphasis on melody with short reapeated motives; organized in 2 3 or 4 bar phrases; lightly accompanied with simple harmony; not contrapuntal/ Hasse; Pergolesi
sentimentality ot sensibility; surprising turns of harmony; chromaticism; Vivaldi (1676-1741) Pergolesi (1710-1736) CPE Bach (1714-1788)
Alberti bass
broke underlying chords into a simple repeating pattern of short notes; discreet chordal background
Emotional contrasts
abandoned idea of one affectation per mvt. Feelings in a constant state of flux
Opera buffa
dramma giocoso; dramma comico; commedia in musica/ generally stock characters from commedia dell’arte/ comic characters often spoke or sang in dialect/comic cast complemented by serious characters around which plot revolved
type of comic opera performed between mvts of a longer serious opera or play/ Pergolesi (1710-1736) La serva padrona 1752 Querelle des Buffons (with Rameau)
Mature comic opera
Carlo Goldoni (1707-1793) librettist and poet/ rise of bass voice/ Piccini/ Paisiello/ cimarosa/ Galuppi
opera’ comique
french/ beginning around 1710/ mainly collections of popular tunes / rose with querreles des buffons 1752/ spoken dialogue rather than recit
Querrelle des bouffons (1752)
a pamphlet war between partisans of Italian and French opera; basically over the suitability of the French language for song
Comic Opera in England
ballad opera/ beggar’s opera (1728) popular tunes and parodies of popular arias/ Thomas Arne (1710-1778)
Comic Opera in Germany
singspiel/ important precursor to German language music theater from Mozart to Weber/ Hiller; Ditter von Dittersdorf
Opera seria
Metestasio (court poet in Vienna) usu 3 acts w/ recits arias duets larger ensembles not a lot of chorus/ recitativo semplice-harpsichord/obbligato-w/orchestra
da capo aria
Opening ritornello/A1/Rit/A2/Rit/B/Da capo al fine/ Handel (1685-1759) Pergolesi (1710-1759) Porpora (1686-1768)
German Lied Classic
Die siegende Muse an der Pleisse 1736 Berlin strophic/ syllabic/simple acc. And melodies