early christian and byzantine art Flashcards
Edict of Milan, 313
Emperor Constantine issued this, which decriminalized Christianity and declared that Roman citizens had, “the liberty to observe the religion of their choice and their particular mode of worship”
the teaching or revelation of christ
holy trinity
the christian doctrine of the father, son, and the holy spirit; as 3 distinct persons in one god
four evangelist
matthew, mark, luke, john: the authors of the 4 gospels found in New Testament of the Christian bible: st.mark - winged lion luke-winged ox or bull john-eagle matthew-winged man or angel
announcement of the incarnation. the time when angel gabriel visited the blessed virgin mary to tell her that she’d be the mother of the savior
virgin birth
refers to mary conceiving jesus through power of the holy spirit
represents the execution of jesus christ on the cross
signifies the rising of jesus christ from the dead after his crucifixion
christian belief in the bodily ascent of jesus into heaven
biblical typology
method of interpreting the bible that involves recognizing patterns or themes in the old testament that prefigure realities in the new testament
a stone or coffin or a container to hold a coffin
underground cemetery, contains networks of tunnels with recesses for tombs
figures with outstretched arms in a gesture of prayer or worship
basilica-plan church (narthex, nave, aisles, clerestory, transept, apse)
originated in ancient rome, became standard form for chiristian church buildings
crescent-shaped space, usually above a door or window
holy communion, lord’s supper, or the mass. reflecting act of giving thanks for the body and blood of jesus christ