Early Childhood Language Disorders Flashcards
Typical development (birth - 6 months)
Speech Perception: smiles when talked to and can recognize certain voices
Vocalizations: cooing sounds and babbling (speech like 4-6 mos)
Social Interactions: smiles; responds to change in tone; giggles & laughs
Communication behaviors: cries change for different needs
Cognition: move eyes toward sound; listen to songs & stories for a short time; begin to understand words for common items and people (daddy, cup, etc.)
Typical development (6-12 months)
Speech Perception: start to respond to simple words and phrases (“no,” “more,” etc.); turn when you call their name
Vocalizations: start to imitate some adult sounds; /b/, /p/, /m/; babbles change to jargon; CV syllables with more adult-like timing
Social Interactions: facial expressions; point, grabbing, waving; play peek-a-boo; look where you point; use sounds & gestures to gain and hold attention
Communication behaviors: around 12mos speech used intentionally; expressive vocab= 1-3 words (nouns)
Cognition: schema (behaviors/actions that make sense to a child as they explore); adaptation (assimilation +accommodation)
Typical development (12-18 months)
Semantics: expressive vocab ~ 3-20+ nouns (18 mos); need contextual support
Pragmatics: parallel play, simple pretend play, self talk during play; echolalia & jargon
Morphosyntax: single-word utterances w/ gestures; MLU: 1.0-2.0
Phonology: adult-like intonation; 1st 50 words (CV shape, phonological processes are common)
Cognition: refer to self by name; follow simple directions w/ gestural cues; learn to hold book right side up & turn pages
Typical development (18-24 months)
Semantics: Receptive vocab- understand single words for objects out of sight & understand two word relations; Expressive vocab- lexicon of 200-300 words by 24 mos, express semantic relations (agent-action, agent-object, action-location, entity-location, possessor-possession, demonstrative-entity, attribute-entity)
Pragmatics: turn-taking (limited amount of turns); emotion & behavioral regulation; use single word to express intention; simple topic control
Morphosyntax: 1 & 2 word utterances (3 emerging); MLU 1.0-2.0; telegraphic-like speech w/ few grammatical markers (present progressive -ing, limited wh- questions, consistent word order); first emerging pronouns- I and it; emerging N+V & adj + N combinations
Phonology: 9-10 initial consonants & 5-6 final consonants; speech is 50% intelligible; 70% of consonants used accurately; use CVC syllable shape & begin 2 syllable-words
Cognition: object recognition, object permanence, memory
Early Literacy: exposed to print, knowledge abt. Letters, words, & books; 19-24 point to pictures in a book when named; engaged in shared story reading
Typical development (2-3 years old)
Semantics: receptive vocab 500-900+ words; expressive vocab 50-250+ (rapid growth); use prepositions & some pronouns; by 36mos use & understand “why” Qs; request items by name
Pragmatics: ~2.5 start to replay to demands or show confusion; 24-30→ symbolic play, talk about absent objects & teases; 30-36→ topic convo ~50%, use of lang. in play increases; narratives have themes and sequence but no plot; associative play; request permission; fantasies, jokes, teasing; convo repairs; participate in group activities
Morphosyntax: under 3 not fully capable of understand SVO word order; sentences w/ specific, general verbs, 2-3 word phrases; follow 2-step directions; overgeneralize past tense -ed; regular plural “s” and possessive “s,” auxiliary “is”; MLU=3
Phonology: vowels & /p/, /b/, /m/, /w/, /d/, /n/, /h/, /f/, /t/, /k/, /g/, /j/, and /ŋ/ phonemes; weak syllable deletion, FCD, VF, consonant assimilation, reduplication, & prevocalic voicing suppressed by 3
Cognition: developing schema; pre-imitation; looking, grasping, following; limited differentiation of objects and self; egocentric
Typical development (4-5 years old)
Semantics: knowledge of letters & sounds emerge; knowledge of numbers & counting emerges; use of conjunctions
Pragmatics: Follow 3 step directions w/o cue; direct commands; cna ask someone to do something
Morphosyntax: MLU 4.5+; add neg. Interrogatives; add indefinite forms (nobody)
Phonology: All words contain speech sounds, but errors may occur on liquids and fricatives (e.g., /l/, /s/, /r/, /v/, /z/, “ch”, “sh”, “th”)
Cognition: count 10 or more objects; understand concepts of time; attention span 5-10 minutes during activities; write some letters in their name; names some letters
Early Literacy: phonemic awareness; recite alphabet; identify beginning phonemes in words, blends, & sight words; upper and lowercase; counts syllables in words; segment sentences into individual words
What standardized measures can you use to assess language in early childhood?
- Rossetti Infant-Toddler Scale
- Developmental Assessment of Young Children
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool
Rossetti Infant-Toddler Scale
Birth-3;0 years
Subtests: interaction attachment, pragmatics, gestures, play, language comprehension, language expression
Behaviors can be directly elicited from the child, directly observed, or reported by parent or caregiver to credit the child’s performance.
Developmental Assessment of Young Children, 2nd Edition (DAYC-2)
Birth-5;0 years
Obtains information about a child’s abilities through observation, interview of caregivers, and direct assessment
Communication: evaluates receptive/expressive language skills (vocabulary, grammar, following directions)
Receptive language:
- Turns head toward voice when someone speaks to him/her
- Briefly stops activity when told “no”
- Responds to “where” questions
- Points to 15 or more pictures of common objects when they are named
Expressive language:
- Produces 3 or more single vowel sounds
- Spontaneously says familiar greetings and farewells
- Uses 10-15 words spontaneously
- Uses five or more regular plurals
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-3 (CELFP-3)
3;0-6;11 years
Assesses language development across multiple areas
Subtests: sentence comprehension, word structure, expressive vocabulary, following directions, recalling sentences, basic concepts, word classes, phonological awareness, descriptive pragmatics profile, preliteracy rating scale
Subtests assess a multitude of skills, including but not limited to:
- Comprehension of various word structures (adjectives, prepositional phrase, verb condition, infinitive, relative clause)
- Ability to follow multi-step directions
- Auditory memory
- Concepts such as sequencing, attributes, same/different
- Phonological awareness (blending, segmentation)
What standardized measures can you use to assess vocabulary and phonological awareness in early childhood?
- PPVT (2;5+)
- EVT (2;6+)
Phonological Awareness
- PAT (2;5-9;11)
- Subtests: rhyming, segmentation, isolation, deletion, substitution, blending
What informal measures can you use to supplement an early childhood evaluation?
Observation: assess how child interacts w/their environment (gestures, eye contact, etc.)
Parent questionnaire: CSBS DP or MC-CDIs
Language sample: SLAM cards, conversational speech, SALT/SUGAR
Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales (CSBS)
6 months-2;0 years
Parent interview and direct observation of natural play to collect information on communication development
- Emotion and eye gaze
- Communication
- Gestures
- Sounds
- Understanding
- Object use