Early American History Flashcards
Triangular Trade
Trade between the Americas, Europe, and Africa
Nuestro Padre San Francisco de los Tejas
A mission established years later in the same location as the failed mission San Francisco de los Tejas.
Farming and hunting tribe found in eastern Texas that made permanent structures of wood and mud.
Sam Houston
A leader of the Texas Revolution who won the Battle of San Jacinto by sneaking up on Santa Anna and his troops. He was chosen to be the first president of the new country.
Pre-Columbian Cultures
The people who lived in the Americas before Europeans came. Native cultures are usually included because they kept growing and changing for centuries or decades after Columbus found them.
Moses Austin
planned and got authority to build the town that is now Austin, Texas.
Alonso Álvarez de Pineda
A Spanish traveler who, in 1519, made maps of the coasts of Texas and other places nearby.
The Council House Fight
A fight that broke out between Comanche and Texan leaders during a meeting to make peace.
A group of people that all spoke the same language and had the same way of life. There are a lot of nomadic hunters and gatherers in South Texas.
Explorers from Spain who went to the New World to look for gold and found a lot of it.
Plymouth Colony
First permanent English settlement in Massachusetts (1620)
San Francisco de los Tejas
In 1689, a mission was set up in East Texas with the goal of getting Native Americans to become Christians. Native Americans attacked it after four years, so it was given up.
Mayan Native Americans
A civilization known for its advancement in mathematics and writing. Built pyramids.
Indentured Servants
Workers who were bound to work for a specific amount of time, typically seven years, in Jamestown.
Stephen F. Austin
led the successful settlement of Texas in 1825
Before the Spanish came, this was a part of the Americas that stretched from the middle of Mexico to parts of Central America.
Treaty of Paris (1763)
The French and Indian War was over, and all the land east of the Mississippi River was given to Britain.
French and Indian War / The Seven Years War
1756-1763. There was a fight between the British and the French, who were working together with Native American tribes. When Britain won, it got all the land east of the Mississippi River and became the strongest country in North America.
Barbara Jordan
first black person to be elected to the Texas Senate and the first southern black woman to be elected to the House of Representatives.
House of Burgesses
The first elected government body, which served as a model for the governments of other countries. We met in Jamestown, Virginia.
Mayflower Compact
Since the Roman Republic, this is the first record of a government that rules itself.
Alcalde Vicente Córdova
Leader of the rebels at the Cordova Rebellion.
The Comanches were opponents of these hunters and gatherers who lived in huts and teepees in the Gulf region of Texas.
Jacques Cartier
French explorer who was the first to search for a water route from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Francisco Vasquez De Coronado
Conquistador who went looking for the famous “Seven Cities of Gold” in 1540. Even though the expedition failed, it paved the way for Europeans to have a bigger role in Texas in the future.
Iroquois Confederacy / Iroquois League
A group of six different tribes that worked together and had the most power in the northeast. Tribes grew by fighting and taking over other tribes.
New Amsterdam
A Dutch village on the southern tip of Manhattan Island, it was the most diverse colony.
Northwest Passage
A possible way to get from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean by water. It would have made trading with Asia easier, but no one ever found one. In the end, the Panama Canal would link these Central American seas.
Sieur De La Salle
French explorer who founded the first permanent colony in Texas, Fort St. Louis, in 1685
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the War of 1812 in 1814 with neither side gaining or losing much land.
Jacksonian Era / Era of The Common Man
The time period from about 1824 - 1837 that was greatly influenced by President Andrew Jackson. 7th pres.
the Spanish built bases in the New World
Protestant Separatists
Pilgrims who wanted to get away from the Church of England; established Plymouth Colony
Andrew Jackson
Won fame by defeating the British in the War of 1812; later became president of the US #7
The economic idea that a country needs to sell more than it imports and that a country’s wealth can be measured by how much gold it has.
Pilgrims who wanted to make the Church of England better by getting rid of certain practices
Salutary Neglect
Laws made by parliament that are not strictly followed
Age of Exploration
From the beginning of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century, ships from Europe went around the world in search of new trade lines.
Universal White Male Suffrage
White men were given the right to vote, whether or not they owned land.
Pequot War
Colonists from Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook went to war with the Pequot Indians.
Proclamation of 1763
King George made this order so that colonists couldn’t live in the Ohio River Valley. He did this to avoid fighting with Native Americans.
George Washington
Washington was called “Father of His Country.” He led the colonial forces in the American Revolution, led the Constitutional Convention, and was the first president of the United States.
Spanish Armada
Defeated by the English Navy, led by Sir Francis Drake; made England the strongest naval power in Europe
Monroe Doctrine
In 1823, President James Monroe created a strategy that said European powers would not be allowed to settle in the Americas.
Fray Damián Massanet
A Catholic priest and Spanish missionary who established the mission San Francisco de los Tejas in 1689.
José de Escandón
A Spanish explorer who settled the land that is now northern Mexico and southern Texas.
Mexican-American War / Mexican War
1846 - 1848. A fight between the United States and Mexico over western lands. It started when Texas was taken over by the United States.
Joshua Houston
A well-educated slave of Sam Houston who was later set free and became a leader.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Texas Revolution started the Mexican-American War, which was stopped by the Treaty signed in 1848. Gave the US 525,000 square miles more for $15 million.
Cherokee Native Americans
A group of people that share some cultural traits. They lived in the southeast of the United States but were spread out over a large area. depended on farming, hunting, and collecting.
Nomadic Native American hunters and gatherers who were fierce warriors and skilled traders, found in the northern Texas grasslands
James K. Polk
United States President during the Mexican-American War. 11th
Córdova Rebellion
In 1838, Native Americans and Mexicans who had moved to Nacogdoches rose up against the newly formed state of Texas.
Hopi Native Americans
In northeastern Arizona, they lived in small towns called pueblos. Relied on agriculture. were known for being quiet.
Christopher Columbus
Italian sailor who made four trips west across the Atlantic Ocean in search of other ways to get to India.
Lorenzo de Zavala
A Mexican politician who eventually shifted allegiance to Texas; served as Vice President of Texas.
Francisco Hidalgo
A Catholic priest and Spanish missionary who established the mission Nuestro Padre San Francisco de los Tejas.
Ship carrying Puritan Separatists who wanted religious freedom and established Plymouth Colony present day Massachusetts.
Mary Maverick
A Texas settler who kept detailed journals of her experiences throughout the fight for Texas independence.
Mirabeau Lamar
Second president of the Republic of Texas, he established a fund to support public education in Texas.
Mohican Native Americans
A group of five different tribes that lived along the Hudson River. Most of their food came from farming, but they also did some hunting and collecting. grew up in longhouses.
Nathaniel Bacon
He was the leader of Bacon’s Rebellion in Jamestown, which was the first uprising of the people in the colonies.
Ferdinand Magellan
Portuguese sailor who put together the first trip to go around the world.
Columbian Exchange
After Christopher Columbus came to the Americas, plants, animals, and illnesses were brought from the Old World to the New World.
Not much is known, but it is thought that the first Native Americans to meet European travelers were hunters and gatherers in the Central and Gulf regions. These people suffered a lot because of this.
The person in charge of a town in Spain’s part of the New World
A civilization known for skill in metal work and pottery.
The first Meso-American civilization.
Bacon’s Rebellion
A group of mostly poor settlers in Virginia led by the rich British colonist Nathaniel Bacon rose up against the governor of Virginia, William Berkeley, in 1676 and 1677. In order to avoid a fight with Native tribes, the governor refused to remove Native Americans from Virginia by force. This led to an uprising. This is often seen as a sign that a fight for freedom from Britain was going to start soon.
In the Spanish colonies of the New World, agriculture was watered by shared rivers.
Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Explorer from Spain who was looking for the Seven Cities of Gold. In 1529, a storm forced him and his men to land in Texas.
A Native American group that used to live in one place but became nomadic when horses were brought to them.
grants from the crown that allowed individuals to collect as much riches as possible from a region through local labor or tributes.
The Santa Fe Expedition
A failed attempt by the president of Texas to increase trade with New Mexico.
A civilization known for pyramids, temples and roads.