Early Adulthood - Cognitive Development Flashcards
Cognitive Development of Young Adults according to Piaget’s View:
- Have progressed from the formal operation thought stage
- More systematic & sophisticated; logical & abstract
- Think more qualitatively and quantitatively advanced
- Have more knowledge than adolescents
- Proposed fifth stage of Piaget’s theory
- Involves making decisions based on situational constraints and circumstances, and integrating emotion with logic to form context-dependent principles
- Involves being Provisional: Become *more skeptical about the truth and seem unwilling to accept an answer as final*
Postformal Thought
Reflective, relativistic, contextual, pragmatic, emotional
Changes in Career and Work for Young Adults throughout ages & years:
- Early and mid-20s → individuals have completed their education or training and staring to enter a full-time occupation
- Mid-20s through early adulthood → individuals seek to establish their emerging career in a particular field. Work hard to improve their financial standing
Ingrained cultural belief that engaging in hard work for long hours thru adulthood will lead to status, security, and happiness
Career Mystique
Greatest number of jobs in the next decade:
- Service industries
- Professional & business services
- Education
High-paying jobs require a _____
College degree
The Impact of Work:
- Work defines people in fundamental ways:
Influence their financial standing, housing, the way they spend their time, where they live, their friendships, their health
- Work creates a structure and rhythm to life
- Periods of no work = experience emotional distress & low self-esteem
Work during College:
Working helps offset some cost of schooling, but it also restricts students’ opportunities to learn
Why does Unemployment occur?
Generally resulted by:
- Economic problems
- Dramatic increase in technology
- availability of cheaper labor
Individually resulted by:
physical problems (heart attack and stroke), mental problems (anxiety and depression), marital difficulties, homicide
Unemployment results in:
- Stress, regardless of nature of job loss
- Loss of income; financial hardships
Providing emotional support for unemployed people can be done by:
- job counseling,
- self-help groups,
- practical advice on job opportunities
For Dual-Earner Couples, responsibility for work and family changed in 3 ways:
Relate to defying familial gender roles
- Women are taking increased responsibility for breadwinning
- Husbands take increased responsibility for maintaining the home
- Men show greater interest in family and parenting
What does increasing diversity in the workplace require?
Requires a:
- Sensitivity to cultural differences and
- An appreciation of the cultural values workers bring to a job
What happens to attention in adulthood?
Attentional skills are often excellent in early adulthood and, of course, the discussion of divided attention and multitasking applies to many adults as well as adolescents.
Retention of information about the where and when of life’s happenings
Episodic memory
A robust finding in autobiographical memory is called the _____, in which adults remember more events from the second and third decades of their lives than from other decades
Reminiscence bump
these memories were more distinct and more important for identity development
A person’s knowledge about the world, including fields of expertise, general academic knowledge, and “everyday knowledge” about meanings of words, names of famous individuals, important places, and common things.
Semantic memory