EA CErtificate and EA Report Review Flashcards
What are mine tailings?
They consist of ground rock and process effluents that are generted in a mine processing plant
How are mine tailings produced?
Mechanical and chemical processes are used to extract the desired product from the run of the mine ore and produce a waste stream known as tailings
How much tailings can individual mines produce per day?
200,000 tons
What is the most important source of environmental impact for many mining operations
Mine tailings
What is the process of concentration within the mining operation?
Extracting the product from crushed and ground ore, the waste from this process is the tailings
What is froth floatation?
The most widely used concentration method, first step in the mineral processing sequence where chemical agents are introduced. the uneconomical metals, minerals, chemicals, organics and process water are discharged into a final storage area
What does TSF and TMF stand for?
Tailings Storage Facility and Tailings Management Facility
WHy was Morrison mine project refused an EA certificate? why overturned?
project adjacent to morrison lake, headwaters of skeena. (second largest producer of sockeye) EAO minister decision: impacts unique salmon, long term liability for prov with enviro impacts, diminishing water quality unacceptable.
Risk/benefit approach speculated unlikely effects and the judge allowed for re-apply
Who is responsible for preparing the EA report?
The proponent
4 primary objectives of an EA review
- Assess the quality and completeness of the EA report
- Provide an opportunity for public involvement
- Assess if sufficient info is provided to make a final decision
- ID any deficiencies that need to be addressed before the final decision
What does the EA report need to satisfy?
- Compliance with TOR
- Completeness (all major components)
- Accurate and technically sound information
- All stake holders involved?
- Key findings complete and satisfactory?
- Clear and understandable presentation of info?
- Relevant and sufficient info for decision making
What 2 primary types of procedures are used in an EA review?
- internal review- undertaken by responsible gov agency
2. External review- undertaken by and independant body
compare and contrast
Internal is not as formal as external, internal has lower operating costs but lower quality assurance. Internal is less transparent and lacks documentation while external follows guidelines and criteria
What are the aspects to consider in a comprehensive EA review?
- aspect
- scoping performance
- Accuracy of predict impact
- Criteria used to evaluate
- Analysis of alternatives
- Effectiveness of mitigation measures proposed
- monitoring and impact mgmt requirements
- methods of public and stakeholder involvement
What methods are used to review EA reports?
Procedure checklists EA review framework Expert review public hearings Comprehnsive reviews
Describe the initial review process
Proponent submits application to EAO, then 30 days to ensure application contains required info