E7 Flashcards
What are the characteristics of strep pneumoniae?
Gram -, catalase -, chain, pollysaccharide capsule, alpha hemolytic, latex agglutination, susceptible to optochin and bile
What are the buzzwords for strep pneumoniae?
- bacteremia in elderly and very young
- pneumolysin and IgA
- acute onset with high mortality and neurological sequelae in survivors
What are the treatments for strep pneumoniae?
Vancomycin w/ cephalosporin
What is the vaccine for strep pneumoniae?
Polysaccaride capsule conjugated to nontoxoid diptheria toxin (13 serotypes)
- highly immunogenic
- dose at 2, 4,6 mo and booster 12-15mo
What are the characteristics of neisseria meningitidis?
gram -, diplococci, polysaccharide capsule, oxidase +, catalase +, oxidizes glucose and maltose
What are the buzzwords for neisseria meningitidis?
- severe bacteremic infection
- peaks in <1yr and 15-24yr
- inc 3-4day w/ abrupt fever, hypotension, and rash
- 5 serotypes: C, B, Y, W-135, A
What is the treatment for neisseria meningitidis?
- penicillin if known
- prophylactic of close
What is the vaccine for neisseria meningitidis?
- MPV/MPV4: adults over 55
- MCV4: conjugated to nontoxic diptheria toxin,routine 11-55, 1-55 for high risk
- SeroB: in adolescents and high risk
What are the characteristics of streptococcus agalactiae?
gram + cocci, catalase -, beta-hemolytic,
What are the buzzwords for streptococcus agalactiae?
- <2mo and african american
- Ab opsonization is protective
- Risk: maternal infection, prolonged rupture, previous infant with GBS, low Ab
- early = bacteremia, late = same with meningitis
What is the treatment for streptococcus agalactiae?
-screen at 35-36 wk pregnancy intrapartum penicillin
What are the characteristics of Haemophilus Influenzae B?
gram - rod, polysaccharide capsule, encapsulated, latex agglutination
What are the buzzwords for H influenzae type b?
- non-encapsualted: pinkeye otitis media, sinusitis
- encapsulataed: meningitis, epiglottitis
What is the treatment for H influenza type B?
What is the vaccine for H influenza type B?
Conjugated vaccine with anti-PrP Ab
-highly immunogenic, given at 2 mo
What are the characteristics of Clostridium tetani?
gram + rod, anaerobe, spore forming
What are the buzzwords for clostridium tetani?
- neurotoxin = tetanospasm
- entry = spores in wound/trauma, umbilical stump
- AB toxin = internalized inactivate inhibitory NT causing spastic paralysis
- early= lock jaw, neck stiff, difficult to swallow
How is clostridium tetani treated?
- IgG = passive immunity
- tetanus toxoid = active immunitiy
- clean wound and antibiotic with supportive
What is the vaccine for clostridium tetani?
- vaccinate with tetanus toxoid DTaP
- begin at 2 mo, booster every 10 y
What are the characteristics for clostridium botulinum?
gram + rod, anaerobic, spore forming
What are the buzzwords for clostridium botulinum?
- spores: improperly cannned food and honey
- intoxication of preformed toxin
- floppy baby
- AB toxin = B binds, A enter motor neuron inhibit Ach to cause flaccid paralysis
- 12-72 hr post with descending paralysis
What are the characteristics of listeria monocytogenes?
gram + rod, motile in environment
What are the buzzwords for listeria?
- consumption of contaminated cheese and deli meat
- common in immunosuppressed and pregnant
What are the buzzwords for mycobacterium tuberculosis?
- AIDS opportunistic
- disease of lung that can spread to other sites and infect CNS
What are the buzzwords of coccidiodes imitus?
- easily airborne arthronocidia in environment
- San Jauquin CA, S. Ariona
- meningitis = slow, 1%, start with flu
What is the treatment for coccidiodes imitus?
-Amphotericin B
What are the characteristics of cryptococcus neoformans?
- leading form fungal meningitis
- encapsulated yeast
- slow, intermittent headache with CNS = weeks to months
- AIDS = 10-20% get meningitis
- India Ink for capsule
What is the treatment for cryptococcus neoformans?
- 6-10w with amphotericin B + 5-fluoro/fluconazole
- relapse in AIDS may require suppressive
What are the buzzwords for zygomycoses?
- predispose: immunosuppressed, diabetic, burns
- non-septate hyphae w/ sporangia
- rhinocerebral: diabetic, inf in sinuses and moves out
- hyphae at 90
What is the treatment for zygomycoses?
Amphotericin B
What are the buzzwords for Naeglaria fowleri?
- acquired in warm water with nasal inoculation
- fatal in 1 wk
- S States with Neti Pot
- trophozoites in biopsy or CSF
What is the treatment for Naeglaria fowleri?
Amphotericin B
What are the buzzwords for Acanthamoeba Keratitis?
- chronic cornea infection
- associated with contact elnses and homemade solution
- disseminate in lesion in brain
What is the treatment for Acanthamoeba Keratitis?
Topical, eye enucleation, corneal transplant
What are the buzzwords for toxoplasma gondii?
- congenital= still birth, blind, MR
- occular = asymptomatic lesion
- Aids= encephalitis with ring lesion
- transmit: undercooked lamb/pork and cat litter
- pregnant avoid