(E2, L6) Male Reproductive Behavior Flashcards
Why are hormones important for reproduction?
- gamete production
- producing behaviors that bring male and female together for mating -> especially in animal models
- the endocrine and nervous system interact in mediating male sexual behavior, which has 2 components:
1. sexual motivation
2. sexual ability/performance
Describe elephant seal sexual fitness
the males fight for land to highlight their strength and drive
the best males have the most offspring
What is sexual selection?
- one sex naturally prefers characteristics in the other sex
- females improve fitness by choosing best males (have more investment)
- males improve fitness by mating with as many females as possible
Describe the skateboarding experiment and results
- First set of tricks are ones that they know they can complete
- second set is tricks they are not as comfortable with
- photographed by male photographers both times in first round
- second round they were photographed by female (abandoned less tricks and had elevated T)
What are the historical origins of male sexual behavior research?
- late 1800’s people have known that castration eliminates the source of something responsible for sexual behavior and differentiation (Berthold)
What did Charles Brown-Sequard say in terms of male sexual behavior?
- Charles Brown-Sequard claimed that injections of endocrine extracts had “rejuvenating” effects on several physical parameters, including sexual vigor
Who was Calvin Stone?
First researcher to study male rat sexual behavior and describe the behavioral events
What is “drive theory”?
(1920s) shaped the field of psychology as people wanted to determine the underlying causes of behavior
- idea of intrinsic drive, or motivation, was conceptualized
Historical origins of male sexual behavior in relation to T
- pure crystalline hormone from testicular tissue was isolated and named testosterone: could not identify until there were better techniques
- soon thereafter researchers discovered that injections of testosterone after castration could maintain male sexual behavior
What are the proximate bases of male sexual behavior?
- Male sexual behavior: all the behaviors necessary and sufficient to deliver male gametes (sperm) to female gametes (eggs)
- the hormones that regulate gamete production and development are the same ones that drive sexual motivation
What are the components of male sex behavior in rodents?
- Precopulatory behaviors (happens before)
- anogenital sniffing
- approach/chase
- copulatory behaviors
- mount
- intromission
- ejaculation
- latencies
- mount latency, intromission latencies, inter-intromission interval (III), ejaculation latency
How do we measure motivation in rodent male sexual behaviors?
- time to first mount
- crossing an electrified grid (increased shock shows increased motivation)
- obstacle test
- bar pressing
increasing hardships to get to her can measure motivation based on how quickly they get through them
What are the differences between ability and motivation in male rats?
ability is if they are physically able to ejaculate/perform sexually
motivation is if they want to do it
How do we measure ability in rodent male sex behavior?
- copulatory efficiency (hit rate)
- number of ejaculations in a given period of time
What are the hormonal correlates of male mating behaviors in rodents?
- Testosterone and androstenedione (a weakly androgenic precursor to T) can both maintain mating behavior in castrated rodents
- estradiol is also effective at maintaining sex behavior
- DHT, however, is not
- T seems to act as a prohormone for sex behavior:
- provides estrogens to the CNS to promote mating behavior -> brain and spinal cord -> make info come in, response, etc.
- DHT to the periphery to maintain tactile sensory feedback -> penile reflexes and sensitivity