E2- Ectoparasitic and Arthropod Flashcards
What is burrowing mite that is the most serious?
Sarcoptes scabiei
What ectoparasite causes scabies, crusted scabies, mange, and seven year itch?
Sarcoptes scabiei
What is the biology of a famale Sarcoptes scabiei?
- Fertilized on the skin surface
- Burrows into the epidermis
- Completes life cycle in 5 weeks and dies in the burrow
What is the biology of a male Sarcoptes scabiei?
- Remains on the skin surface or produces a shallow burrow
What is the life cycle of a Sarcoptes scabiei?
Eggs are laid under the skin
Larva emerges from the egg after 4 days
Adult mite develops 2 weeks after hatching
What is the main clinical manifestation of Scabies?
Pruritus (worse at night)
What causes the majority of clinical issues in a Sarcoptes scabiei infection?
What form of scabies has an incubation period of ~1 month, is observed readily in HIV patients, and has lesions that are teeming with mites?
Crusted (Norwegian) Scabies
What is similar to Crusted (Norwegian) Scabies, but lesions may be blood-filled?
Pediatric scabies
How is scabies usually transmitted?
Direct person contact (crowded living conditions)
In adults, likely and STI
May be zoonotic
How is scabies identified?
Apply mineral oil, scrape lesion and visualize microscopically
What is the causative agent of pubic lice “Crabs?”
Phthirus pubis
How are pubic lice transmitted?
Sexual contact or contaminated bedding
What is a causative agent of typhus?
Pediculus humanus
How long is the egg-to-egg cycle for Pediculus humanus?
3 weeks
How do Pediculus humanus mainly cause irritation?
Bite irritation (blood sucking parasites)
What can years of infestation of Pediculus humanus cause?
Vegabond’s disease (darkened, thickened skin)
What is the causative agent of human fleas?
Pulex irritans
What parasite is laterally compressed and has short spikes on the legs that allow attachment to the host?
Pulex irritans
What do Pulex irritans absolutely need to survive?
How do Pulex irritans initiate an allergic response?
During a blood meal, they inject salvia which is known to possess at least 15 substances which initiate allergic responses
What is the main clinical manifestation of human fleas?
Rash that appears in groups of 3-4 in a linear pattern
Usually in the lower extremities
Are flea bite rashes or scabies contagious?
Can fleas or scabies mites jump?
Fleas are capable of jumping long distances
Scabies mites cannot jump/fly (crawl slowly)
What is the causative agent of Rocky-Mountain Spotted Fever?
Rickettsia rickettsii
Is Rickettsia rickettsii gram positive/negative?
Gram negative
What is a common arthropod vector of Rocky-Mountain Spotted Fever?
What time of yr is this disease most common?
Brown dog tick
Summer (june-july)
The first sxs of Rocky-Mountain Spotted Fever begin 2-14 days after a bite and are what?
What are the 2 types of rash associated with Rocky-Mountain Spotted Fever?
- Small, flat pink non itchy spots (macules)
2. Red to purple spotted petechial rash
The most successful tx for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is initiated within when?
5 days
Why are diagnostic test for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever not good?
Detectable antibody titers are not visible for 7-10 days post infection
What is the gold standard test for dx Rock Mountain Spotted Fever?
Indirect immunofluorescence with R. rickettsii antigen
2 samples 2-4 weeks apart
What is causative agent of African sleeping sickness?
Trypanosoma brucei
What is the causative agent of Chagas disease?
Trypanosoma cruzi
In the US, what is considered a Neglected Parasitic Infections (NPI) by the CDC?
Chagas disease
What is vector for Chagas disease?
Triatomine bugs
How is chaga transmitted?
Feces of the Triatomine bug
Blood transfusion
Organ transplants
Trypomastogotes enter cells near inoculation site and differentiate into what?
Amastigotes replicate by binary fission in cells, differentiate into what?
What are the two life stages of T. Cruzi?
What is Romanas sign? And what diseases is it associated with?
Chagas disease
Swelling of the eyelid near parasite entry site or where the organism was rubbed into the eye
Pseudocysts in amastigotes in cell (Chagas’ disease) can cause what?
Preferential infection of muscle and nerves
Degeneration and necrosis
What are some clinical manifestations of the chronic phase of Chagas’ disease?
Chronic inflammation Cardiomyopathy Heart failure Cardiac arrest Enlarged esophagus Enlarged colon
How is Chagas disease dx?
Observe parasite under microscope Blood smear (acute phase) -Trypomastigotes Biopsy (chronic cases) -Amastigotes
What is another name for Chagas disease?
American trypanosomiasis
What is the treatment of scabies?
5% permethrin cream or Ivermectin (does not kill eggs)
What is the treatment for phthirus pubis?
What is the treatment for P. Humanus?
What is the treatment for pulex irritans?
- Stop itching
- 1% hydrocortisone
- Antihistamines
What kind of rash in RMSF is worse?
The red/purple spotted petechial rash, this is a sign of late infection and severe disease.