E145 Flight Conduct Flashcards
On the Climb Checklist, what do you need to verify with regards to the engines?
Touch the Ignition buttons and verify that they are either AUTO or ON, and that it is the correct position for flight conditions (rain, icing, etc.)
When does AOM1 recommend having the ignition switches on in-flight?
“During moderate or greater turbulence or heavy precipitation, turn the ignition switch to ON to reduce the possibility of engine flameout due to interrupted airflow.
When does AOM1 say you need an alternate?
Not required if +/- 1 hour prior to ETA at destination, the WX is AT LEAST 2000 ft. ceiling AND visibility of AT LEAST 3 miles.
Does the in-flight Ice Protection Test requirement of 10 C use SAT or TAT to make this determination?
10 C TAT (Total Air Temperature).
What are the requirements for the in-flight Ice Protection Test?
Must be done with a TAT of 10 C or below Must be done before: Entering icing conditions and before reaching 23,000 feet (whichever occurs first)
What altitude must the in-flight Ice Protection Test be accomplished by?
23,000 feet
How do you accomplish the in-flight Ice Protection Test?
Turn the Ice Detection Override knob to ALL for 60 seconds and observe 4 open indications and a NO ICE-A/ICE ON caution on the EICAS
Is it normal to get a NO ICE-A/ICE ON caution during the in-flight Ice Protection Test?
According to AOM1, what visual callouts are not included in the individual profiles but can be included to enhance situational awareness?
“Intermittent ground contact”
“Ground contact”
“Approach lights in sight”
During a CAT I ILS as Pilot Monitoring, you pop out of the clouds & see the runway. What do you say? What is the PF’s correct response?
“Runway in sight”
What are ALL of the Pilot Monitoring callouts for a Visual Approach?
“1000 feet”
“500 feet, VREF +/- #, Sink #”
“100 feet, Yaw damper off”
“80 kts”
What types of takeoffs are prohibited on contaminated runways?
ALT T/O-1 is prohibited on a contaminated runway.
When must you do a static takeoff?
“If the actual takeoff weight is within 300 lbs. of the takeoff Runway Weight Limit for the thrust mode to be used, a static takeoff must be accomplished.”
How do you perform a static takeoff?
“You release brakes AFTER the engines have reached the target N1.”
If the OAT is <= 10 C & visible moisture is expected prior to 1500’ ALF, what do you have to do?
REF A-ICE must be ON … AND, AND … Ice Detection Override set to ENG
Do the brake temperatures have to be in the green for takeoff? Where does it say that?
Yes, “if brake temperature is in the amber range, delay takeoff until in the green range.” This sentence can be found in the Expanded Before Takeoff Checklist.
What do you have to do different on your first flight of the days items if any ice exist on the aircraft?
Make sure the hydraulic power is not turned on during first flight of the days items in order to check the flight controls if any ice exist on the aircraft which might restrict their movement. Instead, wait until you are deiced to check the flight controls.
How should you warm the cockpit & cabin during cold winter months?
- APU on
- Wait 3 minutes & turn packs ON
- Set the temp to MANUAL 9 o’clock position
- Wait 3 minutes then back to AUTO
- RECIRC fans should be ON
When should the engine ignition switches should be in the ON position for engine start?
If the OAT is 5 degrees Celsius or below.
What should you know about static takeoffs in icy conditions?
Do not perform a static takeoff in icy conditions.
What Manuals & Documents do you have to have onboard the E145?
9 Items:
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Aircraft Registration
- FCC Radio Station License
- Air Operator Certificate
- QRH (Quick Reference Handbook)
- AML (Aircraft Maintenance Log)
- Aircraft Noise Certification Information
- EPC (Emergency Procedures Checklist)
- Spare Aircraft Maintenance Logs
What documents should you expect to find on the cockpit door?
4 Items:
- FCC Radio Station License
- Aircraft Registration
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Certificate of Sanitary Construction
On engine start you start the timer. What are you timing?
You are looking for 2 things:
- ITT rise within 10 seconds of fuel flow.
- The engine start cycle ending at 57% N2 and taking no longer than 40-60 seconds.
What should the engine stabilize at after engine start?
- 64% N2 (70% N2 for FADEC 9.4.1 on) -AND-
* 24% N1
During a normal engine start when does the ignition switch off?
Ignition OFF - approximately 57% N2
During a normal engine start when does the ignition come on?
If in AUTO (which is normal) - 14% N2
If ignition ON - 10% N2
During a normal engine start what is the very first thing you should observe?
N2 increasing
During a normal engine start what is the minimum oil pressure you should observe once the engine stabilizes at IDLE?
34 psi after the engine reaches stabilized IDLE.
When you hit the “Go-Around” buttons on the throttle, what does the Flight Director do?
In GA mode, the FD bars command 10 degrees nose up for 20 seconds, THEN command the airspeed selected with the airspeed bug which should be Vapp/climb.
If on the takeoff roll as PM you saw a #2 amber oil pressure indication, what would you say & what could you expect from the PF?
PM (calmly): “#2 Oil Pressure Amber”
PF: “Continue”
Envoy usually has 1-2 emergencies per week. What is it usually in the E145?
A pack failure that gives off smoke in the cabin or cockpit.
Pack 1 fail - Smoke in cabin & cockpit
Pack 2 fail - Smoke in cabin only
What happens to 2.8 crews per month at a towered field?
Landing without a clearance.
Will the toe breaks work if the engines are off?
No. This means that if you are rolling backward, you need to use the parking break.
What if something went wrong with the push back and you started rolling, what could you do?
Slowly apply the parking brake (which is also an emergency break) to stop the aircraft. Do it slowly to prevent tipping over the jet onto its tail. Use the parking break because toe breaks won’t work without the engines running to provide hydraulic power.
Most go-arounds happen above 500 feet. At DFW, what are the most common go around instructions on a clear day?
Runway heading up to 2000. Which is NOT the 3000 that most people have dialed in. BE CAREFUL.
When you get a runway condition code from the tower, what should you immediately ask them (if they don’t provide it)?
How old is the report and what type of aircraft gave it.
What type of landing does the AOM say you must do if the RCC is < 5?
Must do a Flaps 45 landing.
What does the phrase “braking action advisories are in effect” really mean?
It is ATC’s get out of jail free card, and any other braking action given in the ATIS or NOTAM may be completely inaccurate.
How can you get into trouble with regards to setting up for the departure?
Make sure you know if you are doing a conventional or RNAV departure.
If you are going around WX, what should you do with regard to airspeed?
Slow down to turbulent air penetration airspeed. A crew going 300 (as assigned by ATC) oversped the jet because of turbulence.
What must you know about “cleared for a visual approach” in Canada?
In Canada, on a visual approach, you must be on glidepath before you start down from your previously assigned altitude.
When do most Flight Attendant injuries occour?
Between FL200 and 10 thousand feet descending on arrival.
If you turn on the seat belt sign for turbulence, what else should you do?
Make an announcement.
Standard Taxi is Single Engine with APU off. What are the exceptions to the Standard Taxi policy?
1) Ramp or taxiways are slippery
2) If engine anti-ice is being used or will be used prior to takeoff
3) If the jet blast would present a hazard to personnel & equipment.
After an engine air start you need to wait for something. What do you need to wait for?
You need to make sure the air start hose is disconnected before you select the bleeds.
Before you press the Takeoff Configuration Check button, what should you verify?
Verify you are in Flaps 9. Prevents and embarrassing alarm.
What 2 things should you check and verify every time you look at a TPS?
That it’s for the CORRECT RUNWAY and
that you note if it is ALT T/O-1 or T/O-1
What is the speed limit restriction for a Class C airport? Is it the same for departures & arrivals?
200 knots at or below 2,500 AGL, within FOUR (4) nm of the primary Class C airport. Same coming or going.
What is the speed limit restriction for a Class D airport? Is it the same for departures & arrivals?
200 knots at or below 2,500 AGL, within FOUR (4) nm of the primary Class D airport. Same coming or going.
You are departing a Class C airport. What are the speed restrictions you need to adhere to?
200 knots at or below 2,500 AGL, within FOUR (4) nm of the primary Class C airport.
You are departing a Class D airport. What are the speed restrictions you need to adhere to?
200 knots at or below 2,500 AGL, within FOUR (4) nm of the primary Class D airport.
You are flying an arrival into ORD passing 10K and ATC tells you to maintain speed 250. You are getting bumped around pretty good by bad weather. What can you do?
Advise ATC you are “UNABLE” due to turbulence and slow to your turbulent air penetration speed (Vb) of 200 KIAS below 10K.
If you wanted to see what a 5 knot tailwind would do to your takeoff performance on Runway 22, how could you get the numbers from the UNILINK?
How do you add a headwind or tailwind to a TPS
WHxx or WTxx
If you have a tailwind, what must you do with regards to the EWBS? Where does it say that?
“If an ANTI-ICE or TAIL WIND correction is requred for takeoff, the flight crew MUST send the appropriate TPS ACARS message to make the ANTI-ICE or TAIL WIND correction.” -FOM Preflight > Flight Planning > EWBS 3f-38
You’re on a visual approach, intending to use Flaps 45 and the RNAV as a reference. You’re high & fast and Flaps 22. What do you need to do?
Power for glide path, pitch for airspeed. Back on the power to start down. Raise the nose to bleed airspeed below 145 so you can go Flaps 45.
After being at a cruise altitude for a while and given the first descent, what do you often forget to do?
Roll down the Altitude Alerter to the desired altitude and THEN select VSI.
If the engine fails to start and you stop the start up, what must you do before attempting a restart?
You must execute the Aborted Start Checklist on the EPC and THEN must motor the engine before attempting a restart. (See EPC).
For a crosswing landing, as you roll out on the runway what must you do?
Increase the amount of aileron cross control as your control effectiveness decreases from deceleration.
What is a way to improve the autopilot’s ability to intercept the localizer?
If you set the RA to 195, it thinks you are doing a CAT2 approach and the localizer logic is more sensitive.
What is important to set up on the comm panel and often forgotten?
The TACS code of ENY####.
You had an engine no start, and now are going to motor the engine prior to a restart attempt. What is the main difference between motoring and a normal start?
The IGNITION switch for that engine should be off.
When you are cleared for the visual in Class D airspace what must you keep in mind?
You must stay within the Class D airspace. No driving 10 miles north before turning around, etc.
What are the 5 different letter suffixes next to the Max Takeoff Weight (MTOW) on the TPS that describe the limiting factor?
In each case Max Takeoff Weight is limited by …
A - limited by Climb or Rwy limits for ALT T/O-1
T - limited by Climb or Rwy limits for T/O-1
L - limited by destination’s Maximum Landing Weight (MLW) plus the planned fuel burn.
S - limited by the structural weight limit
D - Dispatcher has manually adjusted MTOW for the primary runway due to runway conditions or other performance decrements.
If I have intersection takeoff data for a runway on the TPS, do I need a new TPS to use the full length of the runway? Where does it say that?
“If cleared to takeoff from a longer portion of a TPS designated runway, data from the shorter portion (intersection takeoff) may be used.” AOM Vol 1, Performance 17.1
In the event you receive clearance to depart from a runway intersection which differs from what is displayed on the Closeout TPS, what options do you have?
From AOM Vol 1, Performance 17.1, two options:
- Request a TPS for the new runway via ACARS or
- If the new runway intersection is shown in the Prelim TPS airport analysis:
a. If actual takeoff weight is below planned takeoff weight by less than 1000 lbs, use the v-speeds from the UniLink TPS that followed the closeout.
b. If ATOW is more than 1000 lbs below PTOW, use flip card v-speeds.
If you get the digital ATIS from an airport, how should you read it?
Read it from the bottom -> up, looking specifically for Rwy Condition Codes.
What is sometimes on a digital ATIS that is important for landing?
Digital ATIS may include the Rwy Condition Code at the bottom.
If you get a digital ATIS with a Rwy Condition Code of 3 , 3 , 3 at the bottom, what does this mean for you in the cockpit?
You are required to do a Flaps 45 landing.
During preflight you talk into the microphone but it doesn’t pick up your voice. You look at the comm panel and it seems normal. What else can you check?
Check the PTT switch on the yoke. It may be in the silent position.
When briefing a landing at an airport with parallel runways, what much you ensure when you are briefing exiting the runway?
Make sure when you brief which high speed exit you are going to use that you are looking at the correct runway. EX: Don’t talk about the exits for 18L when you are landing 18R.
What is MEL 30-11?
MEL 30-11 is the Anti-Ice Valve Inoperative and locked in the open position by maintenance.
How does MEL 30-11 affect your preflight?
MEL 30-11 is the Anti-Ice Valve Inoperative. You need to send the following via ACARS message:
If you have MEL 30-11, what extra paperwork can you expect?
You must send a message that says: NEED APA MTOW VSPDS FOR AI VALVE MEL OPEN
You’ve been given an intercept heading and cleared for the visual while you are using the FMS and an RNAV approach for back up. What must you ensure you do for the a/c to grab the courseline?
After you select ACTIVATE APPROACH, if you have commanded a heading, you must hit INTERCEPT to ensure it grabs the courseline.
When doing the checks at 18K, what light switch is separate from the others, but must be switched on or off?
You’re making a crosswind landing with Flaps 45. What do you have to be cognizant of?
With no headwind, the nose will precipitously drop on landing. You’ll be out of schlitz with nothing to hold the nose up. So pull on yoke to keep nose up.
What do you have to be careful of with a Flaps 45 landing that isn’t as big a deal on other landings?
Watch for the nose drop after putting the mains on the runway. Especially in light winds or no winds (there’s nothing to hold the nose up).
When descending to an out station, what do you need to keep in mind as a time / distance consideration?
Once you get below 10,000, you will be limited to 250, which will increase the amount of time it takes to get to the station.
You often put in 10,000 feet at 30 miles for out stations. What should you consider for this descent profile?
You want to be at 10,000 by 30 miles, but you don’t want to be there before because you’ll be limited to 250 knots which will increase the time to get to the field.
What does the airplane need to be before selecting the autopilot?
Trimmed out. The Autopilot can’t hack the transition and will kick off with a red AP if it is too far out of trim. You’re hand flying the rest of the way.
How can you get VSI information for the approach?
Select DTO the point twice.
At 190 kts with 20 degree angle of bank, what is your turn radius in nm? What if you increase your AOB to 25 degrees?
20 AOB = 1.5 nm
25 AOB = 1.1 nm
At 200 kts with 20 degree angle of bank, what is your turn radius in nm? What if you increase your AOB to 25 degrees?
20 AOB = 1.6 nm
25 AOB = 1.3 nm
In HDG mode below 25,000 feet, what angle of bank do you get with the heading bug?
27 degrees angle of bank.
At 190 kts, what is your turn radius using the HDG bug to steer the jet? What if you increase airspeed to 200 kts?
190 kts, 27 deg AOB = 1.0 nm
200 kts, 27 deg AOB = 1.1 nm
You’re AHRS isn’t aligning after a normal start up. What can you try?
Go to the NAV 3/3 page (ie 3rd page). Press the UPDATE SENS key. This will send the current FMS best computed position to inertial (ground-only) sensors.