E - Contrastive Phonology Flashcards
What are the levels of contrasts?
- segments (consonants/vowels)
- phonotactic rules (concerning consonant clusters etc. e.g. psychology, p-sound is omitted)
- processes (allophonic variation, linking processes, weakening, neutralisation [e.g. writer, rider d and t are same in AmE])
- prosodic features (stress and intonation)
Segmental differences
- what types?
missing unit – gap
unknown unit – extra segment [e.g. th, ]
different realisation of very similar unit [e.g. r (easy to change because saliently different vs. slight differences are hard to change)]
phonemic status of L1 allophone
allophonic status of L1 phoneme
What are examples of extra segments
Ge-Eng and Eng-Ge
English but not German
job, three, that, win
German but not English
Pfeife, Zahn
What are examples of different realisations? consonants
uvular trill versus retroflex glide
clear versus dark (velarized) Bill
What are examples of different realisations? vowels
short high vowels
- higher in German bitte bit, Putz put
rising diphthongs
- ai, au, oi balance of onset and offglide hi, hau how
low front vowel
- Bäder higher than bad
long vowels
- steady state versus diphthongized Miete meat, Rute route
Differences in Vowels
Levels of contrasts in lgs
- segments
(consonants and vowels) - phonotactic rules
(e. g. in psychology, omission of p-sound) - processes
(allophonic variation, linking processes, weakening, neutralisation) - prosodic fetures
(stress and intonation)
main difficulties for german learners of english
- consonants
—» dental fricatives
(actual articulation, replacements)
- velarized lateral: habit of L1 carried over
(e. g. all, ill) - retroflex glide: habit of L1 relatively easy to master
(rain, sorry)
—» bilabial glide, articulation easy, orthography confuding
(e.g. Why was Walter Wilson’s wish not welcomed?)
(persistent hypercorrection patterns: very windy, vast water surface)
- aspiration: too much after s (star, sky); not enough in liason (it is) [some germans aspirate after st or sk, doesnt sound rare but n engl it would]
—» voicing
voicing difficulty in phonology (germans)
what can be done?
- different distribution as result of final devoicing in german
- unmarked feature is hard to suppress
- clear articulation very important
- aspiration helps to enhance the difference
- length allophony enhances difference (length of vowel) : blog-block, bat-bad, seat-seed, etc
main difficulties for german learners of english
- vowels
—» low front lax vowel ‘ash’-sound
/e/ vs. /ae/
subtle diff.
- lax vowels less peripheral in Engl.
- -Schutt - put
- long vowels less steady state in Engl
- seat, food - sieht, gut
- rising diphthongs more onset focussed in Engl
- high - Hai; how - hau
- centering diphthongs more central in Engl
- beer - Bier; pour - pur
Contrastive phonology
phonotactic rules
- voicing distribution
German: voiced onset, voiceless coda
(sagen, reisen-reßen, Bus)
Engl: voicing distinct in all positions
(sap-zap, bossy-busy)
- consonant clusters
medial: Finger, finger
initial Engl. only: twist, dwarf, pure, snow
initial German only: Gnade, Schnee, schlau, Speck, Stuhl, Psychologie
Contrastive phonology
- different stress rules
fünfzehn - fifteen, unglücklich - unhappy - different phonetic realisation
verstehen - understand
Contrastive phonology
realisation of stress
–» loudness
- duration
–» pitch movement
- pitch level
–» vowel reduction
(stress-timing: isochrony of feet, relation betw vowels and cons. in syll., diff syllable ength of adjecent syllables)
Contrastive phonology
- both lgs are stress-timed
- engl more extremely so
Contrastive phonology
prosody: intonation
pronouncing diphthongs
centering and raising diphthongs
raising diphthongs more onset focused
- Hai vs. hi
centering diphthongs more centered
- beer vs. Bier, pour vs. pur
different phonological processes affecting words
- e.g. stick, Stück (more in German)
final devoicing
medial flapping
- latter, ladder
different phonological processes across words
Phrasal Prosody
Linking Structure
- linking/intrusive r
- allophonic effects l (fronting; t-flapping; consonant release)
[consonant release: kick –kicking –kick it; hit –hitting –hit it]
- Assimilation
- Coalescence
- Elision
- Epenthesis
- Compression
- Weakening
Connected Speech - Structure simplification processes
Assimilation (progressive, regressive)
- pro: voicing of -s suffixes (when voiced before or after other sibilants)
- optional: syllabic bilabial assimilation (e.g. ribbon - ribbm)
- regressive: assimilation of alveolar fricatives s and z before alvoepalatals and palatals (e.g. this shirt, less chess)
Coalescence (2 sounds become one)
- t+j what you did; d+j did you laugh ; s+j; z+j
Elision (leaving out a sound)
- historical: Christmas, listen, often
- present: mashed potatoes, calmed down, found them, grandfather, grandmother, landscape, landmark, windscreen, handbag, software, postcard
Epenthesis (adding sounds) - present day: /nt/dense dents, chance chants, prince prints /mp/ warmth, triumph /ηk/ length, strength
Compression (syllable loss) - loss of syllable status ( threatening, rattling) - gliding of high vowels ( genius, obedient, tenuous) - vowel elisions in centralizing diphthongs ( nowadays, flower)
- loss of vowel (distinction) -and more
…in conjunctions, prepositions, pronouns, determiners, etc