E-commerce and advertising Flashcards
What is the difference between “owned media”, “bought media” and “earned media”?
Owned media = The media which the company owns and fully controls. (webpage etc)
Bought media = The media which is bought by the company (advertising space)
Earned media = The media which is earned in different ways and is unpaid (people giving good reviews on social media)
What is “programmatics”?
An automated system in which advertisement is distributed in different channels and times with the use of algorithms.
What are some pros with programmatics?
- Since it’s automated the need for human interaction is reduced and in this way cost efficient and lessens risk of human error.
- Targeting the right customer at the right time is easier achieved by analyzing and using data in the algorithms about where customers have shown interest before.
- The future of marketing
What are some cons with programmatics?
- Missing competences on how to use this tool.
- Marketing is an old business and is usually done in a certain way - leads to resistance from marketeers who fear a loss of creativity.
What are the eight key elements of a business model?
- Value proposition
- Revenue model
- Market opportunity
- Competitive environment
- Competitive advantage
- Market strategy
- Organizational development
- Management team
What different B2C business models are described? (7)
- E-tailer (online store)
- Community provider (social network)
- Content provider (music, text, news)
- Portal (msn, AOL, Yahoo)
- Transaction broker (middle-service in transactions)
- Market creator (e-Bay, blocket)
- Service provider (Google)
Which are the four different business models for B2B E-commerce?
- E-distributors (company that offers products and services to individual companies)
- E-procurement (enables marketplace for trades between different companies)
- Exchanges (independent marketplace for large number of suppliers to meet limited number of large companies in one sector)
- Industry consortia (industrial sector-owned marketplace offers products to e.g automobile industry)
What are “Private industrial networks”?
Networks owned by a large purchasing organization that invites selected suppliers to the network. (Walmart)
What is “Supply Chain Management” (SCM)?
Activities used to coordinate procurement process.
What are some major trends in “Supply Chain Management”?
- Just-in-time and lean productions
- Supply chain simplification
- Sustainable supply chains, etc…
What are the four revenue models for App-marketing?
- Payment for download
- In app purchase
- Subscription
- Advertising
What are some benefits to email-marketing?
- Inexpensive
- Average around 3-4 % click through
- Measuring and tracking responses
- Personalization and targeting
Name 3 challenges with email-marketing.
- Spam
- Anti-spam software
- Poorly targeted purchased email lists
What are some advantages to email-marketing?
- Relatively strong tool to build relationships with consumers
- Relatively cheap
- Easy to personalize
What are some disadvantages to email-marketing?
- Difficult to get through firewalls
- Difficult to create creative design
- Resource intensive to personalize emails
What is spam?
Unsolicited commercial e-mail (around 55% of all mail in 2017)
What is CRM?
Customer Relationship Management. Also called one-to-one marketing where customer information is collected and built over time (ICA-kundsystem)
What opportunities can you get with CRM?
- Reach target audience cost effectively
- Mass customization of marketing messages
- Strengthen customer relationship
- Learn about customer buying behavior
- Lower costs for customer communication
What are the 3 data types discussed about CRM?
- Personal data and profile data
- Transaction data
- Communication data
What are some types of traditional online marketing?
- Affiliate marketing (other pages linking to yours)
- Viral marketing
- Lead generation marketing
What is a common key-figure for commission?
EPC = earning per click
What is Long Tail Marketing?
Internet allows for sales of small volume products with little demand. This makes substantial revenue because of:
- Near zero inventory costs
- Little marketing costs
- Search and recommendation engines
What are 5 traditional online marketing and advertising tools?
- Search engine marketing and advertising
- Display ad marketing
- Affiliate marketing
- Viral marketing
What is SEO?
-Search engine optimization
What types of SEO are there?
- Google search engine algorithms (PageRank)
- Social search (search queries on Facebook)
What are some issues with search engine marketing?
- Paid inclusion and placement practices
- Link farms, content farms
- Click fraud
What is SEM?
- Search engine marketing (use of search engines for marketing)
What types of SEM are there?
- Paid inclusion
- Pay-per-click (PPC) search ads
- Keyword advertising (a type of pay per click)
How can marketers use SEO to improve ranking in organic search (3)?
- Make sure to get the desired pages indexed.
- Choose the right keywords
- Optimize content
What is Display Ad Marketing?
When advertisers pay for ads on a third party site where ads are placed via ad networks like googles DoubleClick. It’s more dynamic than traditional ads (TV).
What are some types of Display Ad Marketing?
- Banner ads
- Rich media ads
- Video ads
- Sponsorships
- Native advertising
What is ad exchanges?
An auction-based digital marketplace where ad networks sell ad space to marketers.
Explain Programmatic advertising?
It’s an automated, auction-based method for matching demand and supply for online display ads.
Explain RTB?
Real time bidding is process to match advertiser demand for display ads with publisher supply of web page space.
What are some issues with Display advertising?
- Ad fraud
- Viewability
- Ad blocking
What are some advantages with display advertising?
- Direct response
- Increased brand awareness
- Cheaper than traditional media ads
- Faster to start campaign than traditional media
What are disadvantages with display advertising?
- Low CTR (Click through rate) “Banner blindness”
- May damage brand
- Uncertainty on which ad formats give best results
What types of tracking files are there?
- Cookies
- Flash cookies
- Web beacons (“bugs”)
- Tracking headers (super cookies)
In measuring the cost of online advertising what models can be used?
- cost per thousand (CPM), cost per click (CPC),
- cost per action (CPA), hybrid or sponsorship
What is Digital Rights Management?
Technical and legal means to protect digital content from unlimited reproduction and distribution.
What three types of Media Convergence are there?
- Technological convergence
- Content convergence
- Industry convergence
What are the five revenue models?
- Advertising
- Subscription
- Transaction
- Sales
- Affiliate (freemium)