E Flashcards
The second stage of psychosocial development, characterized by the anal-urethra-muscular psychosexual mode and by the crisis of autonomy versus shame and doubt
Early childhood (erikson)
Technique proposed by Adler to understand the pattern or theme that runs throughout a person’s style of life
Early recollections
Approach that allows selection of usable elements from different theories or approaches and combines them in a consistent and unified manner
The province of the mind that refers to the “I” or those experiences that are owned by(not necessarily consciously) by the person. As the only region of the mind in contact with the real world, It is said to serve the reality principle
Ego (freud)
The center of consciousness. In Jungian psychology, this is lesser importance than the more inclusive self and is limited to consciousness
Ego (jung)
The part of the superego that results from experiences with reward and that, therefore, teaches a person what is right or proper conduct
Imaginary traits attributed to real or imaginary people in order to protect one’s self-esteem
Eidetic personifications (sullivan)
An existentialist term meaning the world of one’s relationship to self.
Making choices that will increase a person’s range of future choices
Elaborative choice (kelly)
The accurate sensing of the feelings of another and the communication of these perceptions.
Empathic listening (rogers)
An indefinite process through which anxiety is transferred from one person to another
Empathy (sullivan)
Based on experience, systematic observation, and experiment rather than on logical reasoning or philosophical speculation
The assumption that behaviors that move people in the direction of their goals are more likely to be reinforced
Empirical law of effect (rotter)
People’s ways of transforming stimulus inputs into information about themselves, other people, and the world
Encoding strategies (mischel)
Overt or covert actions designed to satisfy needs or reduce anxiety
Energy transformations (sullivan)
The need to develop, to grow, and to achieve
Enhancement needs (rogers)