Dynamics Review Flashcards
a point mass
a quantity having direction and magnitude.
a vector can change in time with both direction and magnitude.
To describe the change with time, we can define the derivative of a vector A to be:
“A vector dot” is tied to…
the frame of reference in which the derivative is taken.
a time derivative is completely dependent on the frame of reference.
Let {e1}_hat, {e2}_hat {e3}_hat be mutually perpendicular unit vectors and A1, A2, and A3 are secular units of A_vector. What is A_vector?
If F is the frame of reference, then the time derivavtive of A_vector w.r.t. F becomes…
If we let {e1}_hat, {e2}_hat, and {e3}_hat are fixed in reference frame (are orthogonal basis), then
time rate of change of unit vectors are zero. Then left with:
the locus of points of F that particle P occupies as t passes
If O is the origin of F, then {rop}_vector is
the position vector.
The derivative of the position vector {rop}_vector is
the velocity vector.
The second derivative of the position vector {rop}_vector is
the acceleration vector.
The magnitude of {vop}_vector is
the speed of particle P.
Cylindrical coordinates are
radial, transverse, and unit vector k
Compare the cylindrical and cartesian coordinates
{er}_hat and {etheta}_hat are in the i-j plane.
theta goes from the cartesian i_vector to r_vector
Define the cartesian {rop}_vector