Dx criteria Exam 3 Flashcards
Body Dissatisfaction screening
Scoff (2+ is ED)
Avoidant/Restrictive food intake disorder
Avoiding/restricting leads to persistent failure to meet nutritional or energy needs (1+ the following):
Sig wt loss, poor growth, or failure to achieve expected wt gain
Nutritional def, oral supp or enteral feeding req to achieve adeq nutrition
Impaired psychosocial fxning
usually BMI of 16 on a kid
Anorexia Nervosa
Mild - BMI ≥ 17
Mod - BMI 16-16.99
Severe - BMI 15-15.99
Extreme - BMI < 15
Bulima Nervosa
Recurrent binge eating and inapp compensatory behaviors ≥ 1 per wk for 3mo
MC compensation →
Laxative use in 1/3
Less common - enemas, diuretics, fasting
Binge Eating Disorder
Recurrent binging without compensatory behavior
Severity ranked by ep per week
mild 1 to 3
mod 4 to 7
severe 8 to 13
extreme 14+
Disturbance in perception of reality 1+ of the following:
Hallucinations, delusions, incoherent speech, catatonic behavior, abd emotions, cogn difficulties
Hallmark of schizophrenia
Chronic or recurrent psychosis
Imp fxn and disabling
Dx by: Characteristic symptom + social/occupational dysfxn for ≥ 6 mo
Brief psychotic disorders
1+ psychotic symptom
Acute onset - at least 1 day and less than 1 month
1 mo to 5 mo long
2+ psychotic symptoms
and more rapid onset
Secondary Psychotic Disorder
1+ psychotic symptom
cause from something thast not schizo
Schizoaffective Disorder
2 week period of no mood episode where psychotic syptoms are present
Delusional Disorder
Isolated delusions in high fxn person greater than 1 month
hallucinations could be present but only delusional theme
1+ of the following symptoms for > 1mo:
Difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, Poor quality sleep, Early morning awakening
Symptoms occur despite adeq opportunities and circumstances for sleep
Transient Insomnia: < 7 days (assoc w/ anxiety) Acute Insomnia: < 30 days Chronic Insomnia: 30+ days
Differentiated by cause: Primary Insomnia - no cause
Comorbid Insomnia - secondary to other dz:
**Tetrad of s/s:
Recurrent irresistible attacks of daytime sleepiness - unexpected, on daily basis for ≥ 3mo (2-6x/d; 10-20min ep)
Cataplexy - bilat loss of muscle tone; assoc w/ emotional trigger
Hallucinations: Hypoagogic - upon falling asleep Hypnopompic - on awakening
Sleep paralysis - liability to move or speak during transition btw sleep and wakefulness
MSLT multiple sleep latency test.
recorded naps for REM sleep, 2+ REM cycles during test
Shortened REM latency period
w/i first 1/3 of night (stage 3-4 NREM sleep) Eyes are open but gaze is unfocused
Sleep Apnea
Home overnight pulse ox. = high rule out value
overnight polysomnography that measures EEG, pulse ox, airflow, electrooculography - reveals apenic episodes
Personality Disorder Screening
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventiory 2 restr form MMPI 2RF (dx)
Million Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II (MCMIIII) info on personality style
fxn imp in 2+ settings
6+ s/s for 6+ mo
s/s before 12
ASD screening & Dx
MCHAT R/F - 16-30 months
No babble by 9 mo
No point by 12 mo or no orient to name
No words by 16 mo
No symbolic play 18 mo
no 2 word phrase by 24 mo
any loss of language or skills at any point
Then if +, get hearing screen and serum lead level, genetic testing, specialist referral
MECP2 gene mutation
deceleration of head grow by 2-3 mo
12-18 mo loss motor, IQ, language.
initial sign is losing interest in surroundings and less purposeful hand movements
epilepsy, bruxism, scoliosis, growth fail, motor dysfunction like teeth grinding, cardiac abnormalities , fractures, sleep disorder
watch for QT
Somatic Symptom Disorder
1+ somatic s/s causing distress or sig disruption of daily living > 6mo
Excessive thoughts, feelings, behav related to somatic s/s or assoc health concerns (1+ of the following)
Disproportionate and persistent thoughts abt seriousness or symptoms
Persistent high level of anxiety abt health/sympt
Excessive time and energy devotes to sympt
Severity: Mild - 1 s/s Mod - 2+ s/s Severe - 2+ s/s + multiple somatic complaints or 1 severe complaint
Functional Neuro
1 s/s affect vol motor or sensory
clinical findings incompatible
illness anxiety dis
6+ mo
preoccupation w having illness or getting one
body dysmorphia
1+ flaw w/ checking comparing behavior
subtype is muscle dysmorphia
Somatic sx disorder w pain
1+ somatic sx that is pain
for 6+ months
w excessive thought/actions above it