Antidepressants lecture Flashcards
How long to titrate dose
7 to 10 days
How long is each dose trial
4 to 6, but at least 4 weeks
How long do you keep someone on a dose if its working?
6+ months
Slightly more effective antidepressants?
Paroxetine, escitalopram, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, vortioxetine, amitripyline
1st gen?
2nd gen?
-2nd gen MC
SSRI, SNRI, atypical, serotonin modulators, ketamine
MOA, Dosing, CI, SE, metabolism, why do we use them
we use them because
well tolerated good efficacy. 1st line for MDD
MOA- decreases pump of serotonin reuptake which makes more serotonin in the synapse
Dose- QAM
Metabolized in liver
CI- Allergy or MAOI in last two weeks
SE- GI upset (N/D, anorexia), Sleep change (up or down), Neuro (dizzy, HA), Sexual dusfunction (ED, libido down, anorgasmia), anxiety increases, SI increases
other SE- prolonged QT, wt gain, bleeding, orthostatic hypotension, serotonin syndrome
Name the SSRIs
Sertraline, ciralopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, fluvoxamine
Longest half life of SSRIs-
Prozac (Fluoxetine) 3 d
If a pt wants to start a MAOI, they have to wait 5 weeks for prozac long half life
When can you expect serotonin syndrome to occur?
within 24 of starting them on a new med. often within 6 hours.
signs of serotonin syndrome? how do you know its serotonin syndrome?
no labs! clinical dx.
Give them benzodiazepines, hydrate
Signs and symptoms: diarrhea, increased bowel sounds, agitation, hyperreflexia, dry mucous membranes, autonomic instabliity, hyperthermia, HTN, tremor, clonus, seizure, death
SE? who gets it?
MC GI upset, diarrhea
likely for insomnia
Less prolonged QT
Most well tolerated
For pregnant
escitalopram is an isomer of citalopram.
-MC prolonged QT
-easier on liver. least inhibition of hepatic cytochrome enzymes.
-minimal SE profile
shortest half life (15 hrs)
somnolence (drowsy). good for sleep
Most drug interactions (DDI) of 2 cytochromes
**AM meaning you see the morning, sleep through the night
most drug interactions! associate someone about to sleep, and they take all of their pills beforehand
shortest half life because it is the opposite of fluvoxETine
longest half life (3 d)
CI tamoxifen
*ET like the alien with a bra walking around at night
anxiety and insomnia because its opposite of fluoxAMine