DWT 3 Flashcards
CP Two sources of globulin
Lymphocyte and liver (albumin also comes from the liver)
CP Only request serum protein electrophoresis if…
High globulin
Hyperglobulinemia causes
And which causes poly or monoclonal gammopathy
Hint: one is cancer
Inflammation- small shift- Polyclonal gammopathy
- a delayed phase response due to chronic stimulation
B cell lymphoma or plasma cell neoplasm - big shift at specific globulin [gamma globulin usually]- Monoclonal gammopathy
CP Why does albumin go down with inflammation -guess
Albumin gives intravascular oncotic pressure that retains the free fluid inside the blood vessel
But during inflammation you want the fluid to go out and the blood stasis that helps neutrophils go out to tissue
So if the albumin goes down with inflammation then less fluid oncotic pressure so the fluid goes into interstisium
CP alpha and beta globulin are different from gamma globulin
Alpha and beta are acute phase proteins
The production (by the liver) of these proteins either increases
with inflammation (positive APP)
CP Fluid reference
Fuild with ice pack
No formalin
No stained smears
Overnight shipping
CP Criteria of malignancy
3-4 of these to be neoplasm
Nuclei molding
Different size cells anisocytosis
Different size nuclei anisokaryosis
Mitotic figures
Coarse chromatin
Multiple nuclei
Weird nucleoli
Loss of cellular polarity
Cr vs CK
Creatine vs creatine kinase
Cr- is a measure of glomerular filtration of muscle
CK - sensitive to muscle injury - goes up with muscle injury
Which age of animals have a higher half life for drugs/toxin
Lower kidney function and slow metabolism → old animals
shakeroot it causes milk sickness - pregnant/lactating mothers are not clinical but calves are
What can be excreted in milk?
Organophosphate; pesticides that are lipophilic
Lead (lango to blood, liver, brain, bone)
Milk is acidic so concentrates basic
Diphenhydramine is a
Irritant is labeled w/ caution (eye)
Corrosive is with danger _ both result in POS. Absorption
Do we want to inducer vomit w/ corrosive?
No it will burn coming up
Give demulcent to protect GI tract
4 causes of edema
Increased hydrostatic intravascular - hyperimeat congestion
Decreased intravascular osmotic pressure
Problem with lymphatic drainage
Increase vascular permeability
hemorrhage in a focal confined space (contained within a tissue)
Canine Ehrlichiosis and rickettsia rickettsii
Are both similar clinical presentation especially with petechia
Where is blood turbulence in a venous thrombi
Upstream- further from heart
Arterial or cardiac- is downstream - further from the heart
A thrombus forms in circulating blood but a blood clot forms in
Stagneant blood
A thrombus is also attached to the endothelial wall while a blood clot is not
Emboli can be produced by
Mostly thrombi
Also bacteria,parasite, fat emboli, neoplasm, gas, fibrin
Acute ,subacute, necrosis infarct
An infarct is when a thrombi or emboli caused clot migrates and lodges cutting off the flow of blood to the specific area or return of blood from area- ischemia lead to necrosis
Acute infarct - Red/ dark and raised
Subacute infarct - white and raised
Necrotic tissue- depressed and fibrous scar tissue
Virchows triad
Endothelial damage
Turbulent flow
Hypercoagulability- PLN - blood change
Lead to thrombus and platelet activity
TWO THINGS THAT CAUSE hypoperfusion in shock
Low circulating blood volume or not enough of a cardiac output pressure to push blood to tissue
What are the types of shock
Hypovolemic - blood volume loss
Cardiac- cardiac tamponade which is commonly atrial hemangeosarcoma - prob with pump
Anaphylactic - IgE
Neurological- parasympathetic takes over due to a lot of pain or spinal cord injury -vasodialation
Septic- LPS results different results at different doses- low local, mod local and cystemic [thrombosis], high septic shock vasodialation and organ disfunc
Stages of shock
Non-progressive - when there is renal water reabsorbtion/ sympathetic tone again to inc cardiac output/ vasoconstriction
Progressive- reversible with acidosis
Irreversible - cell death and renal fail /no cardiac output
What is granulation tissue
It is the scar tissue made with angiogenesis and fibrosis [tissue replacement by collagen which is made by fibroblasts]
New capillary beds can form through
Sprouting off existing blood vessels
Creating a new vessel by stimulating endothelial precursor cells
Are pink and shiny and leaky and edema vibes because they are new blood vessels
Sim and diff between first intention and second intention would
1 clean small
2 large bigger and myofibroblast and wound contraction - this makes a bigger divot
Fibroblast and new blood vessels and immune response
Collagen molding so its all parallel
Fibroblast perpendicular to blood vessel
Which vitamin helps with would healing and fibrosis for granulation tissue
Vitamin c that is for the collagen
Main thing that impacts would healing
Infection in the wound
What helps precursor endothelial cells in bone marrow get to new blood vessel
-survive proliferate and migrate
Amyloid is a protein that is deposited in extracellular space
A s beta pleated Sheet - insoluble protein deposit
Two most common forms of amyloids and when they are deposited ?
AL - primary amyloidosis
immunoglobulin based so increase with the plasma cell neoplasm
AA - Secondary amyloidosis
amyloid is acute phase protein so increases with inflammation so with chronic inflammation
Chemical antagonism
Chelation therapy with lead - where the toxin is when two drugs work together to create a less toxic product
Dispositional antagonism
With activated charcoal that stops absorption in GI tract
Apomorphine [crtz]
When two drugs work to reduce time or concentration in the organ
emesis for cats
Dexmedetomidine and xylazine
Which Cathartics are used in large animal
Magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate
What helps ssri ADHD
.acepromazine _block the seratonint dopamine receptor
Ø Cyproheptadine is a drug for
Serotonin syndrome that blocks serotonin binding
Two garbage mycotoxin
He penetrate and rogue Fortnite
Toxoplasma gondii
Is an apicomplex
That is in cats with infective stages as sporozoites, tachyzoites and bradyzoites
It has pathogenic stage tachyzoite
It’s zoonotic
Direct and indirect life cycle with rats [prefered to ingest brayzoites in mouse]
Abortion in small ruminant vs abortion in cattle
Small ruminant - toxoplasma
Cattle -neospora - not zoonotic
Sarcocytis neurona what’s different about this coccidia
Only indirect life cycle
They are with DH as possum and IH as raccoon/skunk/armadillo
Abornmal host that it stops at is the horse that has myeloencephalitis
How does kidney help calcium
Metabolizes the vitamin d to active form
What causes renal tubular problem because of grapes
When sg between 1.008 and 1.012 that show not enough concentration in urine
E renal tubular damage
In ethylene glycol toxicity
Herbivores PH
Alkaline basic. High ph
Protein:creatitine ratio for globular damage
Gd- >3 iOSs of albumin in urine
Tubular damage _ 0.5-3
If plasma normal and urine red and urine cleared with centrifuge
If pLasma red and urine red
If plasma normal and urine red and not cleared with centrifuge
Moldy sweet clover
What two things to test for copper toxicity
Molybendenum and copper
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids or phylloerythrin cause skin bun burn?
In secondary photosensitization the phylloerythrin from chlorophyll causes the skin burn due to the nephrotoxicity cost by the Alkaloid
Deoxynivalenol is
Vomitoxin - inbarley corn and moldy + fugal food _ dogs and pigs most sensitive to deoxynivalenol
With a true inflammation the infection site concentration of the antibiotic is —— the blood concentration
Equal to
Higher at bladder and withtopicals than the mic
Lower at eye, prostate, Intracellular
No susceptibility test for otitis external and surface infect
P anaplastic
Poorly differentiated
So they look nothing like what cells they are supposed to be.
Dysplasia- disorderly.but itbasement membranes and more mitotic figures
Metaplasia - replace cells-can reverse!
Respiratory acidosis
Respiratorycenter medulla
Upper airway obstruction
Alveolar disease
Vascular disorder
Pleural cavity disease
Respiratory muscle paralysis