DVTs and PEs Flashcards
Most common EKG abnormality for PE (pulmonary emboli)?
Sinus Tachycardia
Over 90% of acute PE cases are due to what?
Emboli originating from lower extremity DVTs
What is Virchow’s Triad?
- Vessel wall injury
- Hyper-coagulability
- Venous stasis
2 most common hypercoagulable states as risk factors for VTE (venous thromboembolism)
- Factor V Leiden mutation
- Prothrombin gene mutation
3 things which cause DVT in extremities
- injury
- stasis
- prothrombotic status
Common vessel of DVT in leg
Femoral Vein (previously superficial femoral vein)
If a DVT and PE occur simultaneously, which one is symptomatic and which is asymptomatic?
Symptomatic DVT
Asymptomatic PE
What syndrome occurs if DVT is untreated?
Post-thrombophlebitic syndrome
What is a common risk factor that causes UE DVT?
Catheter placement
What is a useful scoring system for DVT if there is no quick US available?
Wells Criteria
- What lab test is helpful if NEGATIVE for diagnosing DVT?
- Sensitivity of 97%
- Specificity of 45%
(endogenous fibrinolysis almost always causes the release of D-dimers from fibrin clot in presence of DVT/PE)
4 causes of elevated D-dimer
- Venous thromboembolic diseaes (DVT / PE)
- Post operative state
- Malignancy
- Normal pregnancy
- Test of choice for DVT?
- Test no commonly used?
- Compression US (veins should normally collapse, but will not collapse if DVT is there)
- Contrast venography
What is our main reason for treating DVT?
Prevent PE
3 timing classifications of PE
- Acute - (24 to 48 hrs)
- Subacute - (days to weeks)
- Chronic (months to years)
PE associated w/ SBP <90 or drop in SBP of greater than 40 for over 15 minutes
Massive PE
PE associated w/ pt not being hypotensive, but has either RV dysfunction or myocardial necrosis
Submassive PE
Small or low risk PE
Non-massive PE
- Main symptom of PE
- Main sign of PE
Sxs: SOB or dyspnea
Signs: Tachypnea
Troponin is increased in pts w/ DVT or PE?
PE (57% of pts)
EKG sign “classic” for PE? BUT, only seen in <10% of pts
S1 Q3 T3
What is a pathognomic CXR finding for PE? (but is a very rare finding)

Hampton’s Hump
(pleura based shallow wedge shaped consolidation in lung periphery)
What is this?
Usually occurs in pts w/ pre-existing cardiopulmonary disease.

Pulmonary Wedge Sign
A V/Q scan to dx PE is positive if there is a 1 or greater “____”
Mismatch (ventilation, but no perfusion)

Left pulmonary artery PE on CTA (CT angiogram)
What is the gold standard diagnostic test of a PE?
(highly specific/sensitive)
(but is not used frequently due to new generation CTs)
What is not a routine diagnostic test for PE, but is widely used to identify right heart hemodynamic changes that indirectly suggest PE & for prognostication?
(commonly used to see RV failure)
What is the initial tx of VTE? (most commonly used)
IV Unfractionated Heparin
(inhibits clotting cascade by inactivating thrombin)
Antidote for Heparin / Reversal
What med is given for outpatient tx of DVT / Stable PE?
Low Molecular Weight Heparin
What med for long term tx of VTE?
Is pregnancy category X
(acts on liver to block vitamin K dependent synthesis coagulant proteins)
During the first few days the patient is on Warfarin pt is ______, so Heparin is a bridge when starting Warfarin.
What med for DVT, PE, and non-valvular A-fib?
(factor Xa or direct thrombin inhibitor)
Antidote: PCC
Which drug?
- Activate plasminogen to form plasmin, resulting in the accelerated lysis of thrombi
- Used for unstable pts w/ PE
(Streptokinase, Urokinase)
What tx will prevent DVT from propagating to lungs?
IVC filter
(absolute contraindication to anticoagulation)
3 Prophylactic Measures
- SCD (Sequential compression devices)
- TED hose (thromboembolic deterrent)
- Low dose SQ Heparin
Can a clinically stable pt w/ DVT or PE be tx outpatient?
Yes, give Lovenox or NOACs
Who is responsible for monitoring pts anticoagulation?
- Cardiologist
Pretest Probability scores for PE based on Wells Criteria
- High
- Moderate
- Low
- High: >6
- Moderate: 2-6
- Low: <2
Pretest Probability scores for PE based on Wells Criteria
- High
- Moderate
- Low
- High: 3 or greater
- Moderate: 1-2
- Low: 0