Duke Health - Module 6 Flashcards
How serious is the risk of bias?
* Were cases and controls similar with respect to the indication or circumstances that would lead to exposure?
o The characteristics of the cases and controls need to be carefully documented and their — needs to be demonstrated. The choice of comparison groups has a significant influence on the — of the study results. The researchers should identify an appropriate …
control population that would be eligible or likely to have the same exposure as the cases.
- Were the circumstances and methods for determining exposure similar for cases and controls?
o In a case control study determination of the — is critical. The exposure in the two groups should be identified by the same method. The identification should avoid any kind of bias, such as — bias. Sometimes using — data, such as medical records, or blinding the interviewer can help eliminate bias.
Odds ratios
* Case control studies are — and can only present results in terms of — NOT —
Odds ratio
- The odds of previous exposure in a case divided by the odds of exposure in a control patient
- OR = (exposed cases/nonexposed patients) / (exposed controls/not exposed controls)
Is there a dose response relationship?
- Having a dose response relationship between exposure and outcome can strengthen association
How precise is the estimate of risk?
* To answer this, we look for the …
CI for the odds ratio
- Confidence intervals are a measure of the — of the results in a study
o Wider intervals indicate — precision
o Narrow intervals show — precision