Dubon HISTORY Exam Flashcards
Who adopted the USMC motto and in what year?
8 th Commandant, Charles McCawley in 1883
What Marine was awarded the Medal of Honor during the Spanish American War for exposing
himself to enemy gunfire and signaling to US ships to shift fire away from his fellow Marines?
Sgt. John Quick
At which WW1 battle did Marines get the nickname “Teufelhunden” (Devil Dog)?
Belleau Wood
At the Battle of Belleau Wood what did Capt. Lloyd Williams yell to retreating French soldiers
who encouraged himself and his Marines to retreat?
“Retreat hell, we just got here!”
Who decreed that the official colors of the USMC be scarlet and gold?
John A. Lejeune
In 1921 which Marine correctly predicted twenty years in advance that the Japanese would
launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor?
Lt. Col. Earl H. Ellis
Capt. Joseph L. Foss and Maj. Gregory “Pappy” Boyington became the USMC’s top aces scoring
26 and 28 kills respectively in which WW2 battle?
In which WW2 battle did Admiral Nimitz say “uncommon valor was a common virtue”?
Iwo Jima
Which 1948 Act allowed women to served in the regular armed forces?
Women’s Armed Services Integration Act
What is the Executive Order that Integrated the Armed Forces?
Executive Order 9981
Who was the only African American aviator in the Korean War?
2 nd Lt. Frank E. Petersen Jr.
What is the name of the post WW2 group of current and former Marines that successfully
lobbied Congress for legislative protection to keep the USMC alive?
Chowder Society
What act, passed in 1952, declared the USMC would never be smaller than three active duty
Douglas-Mansfield Act
The USMC landed in Lebanon in 1958 as part of what operation?
Operation Bluebat
The Marines used which two offensive strategies in Vietnam?
Clear and Hold, Marine Pacification
Which USMC strategy in Vietnam involved winning the trust of the Vietnamese people?
Marine Pacification
What 1965 operation, led by Major General Lew Walt, showed that vertical envelopment, naval
gunfire, close air support, and aggressive infantry maneuvering were more than a match for the
Operation Starlite
What Operation involved the first time the Marines encountered the NVA?
Operation Utah
What operation was commanded by Major General Raymond Davis and involved heli-borne
assaults, supported by leapfrogging artillery to hilltop firebases cleared as they progressed?
Operation Dewey Canyon
What operation involved the evacuation of civilians from Cambodia?
Operation Eagle Pull
What operation involved the final evacuation of Saigon?
Operation Frequent Wind
What general led the “15 year long march” for the USMC?
General Louis Wilson
Who was elected President of Afghanistan in 2004?
Hamid Karzai
When did the surge begin in Afghanistan?
What was the largest Marine action since the 2004 invasion of Fallujah and the biggest airlift by
Marines since Vietnam?
Operation Khanjar
What was the name of the offensive in 2009 that aimed to remove the Taliban from a
stronghold town in Helmand Province, the largest joint operation up to that point in the war?
Operation Moshtarak (Battle of Marjah)
What was 1 st MARDIV’s motto in 2002 leading up to OIF?
“no better friend, no worse enemy”
What does the term “shock and awe,” uttered by Gen Tommy Franks refer to?
The air attacks that began OIF
What task force pushed into the city of An Nasiriyah to secure key bridges over the Euphrates
River and Saddam Canal?
Task Force Tarawa
What MARDIV covered 808 kilometers in 17 days of sustained combat, the longest sequence of
coordinated overland attacks in Marine Corps history?
What 2004 battle took place after the murder of four American security contractors?
Battle of Fallujah
What operation saw Marines shut down access to Fallujah in order to isolate and seek out
insurgents holding up in the city?
Operation Vigilant Resolve
What operation included ferocious close quarters fighting and included the second battle of
Operation Phantom Fury
What was the name given to the movement of tribal leaders in Iraq’s Anbar Province to align
themselves with the U.S. and Iraqi government against the insurgency?
Al Anbar Awakening
Which MOH recipient shielded the rest of his squad from a grenade blast by diving on it with his
helmet which left him mortally wounded?
Cpl Jason Dunham
Which MOH recipient became the 1 st living Marine in 38 years to win the MOH?
Sgt Dakota Meyer
Which MOH recipient threw his body between a grenade and his fellow Marines, suffering
severe injuries but survived the blast and became the eighth living recipient of the MOH for
actions in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Cpl Kyle Carpenter
What unit was reactivated in October 2001 and combined elements of the Marine Security
Guard Battalion, Marine Security Force Regiment, and Chemical/Biological Incidence Response
4 th MEB
Counter insurgency doctrine was further developed and implemented during OEF and OIF using
lessons learned during what past manual?
Small Wars Manual
What manual was published in 2006 that consolidated lessons in counter insurgency?
Counter Insurgency Field Manual
What program took female Marines from a variety of specialties and trained them for duty with
ground combat units?
Lioness Program
What aircraft is capable of taking off and landing like a helicopter but flying like an airplane?
Osprey or MV-22
In 2004 what Marine unit responded to a humanitarian crisis in Indonesia?
15 th MEU
What operation was launched to enforce a no fly zone and to conduct combat strikes in Lybia by
the Air Combat Element of the 26 th MEU?
Operation Odyssey Dawn
What type of platoon was deployed to a U.S. embassy in Tripoli in response to a terrorist attack
on a U.S. embassy in Benghazi?
FAST platoon