Dubon GMS Exam Flashcards
If a Marine is on their 1 st BCP assignment and they comply with BCP standards, when can they be
removed from the program?
At the conclusion of their six month assignment period
If a Marines is on their 2 nd BCP assignment and they comply with BCP standards when can they
be removed from the program?
At any time during their six month assignment period
How many days of sustainment does a MEF have?
60 days
How many days of sustainment does a MEB have?
30 days
How many days of sustainment does a MEU have?
15 days
Enlisted rank insignia is worn spaced how many inches from both sides of the collar?
½ inch from both sides of the collar
Is Officer rank insignia worn parallel or perpendicular to the deck?
Where should the bottom of the necktie be on the service uniform?
Between ½ an inch above or below the belt buckle
How wide are hems on the service trousers and service skirts?
Between 2 and 3 inches
Where should the bottom of the service trousers be in relation to the welt?
½ and inch above or below
Where should the bottom of the service coat be in relation to the thumb?
1 inch above the large joint of the thumb
How many inches should the heel of the black pumps be?
Between 1 and 3 inches
How wide is the blood stripe worn on Officers Blue Dress uniforms?
1 ½ inch
Is the Sam Browne Belt worn with the AWC?
Are earrings worn with the utility uniform?
Name three things the National Security Act of 1947 created
National Security Council, JCS, Joint Staff, SECDEF, USAF, CIA
What is Operation Eagle Claw?
Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt
What is Operation Urgent Fury?
U.S. Invasion of Grenada
What consists of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and the Chief of each major branch of armed
service in the U.S. Armed Forces?
Does the JCS have executive authority over combatant forces?
Where is USAFRICOM located?
Stuttgart, Germany
Where is USEUCOM located?
Stuttgart, Germany
Where is USSOCOM located?
Tampa, FL
What is referred to as fourth generation or asymmetric warfare and is described as when a less
powerful adversary seeks to disrupt or negate the military capabilities and advantages of a more
powerful and conventionally armed military force?
Irregular Warfare
Under which President did the Code of Conduct emerge?
President Eisenhower
What year did the Code of Conduct emerge?
Why was the Code of Conduct created?
Because of the experiences of American POWs in the Korean War, to increase survivability of
POWS and give them the tools needed to repatriate honorably
What is the first article of the Code of Conduct?
“I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life, I am
prepared to give my life in their defense”
Which article of the Code of Conduct begins with “If I am captured…?”
Article 3
Can POWs select representation among fellow POWs?
Can POWs receive packages?
Can POWs be used for labor?
What are the two principal sources from which law is derived?
Lawmaking Treaties or Conventions, Custom
Facilitating the Restoration of Peace, Helping Accomplish the Mission, and Promotes Internal
Unit Discipline describe three purposes of what?
Law of War
What are the primary tools for regulating the use of force?
Rules of Engagement
When applying what ROE will you engage enemy forces based primarily upon their status as a
Declared Hostile Force?
Offensive ROE
What ROE requires the enemy to first display a hostile act or hostile intent?
Defensive ROE
Under which ROE do you need positive ID of the enemy combatant, assessment of possible
collateral damage, and the application of proportional force?
Defensive ROE
What is described as the threat of imminent use of force against the U.S., U.S. forces, or other
designated persons or property?
Hostile Intent
What is described as the nature, duration, and scope of forces necessary to defeat a particular
Proportional Force
What is described as “graduated force measures” or begin by applying the minimum use of
force possible, and increase level of force up to use of deadly force if required?
Escalation of Force
Do U.S. Forces have special obligations to preserve historical and religious sites if they are being
used by the enemy?
Can retired military members be subject to the UCMJ?
Can civilians be subject to the UCMJ?
What article of the UCMJ is somewhat like the Miranda Warning used in the civilian legal
Article 31
What article of the UCMJ covers non-judicial punishment?
Article 15
What is the lowest rank an E-4 can be reduced from an NJP?
What is the lowest rank an E-6 can be reduced from an NJP?
What court martial is composed of one commissioned officer on active duty?
Summary Court Martial
Does a special court martial normally try a military member for a capital offense?
What is the composition of the court in a special court martial?
A military judge and not less than 3 members
What is the composition of the court in a general court martial?
A military judge and not less than 5 members
If the accused is enlisted in a special or general court martial, what can they request with
regards to the composition of the court?
They can request that 1/3 of the court be composed of enlisted personnel.