DTP Flashcards
What is Alignment?
Positions of text lines on a page or column e.g.
aligned right, aligned left or fully justified.
What is Bleed?
This is to extend an artwork graphic beyond the trimmed edge of the page. The bleed is the extent to which it exceeds the page, commonly
What is Caption?
This is the descriptive text which accompanies a graphic or illustration.
what is Desktop Publishing?
The creation of a whole publication on a computer and preparing it for printing using typical publishing processes.
What is a Footer?
A line of text or page number placed at the bottom of the page which is repeated throughout the document.
What is a Graphic?
An illustration prepared on a paint, draw, CAD package or captured by image scanner which is then imported into a DTP layout.
What is a Headline?
Line of type set in a display (large) placed above accompanying text. Usually guides the reader on the content of the body text.
What is an Indent?
Beginning a line of text further in from the left margin then the rest of the text.
What is Justification?
Setting of type lines in which the space between
words is varied from line to line so that each line is of equal length.
What is Kerning?
A DTP function which is used to adjust the spacing between pairs of individual letters on a page. Used to eliminate unwanted white space.
What is Landscape?
A page layout function which arranges the page so that its widest side is horizontal.
What is a Montage?
A combination of separate images combined to give a composite picture/image.
What is an Outline?
A typeface which uses an outline effect.
What is Portrait?
A page layout function which arranges the page so that its widest side is vertical.
What are Quotes?
Marks which indicate speech e.g, they can be ‘single’ or “double”
What is a Run?
The number of copies of a publication to be printed.
What is a Spine?
The bound edge of a document/publication
What are Type Sizes?
The standard point system to describe type sizes.
What is an Underline?
A typeface which is underlined to draw attention to itself.
What is White Space?
Areas of empty space on a page. when used effectively it aids comprehension by complementing and setting off graphic images.