DTM Flashcards
define stage 2
early expanding
death rate falls but birth rate remains high
increasing population
define stage 1
high fluctuating
a high birth rate with high death rate, both of which fluctuate
so population remains steady but low
define stage 3
late expanding
birth rate falls and death rate falls slightly
population growth at a slower rate
define stage 4
low fluctuating
low birth rate and death rate that fluctuate on a low level so population remains stable
define stage 5
birth rate is below a stable death rate
suggest reasons for the BR and DR of stage1
high birth rate no birth control or family planning high IMR so encourages more children more children , more income high death rate poor healthcare poor sanitation poor nutrition
suggest reasons for the BR and DR of stage 2
high BR still little birth control more children = more profit low DR improved healthcare better nutrition lower child mortality
suggest reasons for the BR for stage 3
birth rate decreases greater access to education lower infant mortality rate working women rise in materialism
suggest reasons for the BR of stage 4
birth rate low
differences in lifestyles eg leisure interests and demand for material possessions
suggest reasons for the BR and DR of stage 5
BR decreases
rise in non traditional lifestyles (same sex relationships)
greater financial independence of women
concern about the impact of population on resources
DR decreases
more elderly or an aging population
suggest reasons why the DTM is useful
applies to all countries so can compare
can predict how a population may change so helps government decide policies eg one child policy
gives a good generalized picture of population change
easy to understand
give limitations of the DTM
does not consider migration
does not predict how how a transition will occur or how long it will last
populations in countries with different customs may change eg. Catholic Church condemns contraception
Eurocentric-assumes all countries will follow the same sequence of change
outline the UKs demographic history stage 1
prehistoric times to about 1740 population:small, 6 mil in 1700 bc poor diet and hygiene cheap gin drinking 1730-37/1000 diseases such as the Black Death, chorea and the great plague of 16651
outline stage 2 of the UK in the DTM
30 millions 1881
1798 Jenner discovers the vaccine against smallpox
improvements in farming and medicine bc of Public Health Acts
however, rise in child deaths in 1820 due to poor sanitation and food shortage
outline stage 3 of the UK in the DTM
1880-1940 BR 32/1000 to 17/1000
47 million in 1941
advances in nutrition. ( cheap American wheat)
First World War 1914-1918 drop in births
health improving (public health acts causes diseases such as TB to decreases)
outline stage 4 of the DTM in UK
1940-today 57 million In 1981 Post war baby boom 20/1000 oral contraceptive pill in 1940 rise of importance of women in employment structure
outline stage 5 of the UK DTM
death rate nearly = death rate
1/4 of UK s population will be over 65 by 2030