DT exam 2 Flashcards
What are the subject control distances?
- Unarmed: 2 Metres or more
2. Edged weapon or club: 6 metres or more
Name the 10 “operating safety principals”.
1 safety first 2 risk assessment 3 take charge 4 planned response 5 cordon and manage 6 avoid confrontation 7 avoid force 8 minimum force 9 forced entry searches 10 resources
What are the 2 main stances
- Field interview stance
2. Defensive stance
What is the statutory authority for the use of force?
462a A person may use such force not disproportionate to the objective as he believes on reasonable grounds to be necessary to prevent the commission, continuance or completion of an indictable offence or to effect or assist in effecting the lawful arrest of a person committing or suspected of committing any offence.
When do we as M.O.P.F use O/C spray?
- In situations of violent and serious physical confrontation.
- When a member believes on reasonable grounds that a serious physical confrontation is imminent.
- When violent or physical conduct could seriously injure oneself or result in suicide.
- Deterring attacking animals where appropriate.
What is the minimum and maximum recommended distances when using O/C spray.
Minimum distance = 60cm
Maximum distance = 3m
Distances in still environment
In O/C aftercare how long do we keep the person effected under constant and direct observation?
45minutes or until symptoms are no longer apparent. ( which ever is longer ).
Once effected by O/C spray what are signs the subject needs immediate medical attention?
- Does not recover within a reasonable time
- Complains of medical condition
- Asks for medical attention
- Sworn employee believes they may be suffering from a medical condition.
What does the H.e.a.r principal stand for?
A-ctive listening
What is the effective contact framework?
Contact Authority Topic Core dialogue Outcome Conclusion
What is the use of force justification test?
Force Opportunity Reasonable Capability Exclusion
What areas of the body do we avoid striking with an asp baton
Head Face Front of neck or throat Back of neck or spine Abdomen Kidney area Spleen region Groin Joints
What are the 2 subject categories?
- Apparently co-operative
2. Unco-operative
When do we handcuff?
Any person arrested or taken into custody should be handcuffed
( if it is reasonably believed to be necessary in the circumstances ).
when oc is deployed who provides aftercare
what items can you use
the member in charge of the incident & the member who used the spray must ensure the subject is provided with proper aftercare.
items can be used
1) salbutamol
2) volumatic spacer
what is the acronym ICENCIR
what is it used for
Isolate Contain Evacuate Negotiate Conclude Investigate Rehabilitate
used to assist in planning and managing an incident
once oc has been deployed what 2actions should you do
1) move side ways and assess the sprays effect
2) be ready to deploy 2ndry spray or use alternative tactical options
what are the elements of a ‘core dialogue’
- name &address
- dob
- licenses or permits eg drivers or shooters
- ID
- field interview
- pertinent information
what is purpose of safety dialogue
give examples
establish safety for:
- police
- subject
- public
eg put the weapon down show me your hands stay where you are back off step off the road
in the effective contact framework what is the ‘persuasion process’
to get the subject to do what you want and that they must do.
you must be actively listening and continually risk assessing.
the persuasion includes
- present the problem
- present choices- to their advantage
- verify- do not be agressive
- proceed
what is positional asphyxia (PA)
when the person’s body interferes with respiration, resulting in death from asphyxia or suffocation
what can contribute to positional asphyxia death
- obesity
- psychosis
- pre-existing physical conditions
- respiratory muscle fatigue
- multiple police
- oc spray
being aware of your trigger points in conflict situations, what techniques should be applied
- control breathing
- positive thinking
- visualising positive outcomes
- participate in situations that are realistic as possible
when should oc spray be carried
when ever you carry a baton or firearm
when is oc not carried
- members must not carry or use personally owned OC spray
- by members rostered for duty at crowd control situations (p.45)
- on an aircraft they must declare it
what are some motivators in the persuasion process
- time
- reputation
- money
- liberty