DSM Whats The Differene Flashcards
Child looks normal and has advanced speech.
Struggles with socialization (does not know how to relate to others)
Shows up around the age of 3.
Aspergillosis disorder
Lack of language or no speech prior to age 3.
Lack of socialization (maybe in own world).
Autistic disorder
Mainly effects girls in the first 5months of life.
Head and normal growth development stops.
Associated with severe profound retardation.
Retts disorder
Falls on the autism spectrum but does not meet all the criteria. Has some social withdrawal.
Pervasive development disorder NOS
Unable to learn in the typically manner.
Has problems with processing and phonics.
Learning disorder
Symptoms need to present prior to age 7.
Symptoms need to be present in at least 2settings. (Home & school)
Does not have the ability to pay attention
Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Has a lot of energy
Cannot stay seated or does a lot of talking
Persistent eating of non nutritional substances for at least a month.
Regurgitation of food or partially disgusted food brought back up.
Rumination disorder
Asks the ability to express language to convey information
Has difficulty inquiring new words.
Is social but has limited verbal abilities.
Expressive language disorder
Has a hard time with articulation
Phonological disorder
Has multiple motor tics and 1or more vocal tics
Symptoms need to be present for at least a year.
Tourette’s disorder
Is less than a year of motor tics and does not require a vocal tic.
Transient disorder
A child at least 4 years of age poops in inappropriate places
Child is at least 5years of age and is normally potty trained, but is. Ow having problems. Has obsessive urine in bed or clothes.
Has obsessive anxiety about being away from home or care giver.
Has distressed worry about losing a caregiver or harm happening.
Doesn’t want to be home alone.
Has nightmares about being separated from the caregiver
Symptoms are present for at least 4weeks.
Separation anxiety
Worried about everything
Symptoms are present for at least 6months
Generalized anxiety disorder
Failure to speak in familiar areas/settings
Selective mutism
Fear of being in social settings
Social phobia
Grossly pathological care prior to age 5. Related to abuse, neglect, or changing caregivers.
Fails to respond to social interactions
Reactive attachment-inhibited type.
May crawl up on a stranger to sit on there lap.
Becomes attached or clings to a person.
Reactive attachment disorder-disinhibited type
Is negative or disobedient. Has problems towards adult authority.
ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
Violation of the basic rights of others.
Rules are violated;maybe aggressive, or break a law.
Conduct disorder
Violation of the rights of other. Also has problems with the law but is over the age of 18.
Antisocial personality disorder
Death that occurred within the last 2months
Rule out if its in the response of the death of someone.
Response to a life stressor
Symptoms need to come on with 3months of the stressor and cannot be present for more than 6months after the stressor.
Adjustment disorder
A person reports experiencing reoccurring panic attacks. E.g heart pounding, sweating, shacking)
Had a panic attack and have work about having another attack.
Panic disorder
Having fears at are beyond normal.
Fear of flying, heights, spiders)
Specific phobia
A person has obsessions and compulsions that are beyond apporaiate and cause anxiety or distress.
E.g thoughts of being sick, dirty, and getting sick)
OCD Obessive Compulsive Disorder
Is a Perfectionist without being aware of it.
Has to have things a certain way.
OCP obsessive compulsive personality
Haven’t used alcohol for up to 12months
Early full remission