DSM Flashcards
Mild MR
55 - 69/70
Moderate MR
Severe MR
Profound MR
Below 20
Learning Disorders
Neurological reading, math
Pervasive developmental disorders (PDD)
Autism/Aspergers (Treatment of choice is behavior modification)
Attention Deficit & Disruptive Behavior Disorders
Conduct Disorder(Juvenile deliquent, mean to kids and animals, no empathy)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder- lesser of 2, have an authority problem, pitch a fit but not mean to others)
Feeding or Eating Disorders
anorexia, bulimia, pica (mostly female, 1 in 10 men)
Elimination Disorders
enuresis- urine accidents, previous continent, must occur 2x a week for 3 months or more, factor in genetics
encopresis- repeated passage of bowel, authority and control problem, at least 4 years of age, 1st rule out medical
Other disorders of childhood
Separation Anxiety Disorder- diagnosed up to age 18, can’t diagnose if during normal developmental stages, starting school
Selective Mutism- in frequent, not associated with performance anxiety
Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders
Dementia - memory deficits related to medical conditions
Substance related disorder
Alcohol, caffeine, amphetamine, other drugs (herion is polysubstance),
12 step programs of choice, must be dealt with before other problems - marital, etc.
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders - Schizophrenia
Before age 45
Schizophrenia- Symptoms w/in last month, must exist for 6 months, premorbid slide
1. Paranoid, 2. Disorganized (no productive behavior), 3. Catatonic (immobile), 4. Undifferentiated, 5. Residual
Symptoms: delusions, disorganized behavior, non productive speech or thought
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders- Shizophreniform
Equivalent to schizophrenia but less severe and lasts a shorter period of time
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders- Schizoaffective
Primary disturbance in mood. Will still have symptomology
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders- Delusional Disorder/Paranoia
Less likely to be in treatment, 1 month of delusions usually the persecutory type
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders- Brief psychotic disorder
Rapid onset of psychosis - 2 weeks - month
Prominent to people with Borderline Disorder.
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders- Folie-a-deux
Treatment of choice for all is Anti-psychotics
Shared psychotic disorder - one is actively psychotic, the other one begins to believe or buy into the delusion.
Mood Disorders - mood prominent feature
Treatment - medication and psychotherapy
Depressive Disorders:
- Major depressive disorder- single or recurrent. (Big) 2 weeks of very depressed in bed, not working, not eating etc.
- Dysthymia- (little) depressed mood (blue) for 2 years but they function, feel crummy
Bipolar Disorders:
- Bipolar I- more fun, more manic, (big) elevated mood
- Bipolar 2 - more blue, (big) depressed more
- Cyclothymia - (little) not so high, not so low, over 2 years time at least
Anxiety Disorders - symptom as well as disorder, treatment of choice is medication and psychotherapy
- a. Panic Disorder w/ or w/out agoraphobia - sudden onset of dread, terror, heart attack
b. Specific Phobia- elevators, dogs, snakes
c. Social Phobia
d. Obsessive compulsive disorder- OCD
e. Post traumatic stress disorder - PTSD- acute or chronic, (war, battered wife)
f. Acute Stress disorder - before 30 days
g. Generalized anxiety disorder
Somatoform Disorders
a. Somatization
b. Conversion- somebody for no medical reason can’t walk, its psychological
c. pain disorder
d. Hypochondriasis
e. Body dysmorphic disorder
Dissociative Disorders- dissociation is a defense mechanism
a. Amnesia, fugue, depersonalization
b. Dissociative Identity Disorder - used to be multiple personality disorder (MPD),
Sexual Disorders- rule out medical
a. Sexual dysfunctions
b. Paraphilias: Pedophilia, fetish, etc.
c. Gender Identity disorders
d. Sexual Pain disorders (dyspariunia & vaginismus)
Sexual Disorders - sexual response cycles
1- Desire- hypoactive sexual desire disorders
- excitement
- orgasm- premature ejactulation, orgasmic disorder
- resolution