DSM 5: Part 1 Flashcards
A disorder with a DEFICIENCY IN SOCIAL COMMUNICATION and interaction, doesn’t make eye contact with caregiver, poor non-verbal communication, no back-and-forth play, doesn’t play with peers, poor relationships, hard time with transitions, hypo or hyper-sensory input, and stereotyped repetitive behaviors such as hand flapping or repetitive words and interests
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Social Pragmatic Communication Disorder
This disorder could be SPECIFICALLY related to math, reading, and other skills which the person has difficulty learning basic academic skills
Specific Learning Disorder
A disorder in people with problems with attention, the dominant feature is INNATTENTION. Look for someone who can’t sit down on their own for a very long or can’t stay focused on a math problem, interrupts others due to stimulation, hard time getting organized, doing tasks, may fidget a lot, and can’t stay still and play with things. First rule out a learning disorder
Symptoms need to be present BEFORE 12-years-old and has impairment usually at least TWO SETTINGS (school, home, or work)
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A disorder characterized by persistent eating of NON-FOOD SUBSTANCES (dirt, paint, or carpet)
What disorder is characterized with repeated regurgitation of food and reflex where a person eats food and regurgitate it
Rumination Disorder
A childhood disorder where someone has a hard time BUILDING VOCABULARY, uses USES VERY SIMPLE SENTENCES, hard time with sentences of MORE THAN 5 WORDS, drop words out of sentences due to limited sentence structure, and INABILITY TO COMMUNICATE
Symptoms present from ages 0 to 5-years-old
Language Disorder
A disorder where a child has problems with STUTTERING, sound or syllables, and repeated or broken words (0 to 5-years-old)
Child Onset Fluency Disorder
A disorder when someone has BOTH motor tics (physical hand or facial movements that is uncontrollable) AND vocal tics (shouts out words including bad words)
Tourette’s Disorder
This disorder is when a person only has motor tics OR vocal tics, NOT BOTH
Persistent Motor / Vocal Tic Disorder
Pooping in pants (4 years or older)
Peeing in pants or bed (5 years or older)
Also a warning sign of sexual abuse or trauma
A disorder with anticipatory anxiety related to the SEPARATION of parent or caregiver and constantly worried something bad will happen to them
Symptoms present for at least 4 weeks in children and 6 months for adults
Separation Anxiety Disorder
A disorder with WORRYING about a number of different things, across multiple domains, and physical symptoms such as problem concentrating or sleeping
Symptoms present in children and adults for at least 6 months
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
A disorder where a person fails to speak in particular situations such as school. This results in impairment and participation, but they are FINE AT HOME
Selective Mutism
A disorder where a person has a fear of SOCIAL SITUATIONS and fear of being observed, judged, or rejected. This kind of person often avoids and declines events and only stay with people they feel comfortable with
Social Anxiety Disorder
A disorder characterized by the result of CHANGING CAREGIVERS or persistent abuse or neglect, such as a foster care child. Also known as failure to thrive, very withdrawn, does not seek or respond to comfort, limited range of affect, some irritability, difficult engaging, lack of positive emotion, does not act out, sits alone, and does not like attention
Symptoms start from 9-months-old to 5-years-old
Reactive Attachment Disorder
A disorder where a child really stands out, they are OVERLY COMFORTABLE with strangers and attach over easily to people
Symptoms start from 9-months-old to 5-years-old
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
A disorder when someone is defiant, very argumentative, refuses to comply with directions, does not want to do what others tell them to do, and has problems with AUTHORITY
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A disorder characterized by the VIOLATION of rights of others, law-breaking (stealing or vandalism), aggressiveness, fighting, lack of remorse
Pre-cursor to Antisocial Personality Disorder in adulthood
Conduct Disorder
A disorder when a person is CHRONICALLY IRRITABLE or moody, has frequent tantrums or outbursts at least 3 times a week, and their GENERAL MOOD IS NEGATIVE EVEN WITHOUT OUTBURSTS
Diagnosed between 6 to 10 years, also previously known as Bipolar disorder in children
Disruptive Mood Regulation Disorder
A disorder when a person with this illness has a sudden, SHORT PERIOD OF PSYCHOTIC BEHAVIORS, non-bizarre or bizarre delusions, auditory or visual hallucinations, and has negative symptoms (flat affect, lost in their own world, very quiet, not responsive to the discussion, and problems with movement) which is often in response to a very stressful event
Symptoms present LESS than 1 month
Brief Psychotic Disorder
This disorder occurs when people have changes in their behavior and other symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, disorganized speech, rambling, and not making any sense. It usually affects them at work or school, as well as their relationships
Symptoms present MORE than 6 months
A disorder when people have changes in their behavior and other symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, disorganized speech, rambling, and not making any sense. It usually affects them at work or school, as well as their relationships
Symptoms last MORE than 1 month but LESS than 6 months
Schizophreniform Disorder
A disorder when someone reports a LACK OF ENJOYMENT, lack of motivation, CHANGE IN BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING (ex. sleep and appetite), suicidal ideation, and feelings of worthlessness or feeling like a burden
Symptoms present for 2 weeks
Major Depressive Disorder
A disorder when someone DOES NOT MEET the full criteria of major depression disorder, look for a person who reports they are functioning but feel some mild disturbances of biological functioning, and no suicidal ideation
Unspecified Depressive Disorder
This disorder occurs when there’s a depressed mood present that is NOT AS SEVERE as depression, but is chronically-mild depressed, struggles on-and-off with depression, lack of enjoyment, feelings of down mood, and NO CHANGES IN BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING
Symptoms present for 1 year in children and 2 years for adults
Persistent Depressive Disorder
This disorder is when a person has only 1 MANIC PHASE (elevated mood that leads to significant impairment) and often REQUIRES HOSPITALIZATION. Their mood can be irritable or positive, accompanied with grandiose thoughts of self-importance, act in risky ways, excessively spending money, gambling, substance use, and sexual behaviors, lack of need for sleep or has excessive energy, experiences of euphoria, exercise lots, and often in denial in a manic phase and is frequently FOLLOWED BY A DEPRESSIVE DISORDER
Symptoms present for at least 7 days
Bipolar 1
A disorder when a person has 1 hypomanic phase (milder form) AND 1 episode of major depression. It does not lead to the same impairment of manic phase and the person need less sleep, more energized, and does cause severe problems in relationships as they are able to function and go to work
Symptoms present for 4 days
Bipolar 2
A disorder with a hypomanic state ALTERNATING with a low-level mild depressive episode
Symptoms present at least 2 years
Cyclothmic Disorder
A disorder when people have symptoms of BOTH schizophrenia AND a mood disorder (ex. depression or bipolar disorder). Their psychotic features are present ALL OF THE TIME while the mood disorder comes IN-AND-OUT
Schizoaffective Disorder
A MOOD DISORDER that is present all of the time and PSYCHOTIC FEATURES come in-and-out
Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features
The period when someone is GRIEVING the loss of a loved one or animal. They experience feelings of loss, anger, depression, self-blame, and can trigger someone into major depression
A disorder that can be present with bereavement, but experiences problems with BIOLOGICAL FUNCTIONING along with feelings of WORTHLESSNESS and self-harm, severe weight loss or gain, and trouble with sleeping
Major Depressive Disorder
A disorder that is NOT DIAGNOSED WITH BEREAVEMENT, reaction to something that happens to someone’s environment, look for RECENT LIFE STRESSOR (getting a new job or losing a job, moving, or divorce)
Symptoms present WITHIN 3 months of the stressor but LESS than 6 months
Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood
A disorder with re-occurring and unexpected PANIC ATTACKS along with constant fear of them happening again, feeling like they are going crazy, the room is spinning, or they’re going to die
Panic Disorder
An anxiety disorder when a person has a fear of GOING OUT IN PUBLIC. Must present in at least 2 SITUATIONS such as fear of being in crowds, transportation, fear of lines or open spaces, and fear is excessive where it impacts the ability to function in the real world
A disorder when someone has both OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS and COMPULSIVE BEHAVIORS. They are worried about germs, use napkins to open doors, constantly worried about particular things, excessive handwashing, and counts or check things obsessively like checking the oven or door multiple times
They CANNOT FUNCTION normally in society
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
A disorder when someone is a perfectionist, very controlling, rigid, and DOES NOT HAVE AWARENESS of it being an issue
They CAN FUNCTION normal in society
*Think of Khloe Kardashian
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)
A disorder with an incident that is life-threatening or witnesses domestic violence situation. They do not have to be the victim, they just have to be present of the situation.
Person has intrusive thoughts or memories and flashbacks, nightmares, negative mood, depression, irritability, survivors guilt, behavioral problems such as avoiding situations that remind them of the incident, hyper-vigilance, tension or jumpy, and easily agitated
Symptoms present MORE than 1 month
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
A disorder with an incident that is life-threatening or witness a domestic violence situation. They do not have to be the victim, they only have to be present of the situation.
Person has intrusive thoughts or memories and flashbacks, nightmares, negative mood, depression, irritability, survivors guilt, behavioral problems such as avoiding situations that remind them of the incident, hyper-vigilance, tension or jumpy, and easily agitated
Symptoms present LESS than 1 month
Acute Stress Disorder
A disorder characterized by SYMPTOMS OF ANXIETY that is not life-threatening, symptoms include worrying, hyper-vigilance, and flashbacks
Adjustment Disorder with Anxiety
A disorder when people have ELEMENTS OF ANXIETY that DO NOT FIT the full criteria of other anxiety disorders
Symptoms present LESS than 6 months
Unspecified Anxiety Disorder