DSM-5 Mental Disorders (158) Flashcards
Acute Stress Disorder
Duration: 3 days to 1 month
Onset: Within 1 month following a traumatic event that involved actual or threat of death, serious injury, or sexual violation
Symptoms: 9 or more symptoms from these 5 categories:
- Intrusion
- Negative mood
- Dissociation
- Avoidance
- Arousal
Adjustment Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: Within 3 months of a stressor
Symptoms: Clinically significant stress reaction, emotional or behavioral symptoms present during the first three months following the stressor. Symptoms do not extend beyond six months of the ending of that stressor or the stressor’s fallout. Symptoms may cluster with anxiety, depressed mood, disturbance of conduct, disturbance of emotions and conduct, mixed anxiety and depressed mood, or be unspecified, noted accordingly (e.g. Adjustment Disorder with mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood).
Duration: 6 months or more
Onset: -
Symptoms: Anxiety about being in situations from which escape is difficult or help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack. Situations are avoided or else endured with distress/anxiety.
*Note that this diagnosis is given without respect to the presence of Panic Disorder. If an individual meets criteria for both disorders, both are diagnosed.
Alcohol Intoxication
Duration: -
Onset: Recent ingestion of alcohol
Symptoms: Behavioral or psychological changes due to use of alcohol. Following alcohol use, at least one of the following symptoms develop:
- Slurred speech
- Unsteady gait
- Incoordination
- Nystagmus
- Impairment in attention or memory
- Stupor or coma
Alcohol Withdrawal
Duration: -
Onset: Several hours or up to a few days after reduction or stopping ingestion of alcohol after heavy and/or prolonged intake
Symptoms: Following the reduction in alcohol use or stopping alcohol use that has been heavy and prolonged, at least two of the following:
- Autonomic Hyperactivity
- Increased hand tremor
- Insomnia
- Vomiting
- Transient hallucinations
- Psychomotor agitation
- Anxiety
- Grand tonic-clonic seizures
Anorexia Nervosa
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: Refusal to maintain body weight that is normal for age and height. Intense fear of weight gain. Disturbance in perception of own body weight/shape and denial of seriousness of low body weight. Specify type: - Restricting type (no binge eating or purging)
- Binge-eating/purging type (involves episodes of binge eating and compensatory behavior)
Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome
Duration: -
Onset: After cessation of antidepressant medication that has been taken for a minimum of one month
Symptoms: Set of symptoms that present upon sudden discontinuation or sudden dramatic reduction of an antidepressant medication that has been taken on an ongoing basis for at least a month. Symptoms include:
- Feeling as if one’s brain is being zapped or shocked
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Nausea
- Nightmares
- Vertigo
- Confusion
- Tremor
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: Cannot be diagnosed until at least age 18
Symptoms: Enduring pattern of behavior demonstrating lack of regard for and violations of the rights of others beginning early in adulthood. At least three of these are present:
- Repeated violations of the law, involving significant violations of social norms
- Lying or deceiving for the purpose of exploiting others
- Excessive risk-taking or not considering outcomes, taking precautions, or making necessary preparations
- Anger and aggression demonstrated by violence or physical acting out
- Irresponsibility and carelessness for the safety of human life
- Poor work performance, lack of consistency, or not meeting financial commitments
- Lacking empathy or remorse for others harmed by the individual-s behavior, or justifying the impact of their behavior on another despite having committed a clear violation
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: Before age 12
Symptoms: Has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks, does not seem to listen when spoken to directly, appears distracted, is forgetful, is fidgety, engages in impulsive behaviors
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: Early development, though full manifestation may be masked until social or other demands are taxed and capacities exceeded
Symptoms include:
- Deficits present in social communications and interactions, present in multiple contexts (i.e. failure in responding or initiating social encounters; deficits in nonverbal communications, such as gestures or eye contact; lack of interest in peer-to-peer relationships; struggle with engaging with imaginative play outside the self)
- Stereotyped patterns of behavior
- Inflexibility related to routines, intolerance for change
- Hyper- or hypo-responsiveness to sensory events or interests in the environment, such as sounds, smells, touch, visual (lighting, movements), temperature, pain (including indifference to pain)
*Note that this disorder is inclusive of diagnosis previously coded as Asperger’s in DSM-IV.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Duration: -
Symptoms: Enduring pattern of behavior demonstrating a longstanding pattern of social inhibition, going to great lengths to avoid social interactions, feeling somehow deficient or lacking in what it takes to be accepted beginning early in adulthood. At least four of these are present:
- Holds jobs that minimize interpersonal engagement to avoid hurt and pain associated with being criticized, rejected, and
- Feeling the weight of disapproval by others
- Does not engage with others without certainty of acceptance
- Holds back in interpersonal relationships fearing humiliation and shame
- Is constantly concerned about being rejected or judged in social settings
- When entering a new relationship, holds back out of fears of failure or not being good enough
- Believes he or she is not as good as others, will fail in a social context, or that others view them as generally undesirable
- Does not risk in new settings or try new things believing they will embarrass themselves
Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: No interest in food or concern about how food will impact the body, and failure to achieve sufficient energy or nutritional needs, in addition to at least one of the following:
- Deficiencies in nutrition
- Failure to gain weight or significant weight loss
- Requires nutritional supplements or enteral feeding
Psychosocial functioning is impacted. Symptoms are not caused by a lack of available resources, a culturally relevant practice, or medical condition.
Binge-Eating Disorder
Duration: Binge eating present a minimum of at least once weekly for three months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Recurrent episodes of eating excessive amounts of food, beyond what another person would during a similar period, feeling unable to stop or curb the amount eaten, eating rapidly, eating to the point of discomfort, eating when not hungry, eating in isolation out of shame regarding eating behavior. Feeling guilt, disgust, or depressed with one’s self after the binge eating episode.
Bipolar I Disorder
Duration: 1 week (same as a manic episode)
Onset: -
Symptoms: Presence of at least one manic episode. A major depressive or hypomanic episode may precede or follow a manic episode, but neither is required.
Bipolar II Disorder
Duration: Sufficient time to document a hypomanic episode and a major depressive episode
Onset: -
Symptoms: Presence of hypomanic episode and presence of major depressive episode. A manic episode has NEVER occurred.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If there is an anomaly, concern is excessive.
Borderline Personality Disorder
Duration: -
Symptoms: Enduring pattern of behavior demonstrating unstable self-image, mood, interpersonal relationships and impulsive behavior beginning early in adulthood as evidenced by at least five of these:
- Avoidance of abandonment at all costs, whether that abandonment is real or in the individual’s perceptions only
- Long-standing pattern of insecure, intense relationships that vacillate from an idealized perfection to abject disaster and back again
- Unstable or uncertain self-image
- Self-damaging impulsivity in more than one area, such as sexual acting out, drug use, or spending sprees (not to include suicidality or self-mutilation)
- Active or passive suicidality, suicidal gestures, cutting or other self-harm behaviors
- Unstable and reactive mood
- Chronic sense of boredom or feeling empty
- Impulsive, intense anger; anger that is ongoing; or anger that is difficulty to control
- Dissociation, depersonalization, or paranoia
Brief Psychotic Disorder
Duration: At least 1 day but less than 1 month, with return to premorbid functioning
Onset: -
Symptoms: Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or grossly disorganized/catatonic behavior
Bulimia Nervosa
Duration: Binging with recurrent inappropriate compensatory actions co-occur at least weekly for three months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Recurrent binge eating with sense of lack of control. Recurrent compensatory behavior (i.e. vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas, fasting, excessive exercise). Disturbance in perception of body shape and weight.
Caffeine Intoxication
Duration: -
Onset: Recent ingestion of caffeine, usually over 250 mg (2-3 cups of brewed coffee)
Symptoms: At least five of the following following consumption of caffeine:
- Restlessness
- Nervousness
- Excitement
- Insomnia
- Flushed face
- Gastrointestinal disturbance
- Twitching
- Rambling
- Inexhaustibility
- Psychomotor agitation
Caffeine Withdrawal
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: Within 24 hours of abruptly stopping or reducing caffeine after prolonged use accompanied by at least three of the following:
- Headache
- Significant drowsiness or fatigue
- Irritable, dysphoric, or depressed mood
- Concentration difficulties
- Flu-like symptoms
Cannabis Intoxication
Duration: -
Onset: Within two hours of cannabis use
Symptoms: Behavioral or psychological changes due to use of cannabis. Within two hours of use, at least two of the following:
- Conjunctival injection
- Increased appetite
- Dry mouth
- Tachycardia
Cannabis Withdrawal
Duration: -
Onset: After stopping cannabis using most days or daily over a few months or more
Symptoms: Within one week of cessation, three or more of the following appear:
- Aggression, anger or irritability
- Anxiousness or nervousness
- Disturbed Sleep (e.g. nightmares, insomnia)
- Weight loss, loss of/decreased appetite
- Restlessness
- Depressed mood
- Flu-like symptom (abdominal pain, tremors, fever, chills, headache, sweating)
Central Sleep Apnea
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: Polysomnography demonstrates a minimum of 5 central apneas per hour during sleep.
Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
Duration: -
Onset: Early developmental period
Duration: -
Onset: Early developmental period
Symptoms: Anxiety restricting ability to verbalize effectively and efficiently, pauses in speech, inability to verbalize words, repeated parts of words or monosyllabic words within a phrase or sentence (i.e. “He-he-he-he is late”, “au-au-au-augment”), or excessive force in producing a word
Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder
Symptoms: Mismatch between the sleep-wake schedule causing excessive sleepiness or insomnia
Conduct Disorder
Duration: 12 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Aggression to people and animals (bullies, threatens, or intimidates; uses weapons), destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, lies for profit, serious violations of rules, breaks curfew repeatedly, runs away overnight
Conversion Disorder (Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder)
Duration: -
Onset: Follows conflict or stressor
Symptoms: Unexplained deficits in voluntary motor or sensory function (blindness, inability to move appendage, etc.). Conflicts or stressors precede the deficits, and the symptoms are not explained medically and are not fictitious.
Cyclothymic Disorder
Duration: At least 2 years; in children, only 1 year is required
Onset: -
Symptoms: Presence of numerous hypomanic symptoms without meeting criteria for a hypomanic episode. Presence of numerous depressive symptoms without meeting criteria for major depressive episode. Symptoms have not been absent for more than a 2-month span within the 2-year (1 year in children) span.
Delayed Ejaculation
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Significant delay or inability to have an orgasm and release ejaculate from penis the majority of the time when not desired to delay orgasm.
If the clinical focus is situational (e.g. when partnered, with specific stimulation), then the criteria must be majority of the time under this circumstance.
If the clinical focus is general, then the criteria are the majority of time sexual activity is engaged, regardless of circumstance (e.g. partnered or not, regardless of mechanism of stimulation, context).
Symptoms: Reduced awareness of environment as well as disorientation and language disturbance. Happens over a short period of time and fluctuates during the day.
Delusional Disorder
Duration: 1 month
Onset: -
Symptoms: Criteria for Schizophrenia are not met. If Hallucinations are present, they are related to the delusion. Functioning is not markedly impaired. Any mood episodes are brief in comparison to delusional symptoms.
Types: Erotomanic, Grandiose, Jealous, Persecutory, Somatic, Mixed, or Unspecified
Dependent Personality Disorder
Duration: -
Symptoms: Enduring pattern of behavior demonstrating an extreme need to have their psychological needs met by another, fearing separation, and doing what is required to remain attached to another beginning early in adulthood. At least five of these are present:
- Struggles to make daily decisions without input and encouragement
- Requires others to take responsibility on issues impacting any significant life area
- Divergence of opinion with another is not tolerable due to disapproval fears
- Poor self-confidence causes sufficient self-doubt to hinder starting new projects or trying new things on his or her own
- Seeks nurturance by any means necessary, even to the point of doing things one would not otherwise ever do to gain support or nurturing
- Suffers intense fears of being defenseless when alone
- Engages in serial relationships to avoid being alone and continue to get the needed relationship support and associated care
- Fears being left to fend alone
Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder
Symptoms: Persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one is an observer of one’s mental processes or body (like in a dream). Reality testing is intact.
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: Early developmental period
Symptoms: Difficulty engaging coordinated motor activity appropriate to the stated age and cultural exposure, inability to use culturally appropriate eating utensils (e.g. fork, chopsticks, finger set), handwriting difficulties, unsteady gate, bumping into others, tripping over own feet, and struggling to hold objects
Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: Experience of neglect prior to age 2, developmental age of 9 months or more
Symptoms: Child behaves in an overly familiar way with unfamiliar adults
History is inclusive of a poverty of care in a minimum of one or more ways.
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
Duration: 12 months
Onset: Prior to age 10
Symptoms: Chronically irritable, acting out in ways that are extremely out of line with the circumstance, over-reacting or inability to move on from the situation long after it would be appropriate to do so. Symptoms are present in more than one setting. *Note that first diagnosis cannot be made prior to age 6 or after age 18.
Dissociative Amnesia
Symptoms: Inability to recall important personal information, usually of traumatic or stressful nature
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Symptoms: Presence of 2 or more distinct identities/personality states who recurrently take control of the person’s behavior. Person has an inability to recall important personal information.
Duration: Episodes at least once per month for 3 months
Onset: Older than developmental age of 4
Symptoms: Passing of feces in inappropriate places and avoidance of regular toileting
Duration: At least twice weekly for a period of 3 months
Onset: Older than developmental age of 5
Symptoms: Voiding of urine into bed or clothes
Erectile Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Persistent or recurrent difficulty to get or keep an erection until sexual activity is completed, or the individual has an inadequate erection
Difficulty is present the majority or all of the time in all sexual activity if the context is general, or in an identified context if the context is situational. Symptoms are not better accounted for by relationship struggles, life stressors, substances, medical or mental health issues.
Excoriation (Skin-Picking) Disorder
Symptoms: Repeatedly picking at the skin to the point of developing lesions with an inability to stop, causing distress and functional impairment. Picking behavior commonly pick involves the face, hands, and arms, and sometimes targets healthy skin, while others target irregularities, such as calluses, previous picking sites, blackheads, or pimples.
Exhibitionistic Disorder
Symptoms: Pattern of intense sexual excitement accompanying fantasies, desires, or behaviors associated with exposing one’s genitals to a non-consenting, unsuspecting person. History of at least one behavioral episode of acting out.
Factitious Disorder
Symptoms: Intentional production or feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms. One’s motivation is to assume the sick role. External incentives are absent (economic gain, avoiding legal responsibility, etc.).
Female Orgasmic Disorder
Symptoms: Absent, delayed, or minimal orgasms, or limited intensity in orgasms when engaged in all sexual activity
May be in a specific context, such as when partnered, or in general. Symptoms must occur most or all of the encounters (specific context or general). Symptoms are not attributed to partner distress, life stressors, substances, medical or mental health issues.
Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Limited or lacking sexual interest or sexual arousal, lack of or minimal sexual fantasies, no initiation or are unreceptive to attempts by partner to initiate sexual behavior
If specific to context (such as partnered), then most or all encounters are impacted.
If general, then majority or all sexual activity is impacted.
May be lifelong or acquired, generalized or situational.
Fetishistic Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Intense sexual preoccupation, desires, fantasies, or behaviors with a specific nonsexual body part, nonliving material, or object. Fetish of attention is not limited to items designed for sexual pleasure or enhancement (e.g. dildo, vibrator), and does not solely involve cross-dressing.
Frotteuristic Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Persistent, intense sexually arousing desires, fantasies or behaviors associated with rubbing against, fondling or touching a non-consenting individual. Has acted out those desires or fantasies on a non-consenting individual.
Gambling Disorder
Duration: Four or more symptoms present in a 12-month period
Onset: -
Symptoms: Persistent, recurrent, maladaptive gambling behavior indicated by 4 or more of the following:
- Preoccupation with gambling
- Need to increase amount of gambling for same effect
- Unsuccessful efforts to control gambling behavior
- Restlessness/irritability
- When attempting to control, unsuccessful efforts to curtail or stop gambling, gambles in order to escape problem/mood, chases one’s loss, lies to others to conceal the extent, jeopardized relationship/job/education/career, relies on others to provide money.
Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents and Adults
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Belief one has been born in the wrong gender’s body. Individual has at least two of these issues:
- Belief one is or should be a different gender
- Wants to be divested of one’s sexual organs and associated physical anatomy due to gender dissonance
- Longs for the sexual organs and associated anatomy of desired gender
- Longs to experience life as the desired gender
- Longs to become and be treated as gender other than one assigned
- Sense that one experiences life as desired gender state in terms of thoughts, feelings, actions, and interactions
Gender Dysphoria in Children
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: At least six of the following:
- Desire to be the other gender or that one is the other gender or an alternative gender
- In boys, a strong preference for cross-dressing or simulating female attire; in girls, a strong preference for wearing masculine clothing and resistance to typically feminine clothing
- Strong preference for cross-gender roles in make-believe or fantasy play
- Strong preference for toys, games, or activities stereotypically used for engaged in by other gender
- Strong preference for playmates of other gender
- Boys rejection of typically masculine items and rough/tumble play; girls rejection of typically feminine items and activities
- Strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy
- Strong desire for primary and/or secondary sex characteristics that match experienced gender
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Duration: At least 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Excessive anxiety and worry and 3 or more of the following symptoms (only one additional in children):
- Restlessness
- Easily fatigued
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Duration: 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Anxiety and pain associated with anticipated and attempted vaginal penetration and vaginal intercourse. The pelvic floor becomes hyperactive due to the individual’s emotional state, and as a result, pain occurs.
Hallucinogen Intoxication
Duration: -
Onset: Recent use of hallucinogen (within an hour)
Symptoms: Behavioral or psychological changes due to hallucinogen use. Changes in perception in a state of alertness. Recent use of a hallucinogen (not phencyclidine) with at least two of the following:
- Pupillary dilation
- Tachycardia
- Sweating
- Palpitations
- Blurring of vision
- Tremors
- Incoordination
Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder
Duration: -
Onset: -
Symptoms: Continuing hallucinations after the cessation of hallucinogenic use. Impairment in important areas of functioning.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Duration: -
Symptoms: Enduring pattern of behavior demonstrating highly emotional or excessive attention seeking beginning in early adulthood as evidenced by at least five of these:
- Need to be at the center of attention
- Engagement with others is often provocative, seductive, or sexual, even when to conducting one’s self in such a manner is not appropriate to the setting or the relationship, even exhibitionistic
- Emotional expression is often shallow, vacillating quickly
- Attention seeking is often through dress, style, grooming, or other aspects of appearance
- Speech may be impressionistic or vague
- The individual may be especially good at storytelling, often spinning stories to create a better tale than truth, exaggerating what has occurred for dramatic flare
- The individual is easily persuaded, susceptible to circumstances or desires of others
- Relationships are often felt to be very intimate, close, or cherished, when in fact the other party may not consider the relationship to be more than an acquaintanceship because of the limited nature of the relationship
Hoarding Disorder
Symptoms: Person excessively accumulates things another person may consider worthless and has difficulty discarding possessions, resulting in extreme clutter and great distress associated with pressure to discard anything. May lead to unsafe living conditions
Hypersomnolence Disorder
Duration: 3 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Excessive sleepiness, either prolonged sleep episodes or daily sleep episodes
Hypomanic Episode
Duration: At least 4 days
Onset: -
Symptoms: Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood and three or more of the following:
- Inflated self-esteem/grandiosity
- Decreased need for sleep
- Talkative/pressured talking
- Flight of ideas/racing thoughts
- Distractibility
- Increased goal-directed activity/psychomotor agitation
- Excessive involvement in pleasurable activity that have high potential for painful consequences
Basically, criteria for a Manic Episode are met, HOWEVER, while the criteria may be observable by others, it is not severe enough to cause marked impairment or necessitate hospitalization. If hospitalization is required, even at 3-4 days, it is a Manic Episode.
Illness Anxiety Disorder
Duration: At least 6 months
Onset: -
Symptoms: Fear of having a serious disease(s). Preoccupation with fear exists despite medical evaluation and reassurance.
Inhalant Intoxication
Duration: -
Onset: Recent intentional exposure to volatile inhalants
Symptoms: Behavioral and/or psychological change due to inhalant use (e.g. assaultive, apathetic, impaired decision-making) with at least two of these symptoms following use:
- Dizziness
- Nystagmus
- Incoordination
- Slurred speech
- Unsteady gait
- Lethargy
- Depressed reflexes
- Psychomotor retardation
- Tremor
- Muscle weakness
- Blurred vision
- Stupor or coma
- Euphoria