[DSA] Neurologic Evaluation with Mental Status [Howell] Flashcards
Glascow Coma Scale
Scaling for Eye Opening
1: no response even to supraorbital pressure
2: pain from limb/supraorbital pressure
3: Nonspecific response to speech
4: Spontaneous eye opening
Glascow Coma Scale
Scaling for Motor response
1: To any pain, limbs flaccid
2: Extension/decerebrate rigidity
3: Flexor response/decorticate rigidity
4: Arm withdraws to pain
5: Arm attempts to remove painful localized stimulus (supraorbital pressure)
6: Follows simple commands
Glascow Coma Scale
Scaling for Verbal response
1: No verbalization of any type
2: Moans/groans, no speech, incomprehensible
3: Intelligable, no sustained sentences
4: Converse but confused, disoriented
5: Converses and is oriented
Positive finding + interpretation of:
Nuchal rigidity
Pt unable to touch chin to chest either actively or passively
Dx: meningeal irritation
Positive finding + Interpretation of:
Brudzinski’s Test
Pt supine. When head is elevated, knees involuntarily flex
Dx: meningeal irritation
Positive Finding + Interpretation of:
Kernig Test
Pt supine. Hip and knee begin flexed. When knee is extended => pain in the back
Dx: meningeal irritation
Acute, focal unilateral weakness or paralysis in face/UE, LE, and/or difficulty with coordination and gait are highly suggestive of?
Ischemic CVA
HA, vomiting, seizures, decreased LOC with unilateral weakness or paralysis worsening over minutes to hours?
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Sudden onset of severe HA, may be accompanied by loss of consciousness, seizure, NV, and meningismus is highly suggestive of?
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Present finding + indication of:
Babinski response
Dorsiflexion of the big toe to stimulation of the plantar foot
Dx: CNS lesion in corticospinal tract
Babinski is either present or not present (not a Positive test)
Positive finding + indication of:
Arms extended with palms up, eyes closed 20-30 sec => arm drifts downward
Dx: Mild hemiparesis or CVA, UMN lesion
Pronator drift
Positive finding + indication of:
Finger to nose test
Have pt touch your finger then touch their nose, repeat bilaterally. Ask pt to close both eyes and try again bilaterally => clumsy movements that are unsteady and vary in speed
Dx; Problem with position sense, fxn of labyrinth of inner ear, cerebellum
Positive finding + indication of:
Heel to shin test
Have pt place one heel on the opposite knee, then go up and down the shin. Repeat w/ eyes closed => decreased smoothness and accuracy
Dx: Lesion in motor, basal ganglia, cortical, and cerebellar systems
Positive finding + indication of:
Rapid Alternating movements
Instead of quickly, movements are slow, irregular/clumsy (dysdiadochokinesis)
Dx: cerebellar dz
Positive finding + Indication of:
Romberg test
Pt with feet together, arms extended and palms upward, eyes closed => pt begins to sway or has to move feet to maintain balance
Dx: Cerebellar dz
Positive finding + Indication of:
Pt asked to walk on toes, heels, and tandem => inability to maintain posture, ataxic gait
Dx: Cerebellar dz, loss of position sense, intoxication
______ posturing is ABOVE the red nucleus
Decorticate posturing is ABOVE the red nucleus
____ posturing is BELOW the red nucleus
Decerebrate posturing is BELOW the red nucleus