Druids- Religion Flashcards
natio omnis Gallorum est magnopere dedita religionibus, atque ob sam causam ei, qui sunt affecti gravioribus morbis quique in proeliis periculisque versantur, aut pro victimis homines immolant aut se immolaturos esse vovent administrisque ad ea sacrificia Druidibus utuntur,
The whole nation of Gauls is greatly devoted to religious observances, and for that reason those who are affected by pmore serious illnesses and who are engaged in battles and in dangers either sacrifice human beings as victims or vow that they will sacrifice (them) and they use Druids as assistants for those sacrifices.
quod, nisi pro vita hominis reddatur hominis vita, non posse deorum immortalium numen placari arbitrantur: publiceque eiusdem generis habent instituta sacrificia.
This is because they believe that unless the life of a man is exchanged for a man’s life, the divine power of the immortal gods cannot be appeased: and they have sacrifices of the same kind established in the name of the state.
alii simulacra ingenti magnitudine habent, quorum membra viminibus contexta vivis hominibus complent; simulacris incensis homines flamma circumventi pereunt.
Others have images of huge size whose ‘bodies’, woven with branches, they fill with living humans; when the images have been set on fire, the human beings, surrounded by the flame, perish.
supplicia eorum qui in furto aut in latrocinio aut aliqua noxia sint comprehensi gratiora deis immortalibus esse arbitrantur; sed, cum copia eius generis defecit, etiam ad innocentium supplicia descendunt.
They consider that the execution of those who have been caught in theft or in robbery or in some other offence is more pleasing to the immortal gods; but, when that kind of (victim) has run out, they even resort to the execution of the innocent.