Drugs Flashcards
What is GHB?
GHB is a sleep inducing depressant that is commonly used for date rape
What is cocaine?
Cocaine is a white powder that is a stimulant
What is meth?
Meth is a stimulant that is in a powder form
What are opiates?
Opiates are pain relieving drugs
What are inhilants?
Inhalants are substances whose fumes are sniffed or inhaled to give a mind altering affect
What is THC?
THC is a chemical found in marijuana that “gets you high”
How is morphine related to heroine?
Morphine is processed into heroine
What is exstacy?
Exstacy is a stimulant and hallucinogen that gives a sensation of euphoria
How do stimulants effect the body?
They speed up the CNS
What are narcotics?
Narcotics are drugs that relieve pain and induce sleep
What is LSD?
LSD, or acid, is a hallucinogen that causes swings in emotions
What is PCP?
PCP, or angel dust, is a very dangerous hallucinogen.
What is marijuana?
Marijuana is a hallucinogen and a depressant that is smoked
What is ketamine?
Ketamine, or special K, is a hallucinogen and depressant