Drug Therapy Problems and Medication Therapy Management Flashcards
What is a drug therapy problem?
A drug therapy problem is any undesirable event experienced by a patient that involves, or is suspected to involve, drug therapy, and that interferes with achieving and desired goals of therapy and requires professional judgement to resolve.
What are the components of drug therapy problems?
- An undesirable event or risk of an event experienced by the patient. The problem can take the form of a medical complaint, sign, symptom, diagnosis, disease, illness, impairment, disability, abnormal laboratory value, or syndrome. The event can be a result of physiological, sociocultural, or economic conditions.
- The drug therapy (products and/or dosage regimen) associated with the problem
- The relationship that exists 9or is suspected to exist between the undesirable pt event and drug therapy. (consequence of drug therapy and need to add/modify drug therapy)
What are examples of the problem category for indication?
- Unnecessary drug therapy
- Needs additional drug therapy
What are examples of the problem category for effectiveness?
- Ineffective drug
- Dose to low
- Needs additional monitoring
What are examples of the problem category for safety?
- Dose too high
- Adverse drug reaction
- Needs additional monitoring
What are examples of the problem category of adherence?
- Non-adherence
- Cost
What questions do you need to ask yourself for each medication?
Is the medication indicated? Are all medical conditions being treated?
Is the medication effective?
Is the medication safe?
Can the patient adhere?
What are unnecessary drug therapy?
- duplicate therapy
- no medical indications
- non-drug therapy more appropriate
- addiction/recreational drug use
- Treating avoidable adverse reaction
What are examples of additional drug therapy?
- preventative therapy
- untreated condition
- synergistic therapy
What are examples of ineffective drugs?
- More effective drug available
- Condition refractory to drug
- Dosage form inappropriate
- Contradiction present
- Drug not indicated for condition
What are phrases that signify dosage too low?
- Ineffective dose
- Needs additional monitoring
- Frequency inappropriate
- Incorrect administration
- Drug interaction
- Incorrect storage
- Duration inappropriate
What is a phrase to show that the effectives of medication is not up to par?
Medication requires monitoring pertaining to its effectiveness.
Terms to use when sharing adverse drug reaction.
- Undesirable effect
- Unsafe drug for patient
- Drug interaction
- Incorrect administration
- Allergic reaction
- Dose increase/decrease too fast
What are terms you should use to signify that the dose is too high?
- Dose too high
- Needs additional monitoring
- Frequency too short
- Duration too long
- Drug interaction
What are some terms that you can use to indicate safety concern for needs additional monitoring?
Medication requires monitoring pertaining to its safety.
What are some phrases used to signify non-adherence?
- Does not understand instructions
- Pts prefers not to take
- Pt forgets to take
- Drug product not available
- Cannot swallow/administer drug.
What are some phrases used to signify DTP rooted in cost?
- Drug product too expensive
- More cost-effective medication available