AO no. 2008-0025 name
Guidelines on the Implementation of IDTOMIS for Screening and Confirmatory Drug Test Laboratory Operations
Transcribe IDTOMIS
Integrated Drug Test Operations and Management Information System
AO no. 2010-0024 name
Board regulation no. 2, s. 2003 name
How many are drug surrenders according to PDEA
1, 225, 683
3 Drugs mentioned in the module
Transcribe THC
Transcribe MDMA
3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
(Other name for ecstacy)
Transcribe PDEA
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
Number of PDL with drug cases in the PH?
Over 90 thousand
Number of marijuana plantation and in how many regions?
120; 9
Which places has marijuana plantation based on the module?
Baguio City, Kalinga, South Cotabato, Lanao Sur
Penalty for any person, who shall plant, cultivate or culture marijuana
life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) to Ten million pesos (P10,000,000.00)
RA 9165 name
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
RA 9165 long name
An act instituting the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, repealing RA 6425, otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended, providing funds therefore and for other purposes
RA 9165 was approved on?
Approved on: January 23, 2002
RA 9165 was signed by?
Signed by: Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
RA 6425 was signed on and by?
● March 30, 1972
● Ferdinand Marcos Sr.
RA 9165 main provisions
• Intensive and unrelenting campaign against the trafficking and use of dangerous drugs
• Implementation and enforcement of anti-drug abuse policies, programs, and projects
•Achieve a balance in the national drug control program
•Provide effective mechanisms or measures to measures to reintegrate into society individuals who have fallen victim to drug abuse of dangerous drug dependence through sustainable programs of treatment and rehabilitation
Any act of introducing any dangerous drug into the body of any person
Any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous drug
Clandestine Laboratory
An analytical test using a device, tool, or equipment that is MORE SPECIFIC which will validate and confirm the result of the screening test
Confirmatory test
A cluster of physiological behavior and cognitive phenomena of variable intensity, in which the use of psychoactive drugs takes on a high priority thereby involving a strong desire or a sense of compulsion to take the substance and the difficulties in controlling substance-taking behavior in terms of its onset, termination or levels of use
Drug dependence
Responsible for the enforcement of all provisions on any dangerous drugs
PDEA (Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency)
Chemical substance that brings about physical, physiological, behavioral and/or psychological change in a person taking it
Chemical substance other than food which is intended to affect the structure or function of the body of man and/or animal
Any NON-MEDICAL use of drugs that cause physical, psychological, legal, economic or social damage to the use or to people affected by the user’s behavior
Drug Abuse
3 classification of drugs according to origin (natural drugs)
Raw Opium
Coca Bush
unprocessed dried latex of the poppy seedpod and is a dark and sticky substance
Raw opium/Crude opium
Effective treatment for cholera, dysentery and diarrhea
Raw opium/crude opium
Consists of dried flowers and fruits and subtending leaves and stems of the female cannabis plant
Cannabis, weed, pot or dope
Herbal Cannabis
Source of cocainne
Coca bush
Classification of drugs according to origin (synthetic drugs)
Drugs according to international classification
Narcotic substances
Psychotropic substances
Designer substances
Drug that produces sleep and reduces pain. It depresses down your central nervous system to produce more sleep and less pain sensitivity.
Narcotic substances
Drugs that have particular affinity in your psyche. Schedule 1-4.
Psychotropic substances
Made by clandestine chemists with the aim of manufacturing compounds that produce the “high” or feeling of euphoria
Designer substances
Almost all drugs in this schedule is illegal.
Schedule 1
Example of Schedule 1 drugs
Marijuana, Heroin, LSD
Substances in this schedule are addictive but despite that, they’re still used in medical purposes.
Schedule 2
Example of Schedule 2 drugs.
Some barbiturates
Drugs in this schedule have some potential for abuse but the use must still be regulated. Prescriptions may be renewed 5 times in 6 months.
Schedule 3
Example of Schedule 3 drugs
Acetaminophen or aspirin with codeine
Some appetite suppressants
This drugs are less likely to cause addiction or abuse but same prescription as Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Example of Schedule 4 drugs
Diazepam, choral hydrate, Phenobarbital
These drugs contain small amount of narcotics
Schedule 5
Example of schedule 5 drugs
Some antidiarrheal medications and cough medicines
Drugs according to effects:
Drugs which increase alertness and physical disposition.
Example of stimulants
Amphetamine, methamphetamine hydrochloride
Street name for amphetamine
eye opener, lid poppers, pep pills, uppers, hearts
reduces appetite, relieves mental depression, comfort fatigue and sleepiness
How is amphetamine taken?
Orally as tablet or capsule
It’s general effect is wakefulness, increased alertness/initiative
Its toxic effect is coma to death
Dangers of amphetamine
dependence, overdose, violet/bizarre behavior
Street name of caffein
coffee, kape, starbs
Slightly bitter alkaloid/ methylxanthine in coffee, cola, tea, coca, soft drinks and OTC medications
How is caffein taken?
Orally (tablet or capsule)
Effects of caffein
Mental alertness, general sense of well-being, hyperacidity, elevated heart rate, irregularities in heartbeat, psychological and physical dependence
Dangers of caffein
Osteoporosis, gastritis, ulcer, cardiac arrest
purine-derived group of pharmacologic agents that have clinical use because of their bronchodilatory and stimulatory effects.
Street name of cocaine
Coke, crack, gold dust, stardust, white girl, speedballs
extraction from coca bush leaves, white in pure form, odorless and bitter
How is cocaine taken
orally, by application, injection, sniffing
General effects of cocaine
euphoria, hyperactiveness, tend to commit criminal and bizarre sexual acts, feeling of paranoia, hallucination, psychological dependence
Physical effects of cocaine
increased HR, BP, respiration rate
Dangers of cocaine
psychosis, restlessness, irritability, etc.
Street name of Metamphetamine hydrochloride
Poor man’s cocaine, S, Shabs, Siopao, Sha, Ice
white odorless crystals/ crystalline powder with a bitter numbing taste
Methamphetamine hydrochloride
How is methamphetamine hydrochloride taken?
Ingestion, inhalation (chasing the dragon), sniffing, injection, smoke
General effects of methamphetamine hydrochloride
anxiety, irritability, irrational behavior
Long term effects of methamphetamine hydrochloride
psychosis similar to schizophrenia, difficulty in concentrating, loss of interest in sex
Physical effects of methamphetamine hydrochloride
chest pain, irregular heartbeat, hypertension, convulsion, death
Dangers of methamphetamine hydrochloride
Infection from contaminated needles, phlebitis, septicemia, AIDS, etc.
ingestion of heroin by inhaling the vapors which result when the drug is heated on tin-foil above the flame.
Chasing the dragon
inflammation that causes blood clot to form in a vein (usually in the legs)
Drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion. Changes in time and space perception
Street name for ecstasy
XTC, Adam, essence, E, herbals
How is ecstasy taken?
Swallowing or inhalation
Effects of ecstasy
Exaggerated emotions, makes HR and BP hike up, dries the mouth, stiffens arms, legs, jaw; dilates pupils of the eyes, causes faintness, chills, sweating and nausea
Dangers of ecstasy
It can kill
Street name for marijuana
Mary Jane, flower, pampapogi, brownies, damo, pot, tea, joint, dope, chongke
Comes form Cannabis sativa L. (Indian hemp); looks like fine, green tobacco
How is marijuana taken?
Smoked in pipes/ cigarettes; can be taken in food; made into candy; sniffed in powder form; mixed with honey or butter.
Immediate effect of marijuana
faster heartbeat, blood shot eyes, dry mouth
Long term effect of marijuana
chest pain, temporary loss of fertility, cancer, marijuana burn-out
Subjective effect of marijuana
hilarity, carelessness, euphoria, confusion
Toxic effect of marijuana
general euphoria, phantasmagoria, etc.
Dangers of marijuana
Slows down user’s mental and psychomotor activities; long-term may lead to psychological dependence; may lead to cancer
Four major cannabinoids:
D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
• Cannabinol (CBN)
• Cannabidiol (CBD)
• Cannabichromene (CBCh)
Cannabis products:
• Herbal products (marijuana)
• Resin product (hashish)
• Liquid cannabis (hashish oil)
manage and treat chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and stimulate appetite
weaker version of THC, produce mild psychoactive reactions in larger doses
Cannabinol (CBN)
cure-all for medical conditions and pain symptoms
Cannabinol (CBD)
affect the brain and nerves and reduce pain and swelling; does not affect thinking
made from resin (secreted gum)
PCP streetname
Angel dust, crystal super grass, killer joints, ozone, wack, rocket fuel
How is pcp taken
Swallowing, snorting, smoking
Effects of pcp
Sedation - convulsion and coma leading to death; feelings of weightlessness, unreality, hallucinations; poor concentration, preoccupation with death; nausea and vomiting, etc.
Dangers of pcp
Increases rates of fetal loss, chromosome breakage and decreased fertility; death
Transcribe pcp
Phencyclidine/Phenylcyclohexyl piperidine
Drugs that relieve pain and often induce sleep.
Street name of codein
School boy
A component of opium and derivative of morphine; ideal analgesic; found in some cough syrups
How is codeine taken?
Orally or by injection
Effects of codaine
Analgesic and cough suppressant with very little sedation or exhilarant (euphoric) action; dependence can be produced in large doses
Dangers of codeine
Occasionally taken for kicks; dependence may occur; occasionally resorted to by opiate-dependent persons to tide them over if heroin is difficult to obtain with inadequate results
Exhilarant meaning
Causing pleasure
Heroin street name
Blanco, brown, sugar, kabayo, kengkoy, gamot, matsakao, pulbos, sapsap, tinik
Alkaloid derived from morphine; white, off-white or brown crystalline powder
How is heroin taken?
Orally, through inhalation, injection or by smoking
Effects of heroin
Slurring of speech; cyanosis; dry skin and mouth; anoxia
Dangers of heroin
Dependence liability is high; dependence usually develops more rapidly; sensitivity to respiratory depressant effects
Meaning of anoxia
Absence of oxygen
Street name of morphine
M, dreamer, emma, emsel, pulbos
Principal active component in opium; white crystalline powder, light porous cubes, small white tablets
How is morphine taken?
Any route, but mostly by intravenous injection.
Effects of morphine
Initial reaction is unpleasant to most people but calming supersedes and, depending on dose, may progress to coma and death from respiratory failure.
Dangers of morphine
Sensitivity to respiratory depressant effect until tolerance develops; psychic and physical dependence and tolerance develop readily.
Drugs which may reduce anxiety and excitement.
Street name for alcohol
Beer, whisky, Gin, brandy, wine
Principal active component in opium; white crystalline powder, light porous cubes, small white tablets
Effects of alcohol
Sedation; impairs mental and physical function; increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Dangers or alcohol
Addiction; cirrhosis; brain damage; obesity; may lead to cancer of the esophagus, intestines, pancreas, thyroid and breast.
Street name of barbiturates
Lily, bala, downers, yellow jackets, blue heavens
Made from barbituric acid (“Barb”); prescribed to induce sleep or provide calming effect
How is barbiturates taken?
Orally; sometimes intravenously
Effects of barbiturates
Small amounts make user relaxed, sociable, good-humored; heavy doses make him sluggish, gloomy, sometimes quarrelsome; thick speech; staggering gait.
Dangers of barbiturates
Sedation, coma, death from respiratory failure; deaths from intentional and unintentional overdose; more than 400 mg per day may lead to barbiturate poisoning
Staggering gait meaning
clumsy, staggering movements with a wide-based gait.
4 Volatile Substances
• Inhalants
• Bases
Trade names or volatile substances
•Moth balls, hair spray, insecticides, drain cleaner, furniture polish and wax, air freshener, oven cleaner, paint, etc.
Street names of volatile substances
Whippets, poppers, snappers, rush, bolt, bullet
Liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes or any chemical substance which when sniffed, smelled inhaled or introduced into the physiological system of the body produce/ induce a condition of intoxication, inebriation, excitement, stupefaction, etc.
Volatile substances
Dangers or Volatile substances
•Causes permanent damage to brain or may result in “Sudden Sniffing Death”; users become accident prone; death due to road accidents, drowning, falling from tall building, etc. after sniffing glue; violence; psychological dependence.
Unlawful acts in RA 9165
• Importation of dangerous drugs*
•Sale, administration, dispense, delivery and distribution*
•Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort*
•Employees and visitors of a Den, Dive or Resort**
Punishment for the unlawful acts of RA 9165
*Life imprisonment-death and fine of P500,000-P10M
**12 years-20 years; P100,000-P500,000 (Employees and visitors of a Den, Dive or Resort)
Possession of dangerous drugs act
a.10 g or more of opium, heroin, morphine, cocaine, marijuana resin
0.50 g or more shabu c.500 g or more marijuana d.10 g or more ecstasy
e.Possession during a meeting (at least two persons)
Penalty for the possession of dangerous drugs
life imprisonment-death; P500K-P10M
•1st offense penalty
min. of 6 months of rehabilitation
•2nd offense penalty
imprisonment of 6 years- 12 years; 50k-200k
Penalty for unnecessary prescription
•12 years-20 years; P100K-P500K
• Revocation of license to practice
Authorized drug testing:
•Screening and confirmatory
• DT results validity: 1 year
•Driver’s license
•Firearms’ license and permit to carry
•Students (Secondary and Tertiary)
•Officers, employees, members of public and private offices, military, police
•Candidates for public office
•6 years- 12 years
• Revocation of the license to practice the profession and closure of the DTC
Planning and formulation of policies and programs on drug prevention and control
Dangerous Drugs Board
When was Dangerous Drug Boards established?
November 14, 1972
What PD is Dangerous Drug Boards
PD 44
National clearinghouse on all matters related to solving the drug problem in the Philippines.
Dangerous Drug Boards
• Implementing arm of the Board
• Responsible for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the provisions on the use of any dangerous drugs
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
• Technical analysis of a biological specimen such as urine, hair, blood, sweat or saliva for the detection of the presence and/or absence of drugs and their metabolites
• Screening and confirmatory
Drug testing
Accreditation of Drug Testing Centers
DOH-BHFS (Bureau of Health Facilities and Services)
Medical Technologist, Pharmacist,
Head of Laboratory:
• Pathologist or Physician
• Authorized Specimen Collector (ASC)
Biological Samples used for Drug Detection
Saliva, Sweat, Hair, Breath, Urine, Blood
readily available; easy to administer; short detection time
difficult to collect; sweat patch; can detect use for extended period of time
2x more sensitive than urine test; chronic use of drugs; 1.5x1.5 cm of ___ clump
Saliva is readily available for?
12-24 hours
used to detect recent alcohol consumption
Breath drug test
least expensive, most popular; easy to test; monitors recent drug use
Marijuana window of detection in urine?
2 days - 3 weeks
What kind of bottle is used for urine collection?
60 ml, wide-mouth, screw-capped polyethylene bottle
Marijuana initial and confirmatory screen? (ng/mL)
Cocaine, opiates, amphetamine, window of detection in urine
2-3 days
Cocaine initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
Opiates initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
Amphetamine initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
PCP initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
Methamphetamine initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
Benzodiazepines initial and confirm screen (ng/mL)
PCP window detection time in urine
8 days - 3 weeks
Methamphetamine window detection time in urine
2-3 days
Benzodiazepines window detection time in urine
3 or more daya
Collection device for urine
Polyethylene bottle, 30 or 60 mL, wide mouth with screw cap
Collection device for saliva
Polyethylene bottle, 30 mL
Collection device for blood
Plain test tube, 10 mL
Collection device for tissue
Screw capped plastic container
Collection device for hair
Self sealed transparent plastic bag
Collection device for sweat
FDA approved sweat patch
Minimum quantity for urine
60 mL in single container or 30 mL each in two separate containers for split specimen
Minimum quantity for saliva
2 mL, divided into 1.5 mL for the primary and 0.5
mL for challenge
Minimum quantity for blood
Minimum quantity for hair
100 mg of hair
Minimum quantity for sweat
1 “patch” worn for 7 to 14 days
Reasons for mandatory drug test
• •Applicants for Driver’s/Firearm’s License
• •Officers and members of the military, police and other law enforcers
• •Persons charged before the prosecutor’s office with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty of imprisonment of not less than 6 yrs and 1 day
• •Candidates for public office
• •Persons violating the provisions of RA 9165
Reasons for random drug test
• Students (Secondary and Tertiary)
•Officers and employees of public and private offices
• Reasonable Suspicion
• Follow up
Interpretation of DT results
POSITIVE- presumptive/ confirmed presence of the substance/ amount of substance detected is ABOVE the cut-off point.
NEGATIVE- does NOT ALWAYS guarantee that the individual did not consume the substances tested.
•Gas-liquid chromatography
• High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
•Cas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (CC-MS)
Head of screening lab
Pathologist OR a licensed physician (with training in clinical lab management)
Head of confirmatory lab
• Pathologist/licensed physician with at least 2 years of training in Analytical Toxicology
• Licensed Chemist with MS degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry and at least 2 years of active lab experience in Analytical Chemistry
Personell in screening lab
Licensed Chemist, MT, Pharmacist or Chemical Engineer (with training in
Screening Test Procedures for Dangerous Drugs)
Personnel in confirmatory lab
Licensed Chemist (training in Chromatography, Spectroscopy and with certificate in Proficiency Test);
MT, Pharmacist or Chemical Engineer (with training in screening test procedure for dangerous drugs)
Technical requirements for screening lab
20 sq. meters floor area with 10 sq. meters of clinical work area
Exhaust fan, sink, and storage cabinet
A client waiting area, collection area, handwashing, and toilet facilities
Technical requirements for confirma lab
60 sq. meters in floor area with 30 sq. meters of clinical work area
Exhaust fan, sink, stock and instrumentation room
A client waiting area, collection area, handwashing and toilet facilities
Classification of drug testing centers
Ownership - government, private
Institutional character - institution based or free standing
Service capability - confirma or screening lab
Chain of custody
• Information identifying the specimen
•Date and time of collection
•Name of drug testing lab
• Names and signatures of all individuals who had access or custody of the samples during the collection process
Accreditation fee (screening lab)
Accreditation fee (confirma lab)
10k + cash bond of 20k
Validity of test results
Screening - 1 year
Confirma - 2 years
Drug testing NRL
East Avenue Medical Center
Quality assurance test?
Proficiency test
Who conducts monitoring
•The BHFS/CHD conducts onsite monitoring visit of accredited laboratories
The _____ aim~ to establish an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) solution for efficient and effective accreditation of drug testing laboratories and related facilities, monitoring and quality assurance of drug test operations, integration with rehabilitation centers, sharing and retrieval of relevant information for decision-making and policy formulation of various agencies using drug testing data.
IDTOMIS (integrated drug test operation and management information system
all DTL nationwide shall use the
IDTOMIS (date)
Sep 22, 2008
(T or F) If upon survey, monitoring or verification with the IDTOMIS the drug testing laboratory is found to be violating the herein rules and regulations, the BHFS may preventively suspend the operation of the said laboratory and may order the immediate cessation of its operation. Preventive suspension shall not be more that sixty (60) days.
-1.5 GHz processor
-384 Mb System Memory (RAM)
-16 bit color video card
-20 Gb FREE hard disk space
-CD/DVD drive
-Windows XP operating system (with service pack 2) recommended version for OS
Minimum Reqs:
• keyboard,
• mouse,
• monitor;
• at least 2 usb ports available
Webcam reqs
-min. of 1.3 megapixels
•Fingerprint Biometric Scanning Device reqs
-supported by Megamatcher biometric software
Other information and comm tech client reqs
•Megamatcher Client License
• Inkjet or laser jet printer
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Connection
-min. of 128 Kbps
NRL FOR AO no 2010-0024
•East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC)
National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for Environmental and Occupational Health, Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay.