Drug induces hepatotoxicity Flashcards
Hepatotoxicity and drugs
- induce all forms of acute/chronic liver disease
- not a common adverse drug reaction
- most common reason for drug approval withdrawal
- 50% of acute liver failure in the US
Drugs most frequently implicated with hepatotoxicity
- Acetominophen
- Isoniazide
- Phenytoin
- Valproate
Clinical features of drug related hepatotoxicity
mild asymptomatic changes in serum transaminases and bilrubin → acute hepatitis, prolonged cholestatic disease, cirrhosis, fatty liver, tumors, granulomas, fulminnat hepatic failure which requires liver transplantation
Age as RF for DIH
- increases with age
- HALTHONE hepatitis more likely in pt >60
- ISONIAZIDE hepatotoxicity more likley in pt >60
- more common in <3yrs
Gender as RF for DIH
Genetic RF and DIH
Slow AND fast acetylators may be more succeptible to ISONIAZIDE hepatotoxicity
Enzyme induction as RF for DIH
Alcohol, rifampicin, other drugs →induce CYP450 2E1 →increase hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen, isoniazide, halthone
Diseases that may increase risk of DIH
- RF
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Pre-existing liver disease
Because they affect the way the liver metabolizes durgs
DOSE, CONC, DURATION retalted to what in terms of RF to DIH
Mediators of DIH
- reactive metabolites of drugs
- formed thru phase 1 metabolic reactions
- hepatocytes are exposed to a large conc. of toxic metabolites
- formed by CYP450 enzyme system
- Hepatotoxicity may result gtom covalent ad non covalent interaction of drug/metabolite with target molecules
NON covalent interactions
- inhibition of mitochondrial function
- accumulation of ROS
- lipid peroxidation
- Depletion of reduced glutathione
Covalent interactions
- binding electrophilic rwactive metabolites with celular macromolecules →hepatic necrosis
- NAPQI (a metabolite of acetaminophen)
- binding to proteins →immunogens →imunological reactions →disruption of cell membrane
- HALTHONE hepatotoxicity
Intrinsic hepatotoxicity
- predictable; dose dependent
- occurs in everyone who takes a toxic dose
- includes drugs that cause direct toxic injury
- distinctive patterns, with damage occuring after brief latency of hours to weeks
- Acetaminophen
- Methotrexate
Idiosyncratic hepatotoxicty
- less predictable; dose-independent
- caus hepatic damage in a small number of ppl
- uniquely succeptible people
- Variable pathological pattern of lesions
- Delayed onset of weeks to months
- related to HS or metabolic abnormality
- long incubation period
- lesions are assciated with rash, fever, eosinophilia
Hepatocellular necrosis
- liver destruction
- marked elevation of serum aminotransferases
- preceed increase in serum bilrubin and modest increase in alkaline phosphatase
- Izoniazide
- Acetaminophen