Drowning and Scuba Diving Flashcards
when submerged into water the body naturally holds its breath. eventually the body will overide and force an involuntary breath. what part of the brain stem facilitates this?
medulla oblongata
the larynx spam to try to protect the airway from water entry but it leads to more severe hypoxia
when water gets into the lungs it washes away an important chemical that is critical for keeping the alveoli open
without surfactant there is an increase of surface tension in the alveoli. the alveoli will collapse and can leade to what conditons?
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
what are key factors affecting survial
- duration of immersion
- temperature of water
- age of patient
what is the mammalian dive reflex?
this reflex when submerged in clod icy water slows down the heart rate and redirects blood flow to vital organs, decreases MVO2
under water pressure increases with depth. for every ______ft/ _____m of water depth pressure doubles
33 ft, 10m
boyles law
volume of gass decreases as pressure increases
what is decompression sickness (the bends)
caused by a rapid asent and the formation opf nitrogen bubbles in tissues
how is baro trauma caused due to scuba injuries?
its cause by the changes in pressure affecting air filled spaces like lungs and sinuses
barotrauma - SQUEEZE
air or gas in your sinuses or ears is compressed/ expanded causing pain
synptoms of squeez baro trauma?
- pain
- fullness
- headache
- disorentation
-vertigo nausea - bleeding from nose/ ears
Barotrauma - POP (pulmonary overpressure syndrome
the gas in your lungs expand rapidly inside the lungs during assent if diver holds their breath, causing lung damage
S/S of POPs
- hoarsness
- neck fullness
- dysphagia
- SUB Q emphysema
- gradually increasing substernal chest pain
type 1 decompression sickness symptoms
- blotchy itchy rash
- joint pain of elbos and knees
- fatigue and weakness
decompression sickness type 2 S/S
pulmonary issues like chest pain and difficulty breathing
- potential cardiac issues
- neurological symptoms ; stroke like , confusion, disturbed vison, facial paralysis, dizziness