drinking and smoking quiz Flashcards
cylindrical roll wrapped in paper with shredded or ground tobacco inside
contains nicotine and other cancer causing chemicals
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Impacts of Cigarette Smoking:
The absorption of nicotine into the body, both into the lungs and the skin affects the sweat glands
Body Odor
Impacts of Cigarette Smoking:
Smoking can stain your teeth and put your kn danger of several health issues
Bad breath and tooth decay
Harms the system of the body making it less successful at fighting diseases
Decreases the function of the immune system
Smoking includes ____ of the liver, colon and rectum, lung, mouth, and throat, esophagus, and etc
Develop different types of cancer
Students who engage in smoking are likely to decrease attentiveness, and cognitive, and memory functions
Poor acad performance
Smoking can cause physical symptoms like headaches or breathlessness likewise making people extremely irritable, and anxious or low.
Mental illness
Consuming nicotine through regular cigarettes or vaping results in the discharge of the chemical dopamine within the human brain.
It refers specifically to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
Mainstream smoke
• The smoke that comes out of the lighted end of the cigarette or pipe.
• This can be also called “Secondhand Smoke (SHS)”.
Sidestream smoke
• Smoke left for a protracted time on sofa, beddings, pillow, and other objects.
• This smoke also called residual tobacco smoke (RTS) settles together with dust and might last for months.
Third hand smoke
Because their family and friends are smokers
Peer pressure
Adolescents want to experiment and smoking is often an available opportunity.
Young people are attracted to the image
Media Advertisement
Adolescents see smoking as a way of rebellion.
is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance that humans have been
consuming since ancient times. It comes from plants that undergo fermentation, the process of extracting alcohol from a plant or a fruit.
is used in laboratories
Poisonous and fatal if taken
is also called beverage alcohol which comes from fruits and grains
A drug that suppresses the central nervous system and slows down body function.
A drug which temporarily quickens the central nervous system.
• the amount of alcohol that has entered a person’s bloodstream at a certain duration
Ø also called blood alcohol level (BAL)
Ø measured in percentage
Blood Alcohol Concentration
Serious difficulty controlling the car and focusing on driving
.15% or about 7 beers
• markedly slow reaction time
• difficulty staying in lane and breaking when needed
.10% or about 5 beers
- trouble controlling speed
- difficulty processing information and reasoning
.08% or about 4 beers
- reduced coordination and ability to track moving objects
- difficulty in steering
.05% or about 3 beers
- loss of judgement
- trouble doing two tasks at a time
.02% or about 2 beers
a condition when a person heavily consumes alcohol which results to numerous body damages and malfunctions
Constant drinking often leads to arguments, hurt feelings, and broken trust with the people closest to you.
The strain on your relationship
You may make excuses to avoid going out or stop responding all together. The addiction can take priority, leaving little room for anything or anyone else.
Impacted work or academic performance
Public intoxication and other alcohol related offenses can lead to fines, loss of driving privileges and even jail time.
Legal Issues
Repeated alcohol abuse can severely damage trust and respect in relationships.
Loss of respect and trust
Drinking may lead to neglecting or ignoring your children’s basic needs.
Impact on children
Your kids rely on you to meet their basic needs, keep them safe, and help them grow into responsible adults.
Impact on Parenting
Name 4 resistance skills related to smoking alcohol use
- Be aware of presence of social pressures around you either direct social pressure or indirect social pressure.
- Stay away from pressure
- Say NO
- Ask support from relatives and friends.
One should focus on studies and school-related activities, having positive thoughts and ideas and keeping the and more active
Prioritize on studies
You should try something new and more exciting activities just as engaging in different sports or getting involved in a cause projects
Be active
Choose a circle of friends who can influence you to have a healthy outlook in life
Make a choice
A happy and healthy family raises children to become confident in life and capable in making wise decisions
Spend time with family
Regulating smoking in public places; sales to minors; of tobacco products, and tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship.
Republic Act 9211
(Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003)
It is an act of restructuring the excise tax on alcohol and tobacco.
Republic Act 10351
(Sin Tax Law)
Requires graphic health warnings on 50 percent of each of the principal display areas
Republic Act No. 10643
(The Graphic Health Warnings Law)
Gives law enforcement officials the authority to conduct sobriety and breathe-alcohol tests on drivers.
Republic Act 10586
(Act Penalizing Persons Driving the Influence of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and Similar Substances)
The Department of Education bans smoking to eliminate smokers inside the school campus and lessen the effects of smoking among students and personal through the smoking ban.
School Policies and Guidelines
Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 24 states that: Pollution from Smoking
Republic Act No. 8749
(Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)