Dream (l. 122-156) Flashcards
Ġebæd iċ mē þā tō þan bēame blīðe mōde,
I prayed to the tree with joyous spirit then,
elne myċle, þǣr iċ āna wæs
with great zeal, there where I was alone
mǣte werede.
with little company.
Wæs mōdsefa
My spirit was
āfȳsed on forðweġe; feala ealra ġebād / langunghwīla.
impelled on the way forward; I experienced in all many times of longing.
“impelled”, “urged”
“the way forward”, “forth-way”
Is mē nū līfes hyht
It is now my life’s hopeful joy
þæt iċ þone siġebēam sēċan mōte
that I might seek the tree of victory
āna oftor þonne ealle men, / well weorþian.
alone more often than all men, / to honour it well.
Mē is willa tō ðām
My wish for that is
myċel on mōde, ond mīn mundbyrd is
great in my mind, and my hope for protection is
“hope for protection”
ġeriht tō þǣre rōde.
directed towards the cross.
Nāh iċ rīċra feala
I do not have many powerful
“powerful”, “noble”, “wealthy”
frēonda on foldan, ac hīe forð heonon
friends on earth, but they have gone forth hence
ġewiton of worulde drēamum, sōhton him wuldres Cyning,
departed of worldly joys, sought for themselves the King of glory,
lifiaþ nū on heofenum mid hēahfædere,
living now in heaven with the high father,
“high father”, “patriarch”, “God”
wuniaþ on wuldre, ond iċ wēne mē
dwelling in glory, and I myself hope
“expect”, “believe”, “hope”
daga ġehwylċe hwænne mē Dryhtnes rōd
each day for when the Lord’s cross
þe iċ hēr on eorðan ǣr scēawode
that I beheld before here on earth
“saw”, “beheld”, “examined”
on þysson lǣnan līfe ġefetiġe
will fetch me here from this transitory life
“fetch”, “seize”
ond mē þonne ġebringe þǣr is blis myċel,
and then bring me where there is great bliss,
drēam on heofonum, þǣr is Dryhtnes folc
joy in heaven, where the Lord’s people
ġeseted tō symle, þǣr is singal blis,
are set in feasting, where there is everlasting bliss,
“everlasting”, “perpetual”, “enduring”
ond mē þonne āsette þǣr iċ syþþan mōt
and then set me where I might afterwards
wunian on wuldre, well mid þām hālgum
dwell in glory, well with the saints
“saints” (think hagiography)
drēames brūcan.
to enjoy these joys.
Sī mē Dryhten frēond,
May the Lord be a friend to me,
se ðe hēr on eorþan ǣr þrōwode
he who suffered before here on earth
on þām ġealgtrēowe for guman synnum.
on the gallows-tree for the sins of man.
“gallows tree”
Hē ūs onlȳsde ond ūs līf forġeaf
He liberated us and gave us life
“redeem”, “release”, “liberate”
heofonlicne hām.
in the heavenly home.
Hiht wæs ġenīwad
Hope was renewed
mid blēdum ond mid blisse þām þe þǣr bryne þolodan.
with blessings and with bliss for those who suffered burning there.
Se Sunu wæs sigorfæst on þām sīðfate,
The Son victorious in that journey,
“secure in victory”
mihtiġ ond spēdiġ þā hē mid maniġeo cōm,
mighty and successful when he came with the many,
gāsta weorode, on Godes rīċe,
a company of souls, into God’s kingdom,
Anwealda ælmihtiġ, enġlum tō blisse
the one ruler almighty, to the delight of angels
“one ruler”
ond eallum ðām hālgum þām þe on heofonum ǣr
and all the saints who were in heaven before
wunedon on wuldre þā heora Wealdend cwōm,
who dwelled in glory when he the Ruler came,
ælmihtiġ God, þǣr his ēðel wæs.
almighty God to where his homeland was.