Dr Lucas: Lecture 4-7 Flashcards
Concentric contraction:
- Generating force and length is getting shorter (sarcomere shrinking)
Eccentric contraction + ex (2)
Generating force and length is getting longer
Pulling on muscle so much that it is extending out, controlled release
Ex: Bicep contracting to keep elbow bent, tricep descend arm so bicep is going through eccentric.
Isometric contraction (3)
What + often happens + ex
- Generating force and no length change.
- Often happen when we fix both ends
- carrying the box
Contractions induced in the lab to study muscle function: Isometric
constant + set up + what happens
- Constant length
- In lab you use heavy weight or fixed ends. You fix the two ends of the muscle or hang a heavy weight off the end of the muscle so it cannot shorten.
- tension never exceeds load. The contracting muscle bulges but not as much as during cocentric contraction.
Contractions induced in the lab to study muscle function: Isotonic
- Constant force
- Can only occur in lab setting because force is a vector, has magnitude and direction. So even if we are doing a bicep curl, the weight in my hand is not changing but the force vector relative to my muscle is because my position of my hand is and thats not isotonic.
Whole muscle length tension relationship (3)
2 components/how they contribute + final result
- Sarcomere length-tension relatinship is smooth at corners because we have a whole bunch of sarcomere+myofibril in the whole muscle and they are not totally in sync. (half round shape)
- Theres a stretching/shortening force and like a rubber band, the more you pull (length) the more it pulls back increasing in force. When the muscle length is really short, the rubber band is not pulling back on fingers, hanging loose (no force).
- Overall the whole muscle length tension relationship is the addition of the two components.
Trade off between force and velocity:
- you get this curve shape for a single myofibril, a single fiber or a constant number of fibers
- The right hand side of the x-axis is froom crossbridge cycling so fast that the myosin head and actin dont unbind fast enough (higher prob of finding them) so crossbridge dont detach fast enough.
- Left hand side of x-axis is from the myosin head and actin having an elastic force being bound together and resisting the external force.
Exact shape of length-tension and force-velocity relationships vary across species because of:
- length of filaments (invertebrates only)
- speed of ATPase in the myosin head
- Affinity of tropnin for Ca2+
Shape of the relationship are consistent
Sarcomeres in series boost
Longer myofibril, the ends of the myofibril are going to shorten close to eachother
Long muscle fibres are —-
very fast
Sarcomeres in parallel boost
- Force
- Muscle that produce more force have more myofibril packed in. Calf would have more myofibril packed to make more force
Explain strength training and how it works
- We dont change the number of fibres or the arrangement of fibers. We make each fibre bigger in diameter by adding more myofibrils.
- We have the same number of muscle fibers as the rock but he is stronger because his muscle cells are bigger
—— stretch muscles back to starting length
Opposing muscles
Frog ankle illustrates how tendon/latch mechanism bypass muscle’s force-velocity relationship:
- Mechanism in Frog’s leg that lock the ankle in place. Ankle cannot rotate when muscle shortens so it stretches the tendon at some point.
- Tendon snaps back when latch released (ankle joint released)
- Stored energy released at once, rapid ankle rotation and high force delivered to ground for hoping.
You get high force and velocity at the same time because we used this tendon latch mechanism
Explain the experiment used to describe residual force enhancement
Trial 1: Peak length set up isometric contraction (length doenst change)
Trial 2: Start at a shorter length and halfway thru stretch to peak length. You would expect same force as trial 1 as same length
Real result: rFR= increase in force
Resting length
energy used to do stuff or force applied to move something a distance
The rate energy is used to do work or stuff over time
+ shortening velocity
get shorter faster (concentric)
Negative shortening velocity
Get longer, eccentric
Power-velocity curve
The problem is that a muscle fiber has enough ATP for —- of activity at max power.
There is 3 energy sources for contraction (3):
- 3 sec
- Phosphocreatine-creatine system
- oxidative phosphorylation
- Glycolysis-lactic acid system
Phosphocreatine-creatine system
- Cr-Pi + ADP -> Cr + ATP
- Fast - 4 mol ATP/min
- But Cr-Pi depleted in 5-8 second
Oxidative phosphorylation (4)
inetnsity + percentage + fuel from/time + drawback
- < 70% Max intensity
- Supplied 95% of all long term contraction energy (When at less then 70% of muscle max intensity this will supply ~95% of all long term energy for contraction)
- Muscle glycogen supplies for 5-10 minutes the hours form blood (1/2 fuel is glucose for 2-4 hours then fatty acids)
- Slow to start and slow ATP supply (1mol ATP/min): Can sustain us for very long time but drawback is it takes a while to start up.