Double Boxed Limitations (GoJet SOP) Flashcards
SOP Effective: 05/28/15
Max Taxi and Ramp Weight
Max Takeoff Weight
Max Landing Weight
(CRJ 700)
Max Taxi and Ramp Weight: 75,250 lb.
Max Takeoff Weight: 75,000 lb.
Max Landing Weight: 67,000 lb.
(CRJ 700)
Max Taxi and Ramp Weight
Max Takeoff Weight
Max Landing Weight
(CRJ 900)
Max Taxi and Ramp Weight: 85,000 lb.
Max Takeoff Weight: 84,500 lb.
Max Landing Weight: 75,100 lb.
(CRJ 900)
When must the cowl anti-ice system be ON? (Ground Operations)
When OAT is 10°C or below AND…
- visible moisture is present (fog/rain/snow/sleet/ice crystals)
- surface contaminated (snow/ice/standing water/slush on surface)
When must the cowl anti-ice system be ON? (Flight Operations)
When TAT is 10°C or below (n/a below -40°C) AND…
- in icing conditions
- ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system
When must the wing anti-ice system be ON for takeoff?
OAT is 5°C or below AND
- visible moisture present
- runway is contaminated
Also when type 2 or 4 anti-icing fluid has been applied…
- wing anti-ice ON, if req, just prior to thrust increase for takeoff
When must the wing anti-ice system be ON in flight?
When TAT is 10°C or below (n/a below -40°C) AND…
- ICE is annunciated by the ice detection system
- in icing conditions and the airspeed is less than 230 KIAS
Note: Do not hold in icing conditions with Slats/Flaps extended.
How can you tell if super cooled water droplets (SLD) are forming on the aircraft?
When side windows start icing up. Turn on anti-ice and leave the area. Continued ops in SLD conditions are prohibited.
Can you take off with any frost, ice, snow, or slush adhering to any critical areas (wings, upper fuselage, horizontal stabilizer, control surfaces, and engine inlets)
NO! Don’t be a dumbass!!
Max tailwind component approved for takeoff and landing
10 knots
Can you use the “ENGINE HIGH PWR SCHEDULE” switchlight?
Max ITT during ground start
815°C (ITT must be below 120°C before attempting to ground start engine)
Max oil pressure during ground start
182psi max peak, after 10 minutes 95psi max
Normal takeoff power and max power (two engines) is limited to…
5 minutes
APR power (one engine) is limited to…
10 minutes
Continuous engine ignition must be used during…
- takeoffs and landings on contaminated runways
- flight through moderate or heavier intensity rain
- flight through moderate or heavier intensity turbulence
- flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms
The use of Reduced/FLEX thrust for takeoff is not authorized when…
- wing and/or cowl anti-ice bleeds are in use
- runway is contaminated (*Note: FLEX thrust can be used on wet runway as long as “WET” runway performance is selected on the FMS MCDU (ACARS) PERF WT & BALANCE, CONDITIONS, page 1)
- Warnings or forecasts of windshear or downdrafts exist (including LLWAS advisories)
- antiskid system is inop
- engine cannot achieve full rated thrust
Engine Starter Limits
Engine Start (Ground)
Start 1&2: 90 sec ON, 10 sec OFF
Start 3-5: 90 sec ON, 5 min OFF
Engine Start/Motoring (Flight)
Start 1: 120 sec ON, 10 sec OFF
Start 2-5: 60 sec ON, 5 min OFF
Motoring (Ground)
Start 1: 90 sec ON, 5 min OFF
Start 2-5: 30 sec ON, 5 min OFF
Max fuel imbalance
300 lb. during takeoff
800 lb. all other phases of flight
Takeoff with fuel load in excess of 500 lbs in the center tank is not permitted unless…
each main wing tank is above 4,400 lb.
What are the APU starter limits?
Limited to 3 starts per hour, 2 minute delay between attempts for cooling.
Max mach number during RVSM (CRJ 700)
.83 mach
Max mach number during RVSM (CRJ 900)
.82 mach
Flap limits (CRJ 700/900)
Flaps 1, 8: 230 KIAS
Flaps 20: 220 KIAS
Flaps 30: 185 KIAS
Flaps 45: 170 KIAS
Landing gear limits
Extension/Extended: 220 KIAS
Retraction: 200 KIAS
Turbulence penetration speed
Max 280 KIAS or .75 Mach (whichever is lower)
AFCS minimum altitude limits (CRJ 700)
Takeoff: 600' AGL Non-Precision Approach: 400' AGL Precision Approach... < 3.5° glidepath: 80' AGL 3.5° to 4° (< 4,000' Airport): 120' AGL
AFCS minimum altitude limits (CRJ 900)
Takeoff: 600' AGL Non-Precision Approach: 400' AGL Precision Approach... < 3.5° glidepath: 80' AGL ...One engine inop... < 3.5° glidepath: 110' AGL
Max time for ground ops with DC power…
5 minutes (to protect CRT displays)
Can you use slats/flaps enroute?
NO! What an asshat thing to do.
What is the max altitude one can fly around with Slats/Flaps extended?
15,000’ Max
Max altitude for extending spoilers…
300’ AGL
Min speed for using spoilers…
Approach speed + 10 KIAS
How long can we leave the taxi light on while stationary?
10 minutes… don’t be a douche canoe