Dosimetry/ Radiobiology Flashcards
What is ‘exposure’ in radiation dosimetry?
the ionization created in air
unit for ‘exposure’ in radiation dosimetry
coulomb/ kg
What does KERMA stand for
Kinetic Energy Released per unit MAss
Unit for KERMAs
Joules/ kg
Does KERMA represent the quantity of radiation absorbed by patients?
Symbol for radiation exposure?
Symbol for Air Kerma?
Symbol for Absorbed Dose of radiation?
Unit for Absorbed Dose of radiation?
(Joules/ kg)
Old unit: Rad
Difference between ‘absorbed dose’ of radiation in comparison to air kerma?
radiation deposited rather than energy released
How is the Absorbed Dose of radiation often quoted?
Entrance Skin Dose
Organ dose
Symbol for Equivalent Dose of radiation?
What is the relationship between absorbed dose and equivalent dose
Equivalent dose = Absorbed dose x Radiation Weighting
What is Linear Energy Transfer in Radiation?
How much radiation deposited per unit of distance
Unit for Linear Energy Transfer in radiation
keV/ micron
What is the radiation weighting factor for:
- x-ray/ gamma rays
- beta particles
- Alpha particles
- neutrons
- 1
- 1
- 20
- Variable
Unit or Equivalent dose of radiation (H)
Symbol for Effective Dose of Radiation?
Term to describe different organs having different sensitivity to radiation?
The calculation for Effective dose of radiation?
Effective dose =
SUM of
organ dose x Radiation Weighting x Tissue Weighting
What is Collective Equivalent Dose of radiation?
total impact on all people exposed to that radiation
Unit for Collective Equivalent Dose of radiation?
How much background radiation are humans exposed to naturally?
2-3mSv/ year
What are the main sources of background radiation for humans?
Radionucleides in air (1.2mSV) Internal Radionucleides (0.2mSv) External Gamma (0.3mSv) Cosmic Rays (0.3mSv)
What is the predominant source of radiation from radionuclides in the air?
What two pathways does cellular damage from radiation occur
Direct pathway Indirect pathway (reacts with water causing free radicals)
Is single or double-strand DNA Break Worse?
Double strand is much worse and is difficult to repair
What do deterministic vs stochastic radiation effects mean?
deterministic: minimum threshold beyond which guaranteed to occur, severity worsens with dose
Stochastic: probability increases with dose
Examples of deterministic radiation adverse effects?
Erythema Hair loss (epilation) Cataracts (may actually be stochastic) Radiation poisoning Depression of bone cell formation
How are deterministic radiation effects caused?
Lag time for stochastic radiation effects
- start after 2 year
- peaks about 5-10 years
Other cancers:
- at least 10-year lag
- slowly increases to peak like 40 years later
Are sperm of ova more sensitive to radiation?
sperm as they are in process of maturing still in adults
Where does most information about risks of radiation exposure come from?
Life Span Study (following A-bomb in japan)
Radiation workers
What are the proposed models of radiation risk at low doses?
Linear No Threshold
Linear Quadratic
What is the Linear No Threshold model of radiation risk?
Risk directly proportional to radiation exposure,
no safe dose
What is the Linear Quadratic model of radiation risk?
Lower risk at a low dose then increases at an increasing rate
What is the Homesis model of radiation risk?
Small doses of radiation may be protective, and then risk increases from there
Which is the accepted model of radiation exposure risk?
The Linear Threshold is at present (as it’s the most conservative)
What is the Doubling Dose of radiation?
Radiation dose required to double the number of spontaneous mutations in a given population
What is the radiation risk factor/ mSV in the general population?
About 1 in 20,000 per mSv
What is the relative radiation risk for children vs adults?
about 2-3 times as likely in children
What are some deterministic complications of radiation in pregnancy?
failure to implant
organ malformation
foetal death
mental retardation