westmead physics

This class was created by Brainscape user josh Taverner. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

Basic Physics Concepts
What is the basic unit of energy,
What is the basic unit of electri...,
What is the basic unit of power
35  cards
X-ray generators
What is the purpose of an electri...,
How do electrical transformers work,
What is the first law of transfor...
19  cards
X-ray interactions
What is the photoelectric effect,
What is the name of the electron ...,
What normally happens to an elect...
40  cards
Collimators and Grids
What is the use of wedge filters ...,
Functions of added filtration in ...,
Metric to measure filtration of x...
27  cards
Basic Digital Imaging Concepts
What are voxels,
What is the metric of resolution ...,
What is does 1 lp mm mean in radi...
14  cards
Radiographic Image Acquisition
What does cr stand for in radiology,
Does cr require more or less radi...,
Can you re use cr casettes
11  cards
Purpose of an image intensifier,
How does an image intensifier work,
What are imaging artefacts in ima...
10  cards
Image Quality
What are the 3 constituent part o...,
What things affect the contrast o...,
What are characteristic curves in...
26  cards
What is spin also known as,
What is angular momentum also kno...,
What greek letter is this
26  cards
How many wave cycles are usually ...,
What is the rough speed of us,
What are the advantages disadvant...
30  cards
Are high or low energy beams used...,
Do fatty breast have better or wo...,
What features are you looking for...
11  cards
Is compton scattering or the phot...,
What term describes the average a...,
What symbol is used for linear at...
25  cards
Nuclear Medicine
What are the forces holding an at...,
What is an auger electron,
What happens to excess energy fro...
51  cards
Nuclear Radiochemistry
What are the two basic components...,
Whats required of a radioactive n...,
What is the main element used for...
8  cards
Gamma Camera
0  cards
1  cards
Dosimetry/ Radiobiology
What is exposure in radiation dos...,
Unit for exposure in radiation do...,
What does kerma stand for
42  cards

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westmead physics

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