How much fluid is generally in a intradermal injection?
Less than 0.1ml into the DERMIS
What needle gauge/length do you use for an ID injection?
25-27g, 6.35 to 16mm (1/4 to 5/8in) meedle
What angle should an ID injection be done at?
5-15 degree angle
What are some examples of medications that would be administered subcutaneously?
Anticoagulants: heparin, enoxaparin (low dose heparin), and insulin
Where should you place a SQ injection the abdomen?
At least 2in away from umbilicus
How much fluid is generally in a subcutaneous injection?
What needle gauge/length do you use for an SQ injection?
Varies depending on body weight (amount of subcutaneous tissue) but generally administered with a 24-30g, 12-16mm needle
What angle should an SQ injection be done at?
If the fold is greater than an inch, 90 degrees. If the fold is less than, 45 degrees
What kind of medications are administered intramuscularly?
morphine, cyanocobalamin, hep b, tetanus vaccine
What needle gauge/length do you use for an IM injection?
Highly viscous medications need a larger gauge needle
How much fluid is generally in a intramuscular injection?
(ventral gluteal/vastus lateralis) 1ml for older infants and young children, 2ml for older children/older adults/thin people. If muscles are developed enough it can take 3ml.
Which muscle is a preferred injection site because it isn’t close to any major nerves or blood vessels?
Ventrogluteal muscle (love handles)
What is the preferred injection site for infants?
Vastus lateralis muscle
When can you start using the deltoid muscle for children?
18 months. Only use less than 1ml of solution in deltoid muscle
What is a short peripheral IV catheter?
Is less than 3 inches long and rests in the superficial vein in one of the clients extremities.