Dominant ichthyosis vulgaris Flashcards
prediliction sites
assoc w what disease
■ Characterized by usually mild generalized xerosis with scaling, most pronounced on lower legs; in severe cases large, tessellated scales.
■ Hyperlinear palms and soles.
■ Peri ollicular hyperkeratosis (keratosis pilaris) usually on arms and legs.
■ Frequently associated with atopy.
AGEOFONSET 3to12months.
SEX Equal incidence in males and emales. Autosomal dominant inheritance. INCIDENCE Common (1 in 250).
pThogenesis. what component is reduced
Etiologyunknown.T ereisreducedorabsent laggrin. Epidermis proli erates normally but
keratin is retained with a resultant thickened stratum corneum.
site of prediiliction
what area is spared?
Xerosis (dry skin) with ne, powdery scaling but also larger, rmly adher- ent tacked-down scales in a sh-scale pattern (Figs.4-1and4-2).Di usegeneralinvolve- ment, accentuated on the shins, arms, and back, buttocks, and lateral thighs; axillae and the antecubital and popliteal ossae spared
T e aceisusuallyspared butthecheeksand oreheadmaybeinvolved
DERMATOPATHOLOGY Compact hyperkeratosis; reduced or absent granular layer; small, poorly
ormed keratohyalin granules by electron microscopy, germinative layer f attened
HYDRATIONOFSTRATUMCORNEUM Immersionin abath ollowedbytheapplicationo petrola- tum. Urea-containing creams bind water in the stratum corneum
KERATOLYTICAGENTS Propyleneglycol– glycerin–lactic acid mixtures. Propylene glycol (44 to 60% in water); 6% salicylic acid in propylene glycol and alcohol, used under plasticocclusion(bewareo hypersalicism). α -Hydroxy acids (lactic acid or glycolic acid) control scaling. Urea-containing creams and lotions(2to10%)aree ective. SYSTEMICRETINOIDS Isotretinoin and acitretin are very e ective, but care ul monitoring or toxicityisrequired.Onlyseverecasesmay require intermittent therapy.