Domestic Violence Act 1995 Flashcards
What is the definition of a violence?
DVA 3: Definition of violence; physical, sexual, & psychological abuse - Psychological abuse = (but not limited to) intimidation, harassment, damage to property, threats of abuse
What is the meaning of a domestic relationship?
DVA 4: Meaning of domestic relationship; = a) a spouse or partner, b) a family member, c) ordinarily shares a household with, d) has a close personal relationship with the other person –> in relation to 4(1)(d) does not include employer-employee relationship/employee-employee. Also for 4(1)(d) Court must regard: a) the nature and intensity of the relationship (time spent, place spent, manner spent) and b) duration of relationship
DVA 17: In some cases where the respondant’s associates make serious threats, court may direct that the order apply against associate as well as respondant
What are the standard conditions of a PO relating to weapons?
The respondent must not posses or have under their control any weapon and must not hold a firearms licence.
The respondent must, as soon as practicable but no later than 24hrs and on demand made by police surrender any weapon under/in control/possession and firearms licence.
What must the Police do when seized weapons under a PO?
DVA 25: Police storage and disposal of weapons; if firearms licence suspended then Police must retain and store weapons. If firearms licence revoked, firearms are forfeited and are disposed in accordance with s28 Arms Act 1983
DVA 49(1)(a): Offence to do any act in contravention of a protection order e.g. entering or remaining on property occupied by the protected person
DVA 49(1)(b): Offence to fail to comply with any condition of a protection order e.g. failing to surrender firearms licence
DVA 49A: Offenceto fail to comply with a direction to attend a programme –> POA is 315(2)(b) CA and only if WEEP
DVA 50: Power of arrest; GCTS against 49(1)(a) and 49(1)(b)
What is an occupation order?
DVA 52-55: Occupation order; gives them and their children the right to personally and exclusively occupy the dwelling house
What is a tenancy order?
DVA 56-59: Tenancy order; same as occupation order just for renting
What is an ancillary furniture order?
DVA 62-65: Ancillary furniture order: when applying for occupation/tenancy order gives exclusive possession and use of all or any of the furniture, household appliances and household effects in the dwelling house –> before granting must satisfy; applicant/respondent have lived in dwelling at same time & applicant is or will be living in dwelling when order is made –> temporary order is 3 months, final order lasts 6 months.
What is a furniture order?
DVA 66-70: Furniture order: Same effect as above execpt; furniture orders may be applied when protection order BUT NOT occupation or tenancy order. No furniture order will be granted unless there is a protection order as well.
When a PO has been issued by the Family Court what must the registrar do?
DVA 88: Requires registrar of Family Court to foward copy of protection order without delay to District Commander at the nearest police district headquarters. DC is then required without delay to forward copies to O/C of police station – nearest to where the protected person resides
What are some considerations when deciding to issue a PSO?
PSO 124B: Considerations when deciding to issue PSO; approval from sergant or above, domestic violence, welfare of children if person is issued PSO, previous history, etc.
Do Police require consent to issue a PSO?
PSO 124C: Police do not require consent of the person at risk to issue PSO
Can a PSO be issued against a child?
PSO 124D: A PSO cannot be issued against a child (under 17yrs) (doesn’t include 16yr old married or in de facto relationship)
What must a person immediately do when a PSO has been served?
PSO 124E: person against PSO must immediately surrender firearms and firearms licence. Also must vacate land occupied by person at risk. Also condition must not be in contact/engage with person at risk.
What is the person at risk in terms of a PSO?
PSO 124E(3): person at risk = person named in order, any child residing with that person
How long can you detain a person for in order to issue a PSO?
PSO 124I(1): constable intending to issue PSO may detain person for 2hours. Person can detained at address/police station. REMEMBER RIGHTS
Is it an offence to fail to remain when being detained in order to issue a PSO?
PSO 124I(2): if person fails or refuse to remain where being detained then $500 fine. POA 124I(2)(b). Person can be arrested for failing/refusing to remain even if an PSO isn’t issued.
What happens to parenting orders when a PSO is issued?
PSO 124F: While PSO in affected parenting order is suspended.
When does a PSO start, and what is the max time period?
PSO 124K: PSO starts when served, max period 5days
Who can apply for a PO?
a) a person who is or was in a domestic relationship with another person
b) the representative of a child on the child’s behalf
c) the representative of a person lacking capacity on that person’s behalf
d) a third party on behalf of the victim e.g. police
What the is person whom a PO is against called?
The respondent.
What are the grounds for granting a PO?
1) there was family violence by the respondent or another
2) the order is necessary for the protection of the applicant or the applicant’s child or both
What are the grounds for refusing a PO?
1) perception of applicant/their child of the nature/seriousness of behaviour for application
2) the effect of that behaviour on applicant/child
3) if behaviour seems minor viewed in isolation or apprears unlikely to recur
The notice to the respondent can be either with-notice or without-notice. What does without-notice mean?
respondent is not present or unaware an PO is being made
When does a temp PO become final?
3 months, unless respondent notifies court.
Once a PO becomes final how long does it last for?
Permanent. Can only be revoked by applicant.
What are the bail conditions for arresting someone for breaching their PO?
respondent must not be released on bail during the 24hrs immediately following arrest Bail Act 2000 Section 23
however still required to bring person before court ASAP so court may give bail conditions before 24hrs after arrest is up
If not brought before court within 24hrs then Police bail - Police may impose any condition that considers reasonable necessary to protect (for offences against domestic violence act) victim, however must not interfere with person employment
What is the person whom a PSO is issued against called?
The bound person
What are the four options available to you when you attain a 1D?
K1, Warn, Arrest, PSO
What weapons must a respondent hand over when served with a PO?
any firearm, airgun,
pistol, restricted weapon, ammunition, or explosive, as
those terms are defined in the Arms Act 1983.
What is the purpose of a PSO?
The purpose of the PSO is to protect people at risk